The stadium is absolutely as non-intrusive as it could possibly be...
Indeed, but hugely more intrusive than the field it was built on !!
The stadium is absolutely as non-intrusive as it could possibly be...
Has anyone actually ever even seen a bat at Falmer? Seen plenty of seagulls, but never a bat.
Has anyone actually ever even seen a bat at Falmer? Seen plenty of seagulls, but never a bat.
Isn`t everyone to some degree a nimby?....Happy where they live and don`t want any more building around them .
Obviously Im glad we got Falmer but people need to stop looking at everything from a BHA point of view . Non BHA fans live in Falmer and quite rightly didn’t want a dunking great stadium on their doorstep. I don’t blame them. If you’re not a football fan the stadium doesn’t offer much for anyone else. They have held 2 concerts and a Jehovas Witness beano once a year. Hardly much for non footy fans to get their teeth into.
Yes, I’m glad we got Falmer but I’m not sure I’d want it on my doorstep if I didn’t support BHA.
For those not thinking there are many bats around this study was done in August on Farm just down the road from Falmer.
Subject: bat data
Hi Chris,
I hope all is well.
Over the last month or so I have been analysing the data we gathered during the experiment. Please find below the peak counts of each species we recorded.
Total Common pipistrelle Soprano pipistrelle Serotine Noctule Myotis species Brwon long eared
711,,,,,,,,,,,538,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 255,,,,,,,,,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,4,,
The results are what we would expect. The numbers of passes however do suggest that there is a common/soprano pipistrelle and a serotine bat roost close. Perhaps the woodland. Both the myotis species and brown long eared bats are more woodland specialists need the trees and are likely to more active in the woodland. Using the sonograms we can’t accurately ID the myotis species so we just group them together but likely myotis species are natterer’s, whiskered and perhaps brants.
Kind regards,
I'm not really looking at it from a BHA point of view (although it does have implications for the proposed hotel) but I'm fed up with objections when anything is planned in B&H.
According to the City Plan, we have to build enough to accommodate, I think, 20,000 more people by 2030 (can't be bothered to look up the exact details but it's a significant number) and the universities are struggling to find places for students to live. It makes perfect sense to build an accommodation block near the universities, otherwise the students will take family houses in town (adding to the traffic along Lewes Road).
These people have to go somewhere but whenever a new development is planned, out come the NIMBYs in force.
And Falmer has the worst: the stadium has obviously benefited the city, the planned hotel would have been an asset and we need more houses. Are we going to have this with every development?
Has anyone actually ever even seen a bat at Falmer? Seen plenty of seagulls, but never a bat.
2030 is correct.
13,200 new homes to come, with a population increase of 28,000.
I wouldn't want to live next door to a football stadium.
Indeed, but hugely more intrusive than the field it was built on !!
Absolutely... it's a sports stadium, there is a limit to what can actually happen there but this list doesn't mention the games that have been there for the women and youth sides and the number of private corporate events they host on non-match days.
The stadium is absolutely as non-intrusive as it could possibly be... it neighbours other large buildings (the various uni buildings and the fitness centre) rather than being on a residential street. The public transport links are closer than the nearest houses so almost all local residents don't have thousands walking past the end of their gardens.
What *some* people seem to forget is that the country needs buildings other than homes. We do need office blocks and factories, airports and train stations, recreational and entertainment centres... these have to be close to where people live otherwise we live with ridiculous traffic requirements, long commutes and pollution from thousands of cars ferrying people from their "housing-only" estates to shops and work places and places to eat and socialise.
We can be clever in how these are built and what they look like but we cannot pretend that we don't need them or that somebody has to live next/near them... even f**king Daily Mail readers.