He promised a referendum on a re-negotiated EU charter. There is absolutely no way he will be able to negotiate the changes he wants so you are correct, it won't happen.
Be a proper member and make change then. Signing up but moaning from the periphery won't do anything.
So while we're a "proper member" CMD wants the EU to change - you and I clearly agree he won't get it. Yet you suggest we remain a "proper member" to get things changed

The EU doesn't want to reform itself - in fact it wants to charge head long towards an EU Superstate. Look at the fight CMD had just to keep the budget down but when Greece and Italy tried to reject austerity the EU assisted in removing their governments. So it's one rule for the EU and another for member states.
Let's start with an experimental change to the EU - something very sensible and a change I'm sure almost everyone would agree needs to happen - let's stop this ridiculous movement between Brussels and Strasbourg. Ah, I can hear the screams of "never" from the EU already. If the EU can't even see common sense changes that need to be made ( or want them ) it's hardly going to ever reform to a level to satisfy pro-reformers.
Hence why the idea that you get changes made as a "proper member" is a bizarre one.