mejonaNO12 aka riskit
Well-known member
1 o clock announcement anyone?
Actually I did, but they weren't very good were they....
if you were managing any team that could afford him on FM, vicente was simply a MUST BUY
Has he got a good rating on them?![]()
Blimey! talk about bad timing. The club has just sent me a text. Rushed to open it and all it was about was wishing the Brighton Jobs website a happy first birthday!
Anybody who has a general love for the sport would know who Vicente is, I love Brighton to my core and have for 14 odd years or however long ago it was I was 7 years old, it didn't stop me from playing FIFA, Footie Manager, watching matches on Sky Sports etc, you get to know about the best players in the world, and 7 years ago he was one of those, he was absolutely quality, I remember my mate in freshers less than two years ago in a PES tournament before going out played as Valencia and used Vicente as his striker and battered us with Vicente skills, the boy can play, and I'm stunned that anyone who calls themselves a football fan hasn't heard of him
Blimey! talk about bad timing. The club has just sent me a text. Rushed to open it and all it was about was wishing the Brighton Jobs website a happy first birthday!
3 years back he was amazing infact fifa 09 i think he was in the worlds best team thing !!! i might start a new game of fm later to see how good he is nat the start of last season and value wise lol
I wouldn't recognise him if he passed me in the street!
On fifa I ued to cut in from the right and CURL a BEAUTY into the top corner on MANY occassions.
And for anyone DOUBTING his ability NOW i can confirm that this was on FIFA 11.
This is dreamland.
if it was going to be announced today, surely they would say dont send the pictures to anyone until 2mrw,or maybe Monday. If its true sounds like this could be announced on Monday, I cannot wait that long!
I take this as complete fact.