Uncle Spielberg
Well-known member

Anyone else in the hangover club

That is all.
Boo f***ing hoo
Anyone else in the hangover club, if so what was your consumption , where , when did it start and when did it finish
That is all.
COR! Youve been drinking!
I was in Hove actually, just this morning - and I walked around some geezer who was absolutely bladdered - at 10am! He was grasping for street-sign posts, then over to the wall, then looked like he was headed for a station for dustbins/skips.
Man am I getting f***ed off with these Christmas 'amateurs' going on about how many beers they have had .. Why is it that these sad lonely people who only seem to go out at christmas because they get invited out to work doos have to make such a f***ing meal about having a couple of drinks of a lunch time/evening ..
This is the problem with this time of year, the pubs are filled with once a year drinkers who take an eternity to decide that they'd like a sweet sherry and half a cider. Then they seem surprised when asked to pay for their drinks and take another ten minutes to find the little plastic money sack that they keep their loose change in. After their third drink they invariably projectile vomit over the floor of the toilets and have to be carried out by their mates. Frankly they are a menace to the full time pub goers and should not be allowed out.
This is the problem with this time of year, the pubs are filled with once a year drinkers who take an eternity to decide that they'd like a sweet sherry and half a cider. Then they seem surprised when asked to pay for their drinks and take another ten minutes to find the little plastic money sack that they keep their loose change in. After their third drink they invariably projectile vomit over the floor of the toilets and have to be carried out by their mates. Frankly they are a menace to the full time pub goers and should not be allowed out.
So glad its not just me that feels this way.
What about when theres a group of them and the virgin that goes to the bar (this is even when theyre taking it in turns) orders one drink at a time. Carries it back to the table. Comes back up to the bar. Gets asks if they want anything else. Has to go back to the table to find out what Dave wants (its the same as last time). Comes back to the bar. Orders it and the whole process starts again until all 9 (its never less then 8) have got drinks.
Anyone else in the hangover club, if so what was your consumption , where , when did it start and when did it finish
That is all.
Blimey! Quite a lot of vitriol for a man who just said he had a hangover. There have been many posts on here bragging/comiserating/enquiring about alcohol consumption for as long as I've been on here. Spielberg, don't listen to 'em. Get yourself better!