- Jul 10, 2003
- 28,722
Diplomacy won't do much good, neither would going to war with the USA. Need to t hink out of the box, and without going to war, do something which will immediately negatively affect US Citizens, with massive use of social networking to turn the US against, if not Trump personally, against his policy of invading a foreign sovereign country. Needs to be quick and instant too.
Close all EU and NATO airports to all US airlines overnight, no dilly-dallying, no warning, and ban US citizens travelling to NATO and EU countries- simply don't accept their passports at customs and send them back - and do it it overnight. Make it clear on every social platform that normality will be restored the minute Trump withdraws from Greenland (apart from those US forces which I believe are already there, and have been for years, with the full agreement of Greenland and Denmark).
Somewhat ironic that one of the most anti EU posters on NSC of the last decade, now wants to tell the EU what to do to stop Trump. Maybe you should be campaigning for Britain to "close it's borders" to all US citizens, now that we've regained control and see if that would do it

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