Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
A full fact statement on how much urban building uses up land in Britain, green belt and arable farming land.I’m not misunderstanding the issues, you just don’t agree with my perspective on it. You also fail to understand the changing nature of the job market, the existing reasons for labour shortage or what over population is doing to the planet.
Environmental issue
“People need food to survive, and as the world’s population grows, so too does the demand for food. To meet this demand:
- agricultural development has caused deforestation on a large scale. The shrinking forests are unable to counteract the effects of the increasing carbon emissions, causing temperatures to rise.
- This, in turn, has caused desertification, especially in the already vulnerable Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
- The resulting loss of arable land means less food production, which threatens to leave millions undernourished.
- A related problem is water scarcity, caused by increased salinization and the drying up of rivers, lakes, and streams.”
In the UK - There is NOT ample room for new housing if you care about the environment- I don’t want to live in a Country paved over by single occupancy housing or given over to intensive farming or covered in windfarms to meet the growing energy demands of the global population - I would like our valuable green areas left for leisure and wildlife. The current government has relaxed planning laws and introduced a new category of undeveloped land that can be built on called ‘grey sites’ which is actually prime scrub habitat, home to Nightingales and scarce warblers as well as beetles and other insects - this indicating that already the value of undeveloped land is under threat. We are losing habitat and thus our wildlife at an alarming rate;
“The UK’s wildlife is continuing to decline according to a new landmark study published today. Already classified as one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries, nearly one in six of the more than ten thousand species assessed (16%) are at risk of being lost from Great Britain”.
Landmark report shows UK wildlife’s devastating decline | The Wildlife Trusts
• World-leading study, State of Nature, finds no let-up in the decline of our wildlife, with one in six species at risk of being lost from Great Britain [1]. • State of Nature, the most comprehensive report on UK wildlife, also shows that the species studied have, on average, declined by 19%
Since Brexit, the immigrant workforce has fallen by 1% - ’There are large shortfalls in EU-origin workers in transportation and storage, wholesale and retail, accommodation and food, manufacturing, construction, and administration and support’. Many non-EU immigrants are seeking asylum or economic opportunities directly as a result of the West’s geo-political policies in Africa, Asia and the ME - we need to see asylum and poverty in developing countries in the context of Western proxy wars, Western workforce exploitation and natural resource theft.
There are plenty of potential working age people that come to the UK looking for work from Countries far worse off than people living in the UK - trouble is people don’t want them here. Yet immigrants form a vital part of the workforce but too many people don’t see it like that - they have succumbed to the Great Replacement conspiracy theory yet instead of admitting this, they construct arguments about long queues, shortage of housing, drain on healthcare because the Country is ‘already too crowded’ .
We can’t have it both ways. Either the Country is overpopulated or we allow an immigrant workforce to make up the shortfall in employment in the key areas listed above.
I don’t misunderstand the issue, I just see the problems and therefore the possible solutions from a different perspective than you do.

Has 92% of the country not been built on? - Full Fact
Estimates range between 88% and 99.9%. It also depends on if we include gardens and “green urban” areas.