Well-used member
Bloody Beakerfolk
Bloody Beakerfolk
Esp as well find it heartbreaking what Susan Tully looks like aged 57.
Heartbreaking I tells yer.
I'm cheering myself up by getting fluent in Spanish with Audiobooks.
That's all wasted effort. We're British, and these types should speak our language. If they don't understand us, just shout more loudly at them. It's the only way they learn.
Indeed - those were far simpler times!
Since then I was advised to form a limited company and transfer the site into that in order to provide some protection for myself and my family against bad things happening here which could lead to my home being taken away or something.
The same limited company is also where my freelance earnings go, so it's all a bit more complicated now.
I'll always try and be as transparent as possible with all this stuff. Which reminds me, people still often talk about "not upsetting Google". We've not had Google-supplied ads on here for quite a few years now and, although any ad platform could take a dim view of the content their ads are being shown against, the fear we used to have that Google could pull the plug and NSC would rapidly be losing quite a bit of cash doesn't exist any more.
That's not to say that means we can all go porn crazy and the like. I think a number of the changes we made back then to try and be Google-friendly probably turned out to be good things for the site more generally.
98% of the time I am sure you guys have been spot on with your decision making which isn't bad at all. But since Brexit, which I am sure made it a tougher job some may have just let their judgement slip on who really is a bad person and who is creating debate and viewing things in a different perspective.That’s a risk but it’s his. I’ve been a mod for more than 20 years, most others have plenty of experience too. We make permanent banning decisions by consensus, similar to the way the cabinet makes decisions.
Which bit of this did you not understand?
I guess that's why the vetting process is so 'rigorous'![]()
This has been largely answered by other before me, but there's another connected-ish point which hasn't...
Most of the mods, including me, enjoy using NSC in the same way as everyone else. In fact I think it's the case that everyone that I invited to help moderate NSC, should they wish to do so, was asked because I could see from their usage that they get NSC. They had long history on the site, engaging in all manner of discussions and never taking themselves too seriously. NSC is lucky that beyond the current moderators, I know there are a lot of long-time NSCers who would be similarly capable of acting as a custodian, helping keep things on the straight and narrow.
I digress slightly...
The thing about using NSC in the same way most others do, posting thoughts and engaging in a wide range of discussions, is that occasionally this leads to getting into little spats with other NSCers and, depending on the personalities involved, these can rumble on. And sometimes on and on and on...
Fortunately, each of the current moderating team has sufficient self-awareness to stand aside from a moderating decision if they know they could be biased because of their history with the NSCer involved, and this happens from time to time. It would be easy to take these opportunities to settle a grudge and really stick the boot in, but I can't recall that ever happening.
98% of the time I am sure you guys have been spot on with your decision making which isn't bad at all. But since Brexit, which I am sure made it a tougher job some may have just let their judgement slip on who really is a bad person and who is creating debate and viewing things in a different perspective.
It is respected that you guys are talking about it on here and humanizing yourselves.....well it is from me anyhow.
There we go, right on mod filter whatsoever. The power for you seems to get the better of you time and time again. Control can be done in many ways, your preferred method always appears to be the putting down method.
I hope you are not a teacher.
GB, are you happy to fist bump me![]()
Why do so many people need to have their say, need reassurance or point out that they think the mods favour the left, after what is probably the most succinct, to the point and uncomplicated message in the history of NSC?
Time to close the thread?
Not until the Digestive Biscuit Debate has been resolved...
What's a "mod filter"? Bozza's original sticky said "if you think this applies to you it almost certainly does" and "perhaps given the benefit of the doubt TOO OFTEN" and you come on here complaining that, in fact, you see the moderating as too harsh. I'm pointing out you misunderstood the sticky, and as a mod that's what I should be doing. The words and tone I choose to do so in is my style of writing, simple as that.
And what's this Brexit paranoia? Literally only you and JCFG claiming that and the latter took the sticky so seriously that he contravened it in hours and got himself banned. Brexit has nothing to do with claiming you were owed a free shirt, which you weren't, seeking to wind up "leftys" by saying a large group of people should be branded, threatening an old man with "a slap" and writing a "humorous" guide to stalking. If you do similar to that again you'll get banned again or laughed at again, If you don't, you won't.
That's a no to a fist bump then.
Of course, I have answers to all of the above, some I were misunderstood on probably due to my grammar, and the slap I was wrong which I apologised for and I didn't know how old he is? Just a term I should not have used.
I have had some tough moments over the past 2/3 years and my mood may have been off at times, who hasn't had some tough times we all react differently.
But a huge part of my personality is about fun and humour in general, and one thing I can say with maximum confidence is I would never harm anyone unless they came for me.
Anyway, I hold my hand out, and it's still there, lets kick this into touch for good?
I keep seeing references to NSC mods favouring the left, but not sure why that is the case.
We have one mod who is a proud member of the Conservative party, another who offered £50 to REMF if a suspected incident in London had been caused by a Muslim.
As for myself, I cannot recall advocating voting for any political party, but I have subscriptions for The Times and The Telegraph, write for the Mail and The Times, and have appeared regularly on GB News, as well as working in Wall St and Canary Wharf each year, yet I am too a 'leftie'. If this makes me left leaning, then perhaps it is a reflection on just how far to the right the accusers views have moved.
That's a no to a fist bump then.
Of course, I have answers to all of the above, some I were misunderstood on probably due to my grammar, and the slap I was wrong which I apologised for and I didn't know how old he is? Just a term I should not have used.
I have had some tough moments over the past 2/3 years and my mood may have been off at times, who hasn't had some tough times we all react differently.
But a huge part of my personality is about fun and humour in general, and one thing I can say with maximum confidence is I would never harm anyone unless they came for me.
Anyway, I hold my hand out, and it's still there, lets kick this into touch for good?
I've got into a fair bit of trouble (at work and in my private live) for ill-judged comments, mostly done for comedic effect, or for outrageous rudeness in moments of unguarded annoyance (ahem)
I'm 'neuratypical' and I suspect I am far from alone on NSC. This means that reading people is very hard for me, especially when people are mucking about, particularly if they are being mucking about in an unpredictable way (up to, and including, trolling).
Having taken you off 'ignore' recently, I'd now be happy to shake your hand.
I've got into a fair bit of trouble (at work and in my private live) for ill-judged comments, mostly done for comedic effect, or for outrageous rudeness in moments of unguarded annoyance (ahem) and I've realised that I'm ill-suited to social media if there is minimal curation. Again, I suspect I'm far from alone in this regards.
Fortunately NSC is highly curated so I feel 'safer' and not under attack all the time.
In return for the privilage of being allowed to post I am trying harder to avoid getting into silly spats with people, and be generally nicer and kinder when I disagree with some idiot*. I have no idea how well I'm doing, though, because I wouldn't (because of my 'neuroatypicality').
Stop blowing your own trumpet you helmet.