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Goldstone Rapper

Rediffusion PlayerofYear
Jan 19, 2009
Where do you stand on Boston Pancakes or DVDA?

Probably best to stand in front to deliver a Boston Pancake. Not sure about DVDA as there are so many permutations.


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
I've got no idea what this thread has been about but many of the last 10-20 posts mean it's no longer suitable for the Big Board.

Great work everyone involved.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
It shows a weird moral code when this fella feels the need to shield his child from the fact that two men or two women can be in love just like a man and a woman but sees no problem with showing him violent images of people killing each other.
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Nov 11, 2012
Ok, the word natural is defined "As found in nature". Given that same sex relationships are common in many species, and there is evidence in ancient texts and drawings of same sex relationships going back thousands of years. This is evidence that homosexuality is (a) natural in the sense of being 'as found in nature', and (b) has not caused humanity to die out, despite being a feature of our species throughout all recorded time.

It appears that you are either contradicting yourself, or you don't know what the word natural means.

Okay that one I will give you, maybe I was wrong and was not using the term "natural" correctly. Either way it is something that I do not want my five year old learning about. It is also something I necessarily agree with, then again I do not need to agree with it as it is their lives and not mine.

As for the boston pancake stuff I dont have a clue what you are on about and I am to scared to google it. I saw something on here about two girls one cup and googled that, that makes me apprehensive as I nearly puked.


Nov 11, 2012
It shows a weird moral code when this fella feels the need to shield his child from the fact that two men or two women can be in love just like a man and a woman but sees no problem with showing him violent images of people killing each other.

Oh the doctor is back, WHERE is he seeing violent images of PEOPLE killing each other. Now I am not sure if I have a genius on my hands but he can tell the difference between people as in real actual humans and a computer game.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Oh the doctor is back, WHERE is he seeing violent images of PEOPLE killing each other. Now I am not sure if I have a genius on my hands but he can tell the difference between people as in real actual humans and a computer game.

If he can then yes, you have a genius (or at least a child way ahead of the developmental norm) on your hands. Normal development of a five year old brain is a confusion between fantasy and reality (hence the amazing ability for imaginative play and imaginary friends). Most five year olds 'still cannot always tell the difference between what happened in their head and what happened in reality' (link below).

Is surprises me that although you have been warned by two teachers a psychologist and a host of other people that your actions many be harmful to your child's development it seems to be more important for you to 'win' an argument on the internet that swallow your pride and do a little research into child development and ask your self a few questions. Your pride and arrogance are apparently more important than your boys upbringing.

This may be a resonable starting point (I haven't checked the date because our brains development hasn't changed a great deal over the last few years Although our understanding of it's complexity has come on in leaps and bounds).
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Nov 11, 2012
If he can then yes, you have a genius (or at least a child way ahead of the developmental norm) on your hands. Normal development of a five year old brain is a confusion between fantasy and reality (hence the amazing ability for imaginative play and imaginary friends). Most five year olds 'still cannot always tell the difference between what happened in their head and what happened in reality' (link below).

Is surprises me that although you have been warned by two teachers a psychologist and a host of other people that your actions many be harmful to your child's development it seems to be more important for you to 'win' an argument on the internet that swallow your pride and do a little research into child development and ask your self a few questions. Your pride and arrogance are apparently more important than your boys upbringing.

This may be a resonable starting point (I haven't checked the date because our brains development hasn't changed a great deal over the last few years Although our understanding of it's complexity has come on in leaps and bounds).

There is absolutely no argument whatsoever, the way I raise my children and what I let them do is not up for debate in any way, shape or form. You can give you're opinions but there is no argument, it is my decision.
The only opinion that would really hold any sway is the psychologist as any wum with a degree can go and become a teacher.

I have skim read the link and it appears to be about four year olds.,also it seems to not name the author, I get the impression it is some government department leaflet type thing. Either way I read a section that said that- your four year old does not speak clearly enough to be understood by other people. I gave up at that point, I do not know a four year old whom I cannot understand. My son could hold a full on conversation at about two but I must admit he was far more advanced in his speech than my eldest boy was.
My eldest son is my proof in all honesty. He is a typical twelve year old but is polite and respectful. He gets into the normal scrapes at school but is still polite to teachers and adult, in fact no matter how much he might disagree or is pissed off he is still polite and respectful. He is above average in his learning, specifically English, Maths and Science. So to sum up as I am a bit bored, you can keep your out of date theories that you are plucking at random from the internet. If I had the time or the inclination then I would find papers to refute them but I cannot really be bothered and one thing you cannot deny is that there are theories that contradict everything.

Either way the children in my family are all raised pretty much the same and always have been, apart from an uncle who was very much involved with the Richardsons etc, we have all managed not to shoot a load of people, beat anybody up without any reason or generally act like scum.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
There is absolutely no argument whatsoever, the way I raise my children and what I let them do is not up for debate in any way, shape or form. You can give you're opinions but there is no argument, it is my decision.
The only opinion that would really hold any sway is the psychologist as any wum with a degree can go and become a teacher.

I have skim read the link and it appears to be about four year olds.,also it seems to not name the author, I get the impression it is some government department leaflet type thing. Either way I read a section that said that- your four year old does not speak clearly enough to be understood by other people. I gave up at that point, I do not know a four year old whom I cannot understand. My son could hold a full on conversation at about two but I must admit he was far more advanced in his speech than my eldest boy was.
My eldest son is my proof in all honesty. He is a typical twelve year old but is polite and respectful. He gets into the normal scrapes at school but is still polite to teachers and adult, in fact no matter how much he might disagree or is pissed off he is still polite and respectful. He is above average in his learning, specifically English, Maths and Science. So to sum up as I am a bit bored, you can keep your out of date theories that you are plucking at random from the internet. If I had the time or the inclination then I would find papers to refute them but I cannot really be bothered and one thing you cannot deny is that there are theories that contradict everything.

Either way the children in my family are all raised pretty much the same and always have been, apart from an uncle who was very much involved with the Richardsons etc, we have all managed not to shoot a load of people, beat anybody up without any reason or generally act like scum.

I think you owe it to your boy to make the effort to look into this subject. i would be astounded if you can find any credible information which says it is okay to be playing Call of Duty with a 5 year old. Don't do it to prove me wrong though do it to make sure you are doing the right thing.

If the only opinion you respect is that of a psychologist then find one and speak to them. I am sure if you explain the situation to your kid's school they will be happy enough (make that horrified enough to arrange a meeting with one.

Any way I am done banging my head against this particular brick wall. So I bid you good luck and hope to god that you do some research and speak to someone who knows about this stuff and that you respect enough to consider their opinion.


Nov 11, 2012
I think you owe it to your boy to make the effort to look into this subject. i would be astounded if you can find any credible information which says it is okay to be playing Call of Duty with a 5 year old. Don't do it to prove me wrong though do it to make sure you are doing the right thing.

If the only opinion you respect is that of a psychologist then find one and speak to them. I am sure if you explain the situation to your kid's school they will be happy enough (make that horrified enough to arrange a meeting with one.

Any way I am done banging my head against this particular brick wall. So I bid you good luck and hope to god that you do some research and speak to someone who knows about this stuff and that you respect enough to consider their opinion.

You are a right cocky little ^*£( aint ya lol. I do not need to see a psychologist to gain their opinion, there is more to raising a child than a computer game. The reason I mention them is because you tried to say you was on a par with one when we have since ascertained you have a teaching degree, which is not rocket science.
On my fathers memory I have told his teacher that he plays COD with his older brother at parents evening, that did not stop the headmaster asking me to run for school governor, but I do not have the time to give it what it deserves. You may think that is Bullshite but it happened even though they knew what a terrible man I am letting my son play a war game

Horses Arse

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2004
here and there
You are a right cocky little ^*£( aint ya lol. I do not need to see a psychologist to gain their opinion, there is more to raising a child than a computer game. The reason I mention them is because you tried to say you was on a par with one when we have since ascertained you have a teaching degree, which is not rocket science.
On my fathers memory I have told his teacher that he plays COD with his older brother at parents evening, that did not stop the headmaster asking me to run for school governor, but I do not have the time to give it what it deserves. You may think that is Bullshite but it happened even though they knew what a terrible man I am letting my son play a war game

Croydon schools eh?

Green Cross Code Man

Wunt be druv
Mar 30, 2006
You are a right cocky little ^*£( aint ya lol. I do not need to see a psychologist to gain their opinion, there is more to raising a child than a computer game. The reason I mention them is because you tried to say you was on a par with one when we have since ascertained you have a teaching degree, which is not rocket science.
On my fathers memory I have told his teacher that he plays COD with his older brother at parents evening, that did not stop the headmaster asking me to run for school governor, but I do not have the time to give it what it deserves. You may think that is Bullshite but it happened even though they knew what a terrible man I am letting my son play a war game

Why don't you give up on this thread mate? You've complained that you don't like or respect anyone else's opinion (except a psychologist) and also seem outraged that people are interfering with your own private family matters. I think it would be a little odd if no-one had commented on the issue as without exception, everyone is quite alarmed at the situation with your little lad. This is NOT a Brighton/palace thing but genuine concern as to his welfare. You may well be an excellent parent in all other respects, but you owe it to him to cool it a little and just consider if everyone else may have a point. One other thing, don't get upset at others poking their noses in and giving you advice etc when you post family matters on a public forum.

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
As for the boston pancake stuff I dont have a clue what you are on about and I am to scared to google it. I saw something on here about two girls one cup and googled that, that makes me apprehensive as I nearly puked.

I felt the same when I saw an advert from the Croydon tourist board.

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
You are a right cocky little ^*£( aint ya lol. I do not need to see a psychologist to gain their opinion, there is more to raising a child than a computer game. The reason I mention them is because you tried to say you was on a par with one when we have since ascertained you have a teaching degree, which is not rocket science.
On my fathers memory I have told his teacher that he plays COD with his older brother at parents evening, that did not stop the headmaster asking me to run for school governor, but I do not have the time to give it what it deserves. You may think that is Bullshite but it happened even though they knew what a terrible man I am letting my son play a war game

Out of interest, why do you think the BBFC gave CoD an 18 certificate?


Nov 11, 2012
Why don't you give up on this thread mate? You've complained that you don't like or respect anyone else's opinion (except a psychologist) and also seem outraged that people are interfering with your own private family matters. I think it would be a little odd if no-one had commented on the issue as without exception, everyone is quite alarmed at the situation with your little lad. This is NOT a Brighton/palace thing but genuine concern as to his welfare. You may well be an excellent parent in all other respects, but you owe it to him to cool it a little and just consider if everyone else may have a point. One other thing, don't get upset at others poking their noses in and giving you advice etc when you post family matters on a public forum.

Why do I not give up on this thread? Because every now and again someone will come up with a genuine question or some genuine input such as yourself above.

I have not said I do not respect anyone elses opinion, in fact I respect everyone's opinion until they show themselves to be someone who's opinion I should not really respect, I never meant and not sure I said(it has been a long thread) that I only respect the psychologists opinion. Let me just sum up the thread from my point of view-
Themajor, speaks for itself forget him.
Buzzer, will jump on anything or anyone Palace really, but had a special opportunity to put the boot in here while showing faux concern for my son.
Trigaaar, this moron tries to moralise to me and insulting the way my whole family raise children but then goes onto admit as if it was normal that his five year old girl goes into school and calls other children Scum! and he got pulled up by the teacher. I have never been pulled up by a teacher because of my boy being derogatory to others. his excuse was she heard it at football(she even goes to gaes against us which I will not take my eldest boy to), that is the very reason I do not take my youngest to football as you get to see and hear some right tossers, but that is his choice as a parent, I did not launch into a moral crusade, So once again forget him.
Badfish, the one who jumped all over this and started off this little shitfest. Firstly he starts by having some digs and tries back this up with a research paper. When I question why the same author has since contradicted his own work and that Badfish is getting above his pay grade, he retorts with it is in the middle of his expertise and paygrade, when in fact it is not. He is a teacher, not a doctor. So basically he plucked something from the internet twice without having the foggiest what it actually was. Once again nothing there to convince me.
El Pres, He jumped on me because of the unnatural comment and I admit that was the wrong choice of words, I engaged with him as he was asking questions. He then goes onto mention Boston pancakes and DVDA, I have to admit that curiosity got the better of me and I googled it. Now he moralises to me while talking about stuff like that ??? Not saying he does it but one of them I had genuinely never heard of or even imagined someone would want to do. Oh not to mention he asked would I let him watch hard core pornography, I was under the impression that he was a lecturer and an educated man? I may have been mistaken.

When I asked them if their children had ever watched Indiana Jones etc not one answered, why is that when they had so much to say.
The bit I said about the psychologist is because he did not try to spout things that he then backtracked on and did not try to have little digs mixed in.

That basically sums it up for me
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Nov 11, 2012
Out of interest, why do you think the BBFC gave CoD an 18 certificate?

Because they are saying it is not suitable for under eighteens. I will ask you the same, have any of your children ever watched or played something that has a rating older than their age group.
Also have any of your youngsters ever seen Indian Jones, star wars etc


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Why do I not give up on this thread? Because every now and again someone will come up with a genuine question or some genuine input such as yourself above.

I have not said I do not respect anyone elses opinion, in fact I respect everyone's opinion until they show themselves to be someone who's opinion I should not really respect, I never meant and not sure I said(it has been a long thread) that I only respect the psychologists opinion. Let me just sum up the thread from my point of view-
Themajor, speaks for itself forget him.
Buzzer, will jump on anything or anyone Palace really, but had a special opportunity to put the boot in here while showing faux concern for my son.
Trigaaar, this moron tries to moralise to me and insulting the way my whole family raise children but then goes onto admit as if it was normal that his five year old girl goes into school and calls other children Scum! and he got pulled up by the teacher. I have never been pulled up by a teacher because of my boy being derogatory to others. his excuse was she heard it at football(she even goes to gaes against us which I will not take my eldest boy to), that is the very reason I do not take my youngest to football as you get to see and hear some right tossers, but that is his choice as a parent, I did not launch into a moral crusade, So once again forget him.
Badfish, the one who jumped all over this and started off this little shitfest. Firstly he starts by having some digs and tries back this up with a research paper. When I question why the same author has since contradicted his own work and that Badfish is getting above his pay grade, he retorts with it is in the middle of his expertise and paygrade, when in fact it is not. He is a teacher, not a doctor. So basically he plucked something from the internet twice without having the foggiest what it actually was. Once again nothing there to convince me.
El Pres, He jumped on me because of the unnatural comment and I admit that was the wrong choice of words, I engaged with him as he was asking questions. He then goes onto mention Boston pancakes and DVDA, I have to admit that curiosity got the better of me and I googled it. Now he moralises to me while talking about stuff like that ??? Not saying he does it but one of them I had genuinely never heard of or even imagined someone would want to do. Oh not to mention he asked would I let him watch hard core pornography, I was under the impression that he was a lecturer and an educated man? I may have been mistaken.

When I asked them if their children had ever watched Indiana Jones etc not one answered, why is that when they had so much to say.
The bit I said about the psychologist is because he did not try to spout things that he then backtracked on and did not try to have little digs mixed in.

That basically sums it up for me


Being a teacher involves teaching which involves the brain so I would have though that it would be logical to assume that teachers have an understanding of the brains that they are trying to teach. Specifically this would involve an understanding of the the developmental stage of a child's brain. Seeing as this is who I teach I think that such an understanding would would be part of my paygrade. Without such an understanding I would not have qualified as a teacher and not be in the job. No-where did i claim to have as deep an understanding as a child psychologist this is something you dreamed up in order to score points to try and win an argument.

My children have never watched Indiana Jones because they are unsuitable for young children, they have watched Star Wars but found it quite scary. These are PG films and a world away from an 18 certificate video game.
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