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Who here has watched / downloaded an Iraq beheading video?


Jul 6, 2003
I know people who have and I cant decide if its normal human curiosity or if it somehow validates the crime because it gives them the publicity the scum seek.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised.
NSC Patron
Jul 6, 2003
No. I don't need to actually watch an execution to know it would be horrible. Curiosity is not a good enough reason IMO, you'll be watching snuff movies next.

Man of Harveys

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Brighton, UK
No. Because, by doing so, you're doing just what the executioners want you to do and prolonging the victims' families' torment. Leave well alone would be my advice.


Jul 6, 2003
Seagull Pete said:
Have done, out of curiosity. But I wouldnt advise it. It feeds the terrorist.

Like you said in your original post (before you edited it) some people I know who have watched them have said it has chanbged their view of humanity.


Jul 7, 2003
Is this the same humanity you wish to be admitted into?

I saw a Russian getting his throatcut in Chechnya and a public Stoning in Iran, it doesn't bother me. Give people the oppertunity to be scum and quite a lot will oblige. Its been like that since Cain stoved in Ables head,its just that a lot of people are insulated against it, in the west, with weath, in Cities.

Do you think there would be as many Vegertarians if there was a scarcity of food or money or most work was hard labour? Or people had to kill their food on a daily basis rather than being confronted with it on video in their teens and giving out a grade A pany fart and becoming Veggies?

Its the same kind of thing. Moderism creates insular cosseted ignorant Urban types. Maybe the change was to one of realism.


Jul 6, 2003
looney said:
Is this the same humanity you wish to be admitted into?

I saw a Russian getting his throatcut in Chechnya and a public Stoning in Iran, it doesn't bother me. Give people the oppertunity to be scum and quite a lot will oblige. Its been like that since Cain stoved in Ables head,its just that a lot of people are insulated against it, in the west, with weath, in Cities.

Do you think there would be as many Vegertarians if there was a scarcity of food or money or most work was hard labour? Or people had to kill their food on a daily basis rather than being confronted with it on video in their teens and giving out a grade A pany fart and becoming Veggies?

Its the same kind of thing. Moderism creates insular cosseted ignorant Urban types. Maybe the change was to one of realism.

Yes mostly true its sad to say. However, do you accept it or try to change it? Are we wrong for being 'insular ignorant urban types' or have we seen the light and just have to wait for the third world scum to catch up?


New member
Jul 9, 2003
They shot Mrs Hassan, rather than beheading her. Presumably that is their concession to women.

I could not watch a video of any execution, just don't think I would be able to erase it from the mind once seen.


Jul 7, 2003
Are we wrong for being 'insular ignorant urban types' or have we seen the light and just have to wait for the third world scum to catch up?

I wouldn't say wrong I would say artificial. How many of the generally Urban/leftist beleifs would last if civilisation collapsed?

Would you want to protect foxes if they ate all your chickens and you were starving?

Wealth tends to spread the acceptance of Democracy, people realise they have a lot more to lose if things go tits up and are not prepared to just leave things to the will of God. 3rd worlders quite often have only known the world of Mullahs, poverty, etc because they live it they can deal with it. This isn't the same as saying they accept it but everything else looks alien untill experianced.

Thats my veiw anyway.


Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
GUNTER said:
They shot Mrs Hassan, rather than beheading her. Presumably that is their concession to women.

I could not watch a video of any execution, just don't think I would be able to erase it from the mind once seen.

I haven't watched any of the Iraq ones but I've seen killings in documentaries on countries in civil war and Afghanistan. Not nice. Wouldn't advise it whether curious or not.
Last edited:

Tom Bombadil

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2003
I find it disturbing but I agree with Looneys last post. In the West we think Democracy and individual rights a big deal because we have our basic needs covered.
If you have no shelter or food, freedom of speech or religion are an irrelevance. I think there a theory on this, Maslows hierachy of needs?

Anyway I'm glad the conclusions I draw from this are probably different to Looney. I don't think this proves the moral bankrupcy of liberal society.


Jul 7, 2003
I didn't say it was morally bankrupt, I said it was Artificial. Thats NOT passin judgement on it. Its what is not what should or shouldn't be. I was not saying that Urban/leftist veiws were right or wrong I was just describing the nature of the beast.

If you agree with what I say and you beleive in progress via technology you must also accept that leftist/urban veiws are temporal/fasionable. Not that they will change, but again because they are built on the artifice of a progressing technology/Civilisation they are not timless.

Again this is not a moral judgement but a description.

Tom Bombadil

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2003
looney said:
I didn't say it was morally bankrupt, I said it was Artificial. Thats NOT passin judgement on it. Its what is not what should or shouldn't be. I was not saying that Urban/leftist veiws were right or wrong I was just describing the nature of the beast.

If you agree with what I say and you beleive in progress via technology you must also accept that leftist/urban veiws are temporal/fasionable. Not that they will change, but again because they are built on the artifice of a progressing technology/Civilisation they are not timless.

Again this is not a moral judgement but a description.

I know you weren't passing judgement in that post. I based my statement on views you previously expressed.

No i don't agree that leftist views are temporal. I think you are talking about liberalism rather than socialism here. In my view socialist principles can be applied to all stages of society. Liberalism in the guise of individual freedom is of importance only once certain more basic needs have been met, but once they have it remains important whatever the level of progress of civilisation/ democracy.


Jul 7, 2003
No i don't agree that leftist views are temporal. I think you are talking about liberalism rather than socialism here. In my view socialist principles can be applied to all stages of society.

Socialists dont have principles.

Take Sexual politics
Apply equality to Reproductive rights, if you try to squirm out of it by claiming superior need then apply that to employment vis roles.

See? A hogs breakfast of prejudices. Or put another way. Technology gave women the pill and reproductive rights which Socialist bought into. Now Technology has shifted to give men rights to know Paternety tests which Socialists consitently oppose.

Socialist have cliamed they beleive in the soverignty of reason over the Judeo-christian tradition/principles.

There are other arguements but the sexual politics one is the clearest and Ive yet to fail to nail a Socialist over it.
Or maybe your brand of Socialism differs?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
I watched Eugene Armstrong get beheaded, out of curiosity. For me, the film brought home how extremely evil these insurgents / terrorists are, and the extent to which the Middle East is out of control.

I take the point about how we in the West are, to varying degrees, desensitised to violence in the Middle East, and the Armstrong film certainly brought home to me how scary the situation really is.

Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
No, I wouldn't choose to watch such a tape. Imagining it is bad enough.

However, they do sometimes have a role to play.

In Nicaragua, the US government supported the evil Somoza regime, and probably would have gone on supporting them as Somoza was anti-Communist. But it was the videotaped execution of an American journalist by a Nica government agent which was screened on the news that finally turned popular opinion in the States against support for Somoza.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
West Yorkshire
I haven't personally watched one, but I know a number of people who have, and they've all said it was the most horrendous thing they'd ever seen, it affected them for a long time after, and they wished they'd not seen it.

The idea that it just fuels the kidnappers is an interesting one. Cos the US govt has a website with ALL the beheadings on it, and they're urging people to watch them, exactly so they'll be horrified and will therefore back the US action in Iraq.


Monkey in a seagull suit.
Apr 24, 2004
Way out west
I haven't watched any of them, I understand what has happened and find it totally abhorrent but have no wish to see video footage of it being carried out.

I spoke with a colleague about 10 days ago who had just watched the video of one of the Americans being killed. He described in fairly graphic detail exactly what happened and was clearly distressed by the experience, if anything that put to bed any idle curiousity that I may have had in the matter.

I have met quite a few people who have knowingly killed others in the name of war but none, to the best of my knowledge, who have taken a knife and literally sawn somebody's head off.

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