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Where now for Blair? (For leftie activists only)

Gilliver's Travels

Jul 5, 2003
Brighton Marina Village
Tony Blair will be attracting more criticism than ever before over the Butler Report - his latest, ill-advised wheeze to pull the wool over the eyes of the British public. But the feeling persists that none of the criticism will actually register on Teflon Tone.

One section of the public has especial cause to feel enraged. Blair seems utterly incapable of understanding just why so many people in the Labour Party loathe and utterly detest him. He certainly won’t find out from the mainstream media, so let’s air it here.

Does Blair think that vast numbers of Labour activists all over the UK gave up endless hours of their time campaigning, over so many years of their lives, just to secure the election of a nominally “Labour” prime minister who would:-

1 Debase himself as a pathetic, grovelling poodle of the most ignorant, right wing fundamentalist zealot ever to occupy the White House?

2 Cravenly follow Bush into an illegal and unjustifiable war, in arrogant defiance of all available logic, and against the wishes of his party, two million marchers and the majority of the British public? And then connive in the slaughter of 15,000 Iraqis as a result?

3 Publicly cultivate the nauseating image of sanctimonious God-botherer, all the while hypocritically deceiving his colleagues, the party and the public - even though he’s been advised ‘we don’t do God’ over here?

Forget whether Blair should remain prime minister. What is this man doing in the Labour Party? And how did he ever get to join in the first place?

I'm not a left wing 'activist' although I do describe myself as left wing.

But personally, I will NEVER vote labour again. NEVER. bliar has destroyed all the hope I had after the dark years of the bitch and the labour party have cravenly allowed him to do so.


Somewhat suprisingly, when I told them this in their 'big conversation' I didn't get a reply for some reason.


Jul 7, 2003
(For leftie activists only)

showing your true colours here. Carefully selecting who can comment? Bit like the Iranians who pick and choose who can stand for election.

For better or worse this is a free speach(to an exstent) messageboard, anyone can post or comment grow up and deal with it.

Blair was a tory plant in the early 80's, a bit to successful.:lolol:

On the Left Wing

Oct 9, 2003
He should come out of the closet and join the Tory Party .... as he has always wanted to do


Jul 7, 2003
You seem to forget that its ok to rant in opposition for 18 years but when elected you have to govern for all.

You dont win elections to instigate payback.:nono:

Mr Popkins

New member
Jul 8, 2003
does make me laugh, labourites spent year moaning at tory policy
now their in . they want them out.

its only The tories who will replace them again

cut your moaning!!!;)


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2004
Land of the Chavs
I could not describe myself as a left wing activist so I doubt whether I will get the chance to join in this debate but as an interested observer could someone remind me actually how Tony did get to be leader. Was it after John Smith? Was he elected? Who was his opponent? Was Major Tory leader at the time?

Major was leader, John Smith tragically died whilst climbing a mountain in Scotland. Brown was the only real viable contender and he allegedly agreed to stand aside so bliar could get a clear run.

Smith's death was a great loss to politics :nono:


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2004
Land of the Chavs
It seems odd from an historic perspective that there was no credible left wing alternative but I have to say no obvious names spring to mind, electable or otherwise.

As a Union rep of the old school who gets his kicks seeing spotty faced junior managers fresh out of University squirm under a verbal lashing, I guess that makes me a leftie activist! The thought of getting into bed with Looney turns my stomach, but his assertion that B.Liar is a Tory plant isn't too far from the truth. That glorious night in 1997 when Thatchers evil legacy was brushed aside seems a distant memory now. All we've had is a watered down version of Thatcherism. Seven years wasted! After the lastest whitewash that is the Butler report, B.liar has lost all credibility and must go now! Voting for a Labour party led by Blair at the next election will lead to some serious soul searching for me......


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex
Zeitgeist said:
All we've had is a watered down version of Thatcherism.

Blair and Blunkett have done things and passed laws that no Tory government would ever have dared to do - because they were scared of being called right-wing fascists!!

I feel for you socialists and your predicament - as a life long Tory voter, I am completely bemused too!

Should I vote for Tony and David (just as long as that nasty socialist Gordon Brown doesn't get in power!) and let them carry on doing most of the stuff I am happy with - or waste my vote on the rather washed up excuse for a Tory party we have in opposition at present.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
If it was right for the top 2 in the BBC too resign over something that was claimed that was wrong that they had no direct control over but they were the figure heads for the organisation.

Then its right that Blair should resign.

He won't, ain't got the balls the mans a dispicable lying coward with no convictions of any kind towards anything but himself and his own self preservation.

On the Left Wing

Oct 9, 2003
I believe this country is crying out for a credible Socialist Republican Party - and NOT one grounded in 19th century Marxism!
The Respect Coalition had a lot of good ideas but its base was not broad enough.
If you look north of the Border the SNP has espoused all of the ideals of a real socialist party and is ultimately electable ... just a shame there is no equivalent in England. We could also do with a Tommy Sheridan down here - a charismatic politician with integrity who is even willing to go to prison for his beliefs.
I used to be a political activist, but am now so disillusioned that think I am now just a Nihilist
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2003
The thought of getting into bed with Looney turns my stomach

It would also be more than you could afford zitty.:lolol:

The Irony is the to casualties at the BBC were blairites and party doners, talk about croneyism!

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
looney said:
The thought of getting into bed with Looney turns my stomach

It would also be more than you could afford zitty.:lolol:

I'm sure he has £2.50 in small change knocking about somewhere. That's how much Rusty Lee said you charged her.

readingstockport said:
John Smith tragically died whilst climbing a mountain in Scotland.

Sorry to be a pedant, but I believe he had a heart attack whilst in the bath at his London Flat. As you also say, his death was a tragic loss to The labour party and the country. As was said at the time, maybe one of the greatest Prime Ministers we never had......


Jul 7, 2003
On the Left Wing said:
If you look north of the Border the SNP has espoused all of the ideals of a real socialist party and is ultimately electable ... just a shame there is no equivalent in England.

Nice to have your socialist policies paid for by a different country, ie England and EU money topping up scottish coffers.

The problem is you seem to be labouring under the apprehension that the 80's was some kind of political fluke, a rightwing apperation that can just be reversed given the right gov with the right policies. And Hence the soviet union Collapsed because "it lost the arms race".

There is enough evidence now in that the USSR collapsed because it was falling apart at the seams, that is Why it lost the arms race not because of some nasty rightwing brinkmanship. Hence the political centre has shifted and left a lot of people behind.The same goes for the way Britain was going in the 1970's and the way France is going now.

What Blair and others have done is recognised this and moved on with whats left and some new ideas, some will work some wont that tends to be the tail of all governments.

Keynsianism is gone, its not comming back, neither will trade unions be allowed to hold the country to ransom, no one should.

Its a different world.


Jul 7, 2003
Zeitgeist said:
Sorry to be a pedant, but I believe he had a heart attack whilst in the bath at his London Flat.

I beleive you are correct.
Rusty Lee gets freebies anytime.

On the Left Wing

Oct 9, 2003
The problem is that we now have a world run by the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Foundation, where bankers and big business dictate politics ... hence the Irag situation and the unbelievable hypocrisy over Israel and the like.
Blair is NOT in the pocket of Bush, they are soulmates and are politically at one with Reagan, Thatcher, Joseph and others of the recent capitalist right.
There is no longer any accountability and I believe both New Labour and the Tories feed off the apathy of he electorate.
We are living in a dictatorship of the rich and powerful.
But people will only take so much .... the backlash, when it comes wil be awesome ...

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