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War in Middle East - part XXVVVII


In London village.
And while Puny continues to plough his lonely neo-con furrow the best of Israel protest against the slaughter (from the Gush-Shalom website):

At the same time as Ehud Barak was ordering the army to start the bloody ground offensive against Gaza, some ten thousand protesters from all over Israel marched in Tel-Aviv in a massive demonstration against the war. All four lanes of Ibn Gvirol St., one of the city's main throughfares, were packed full of demonstrators who marched the two kilometres from the Rabin Square to the Cinemateque, chanting and waving banners all the way.
“One does not build an election campaign over the dead bodies of children!” shouted the protesters in Hebrew rhymes. “Orphans and widows are not election propaganda!”, “Olmert, Livni and Barak – war is no game!”’ “All cabinet ministers are war criminals!!” Barak, Barak, don’t worry – we shall meet you in The Hague!”, “Enough, enough – speak with Hamas!”
The written posters were similar. Some of them paraphrased Barak’s election slogans: “Barak is not friendly, he is a murderer!” (The original Barak slogan says: “Barak is not friendly, he is a leader!”) Also: “No to the Election War, 2009!” and “The six-Knesset-seat war!” – an allusion to the polls which showed that in the first days of the war Barak’s Labor Party has gained six prospective seats.
The demonstration took place after a fight with the police, which tried to prevent or at least limit it, arguing that they would not be able to stop right-wing rioters from attacking it. Among other things, the police demanded that the organizers undertake to prevent the hoisting of Palestinian flags. The organizers petitioned the High Court of Justice, which decided that the Palestinian flag is legal and ordered the police to protect the demonstration from rioters,
The demonstration was decided upon by Gush Shalom and 20 other peace organizations, including the Women’s Coalition for Peace, Anarchists Against the Wall, Hadash, the Alternative Information Center and New Profile. Meretz and Peace Now did not participate officially, but many of their members showed up. Some thousand Arab citizens from the north arrived in 20 buses straight from the big demonstration of the Arab public which had taken place in Sakhnin.
The organizers themselves were surprised by the large number of protesters. “A week after the start of Lebanon War II, we succeeded in mobilizing only 1000 demonstrators against it. The fact that today there came 10,000 proves that the opposition to the war is much stronger this time. If Barak goes on with his plans, public opinion may completely turn against the war in a few days.”
The giant Gush Shalom banner said in Hebrew, Arabic and English: “Stop Killing! Stop the Siege! Stop the occupation!” The slogan of the demonstration called for the end of the blockade and an immediate cease-fire.
On the day of the protest, the extreme Right mobilized their forces in order to break up the demonstration by force. The police made a great effort to prevent riots, and the one-mile march from Rabin Square to Cinematheque Square proceeded relatively quietly. However, when the protesters started to disperse, in accordance with the agreement with the police, a large crowd of rightists started to attack them. The police, which till then had been keeping the two camps apart, disappeared from the scene. The rioters then encircled the last of the protesters, harassing them, pushing them about and at a certain point started to besiege the Cinematheque building, where some of the last protesters had found refuge. They tried to break into the building, threatening to “finish off” the protesters, but at the last moment some police arrived and protected the entrance. The rioters stayed around for a long time.

Exactly, you calling me "oh zionist one" in your post above means I beleive in "the development and protection of a Jewish nation in Israel. " and by implication that you dont beleive in that.

So because I have called you a Zionist and I base that statement by reading your posts about the issues in the Middle East at the moment, I must therefore by implication not believe in the development and protection of Israel.

Such logical and lateral thinking Sir!


Jul 7, 2003
So put it another way. If you like I beleive the state of israel should remain(regardless of views of palastinians), which is also the View of the EU, UN, the majority of people in this country and quite a few arab governmants why rference me as a zionist at all unless it was.

1 A slur in line with islamic exstremists.
2. Used as a proxy for jew and therefor anti-semetic.

Which would be lateral thinking.

So put it another way. If you like I beleive the state of israel should remain(regardless of views of palastinians), which is also the View of the EU, UN, the majority of people in this country and quite a few arab governmants why rference me as a zionist at all unless it was.

1 A slur in line with islamic exstremists.
2. Used as a proxy for jew and therefor anti-semetic.

Which would be lateral thinking.


3. Because by reading your posts on the subject of the Middle East I concluded that you are a Zionist. Nothing more, nothing less.

Please Watch

Most computer owners have seen the signs held
by Arab sympathizers in London, but did you know
that a similar demonstration was held on Dec. 30,
2008 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida? Yes, it happened.

Take a moment to watch and listen to this video of
the anti-Israeli demonstration held in downtown
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida a few days ago:
YouTube - Pro-Hamas Demonstration - Fort Lauderdale FL

Hamas in Florida. What is next? When do we say
"Enough ..?"

BTW: At 7:45 min. into the 9 minute video you can
hear the views of the man who made the video. He
said it well. "We have a lot of work to do in 2009."

If it weren't for the United States military,
there'd be NO United States of America.


Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
Please Watch

Most computer owners have seen the signs held
by Arab sympathizers in London, but did you know
that a similar demonstration was held on Dec. 30,
2008 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida? Yes, it happened.

Take a moment to watch and listen to this video of
the anti-Israeli demonstration held in downtown
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida a few days ago:
YouTube - Pro-Hamas Demonstration - Fort Lauderdale FL

Hamas in Florida. What is next? When do we say
"Enough ..?"

BTW: At 7:45 min. into the 9 minute video you can
hear the views of the man who made the video. He
said it well. "We have a lot of work to do in 2009."

If it weren't for the United States military,
there'd be NO United States of America.

Do you trawl the interenet searching for your israeli propoganda? Couldn't really see too much wrong with the demo. Really only seemed to get a bit heated when the Israeli supporters came on the scene. Seen worse at football matches. Oh, and you question about Hamas in Florida. Well not sure they were members of Hamas or just displaced Palestinians. I am sure they are entitled to live there just as are any Jewish members of the community!!!!

brighton bluenose

Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Nicollet & 66th
In a final settlement I beleive Israel would have to be lent on bigtime to make big consessions even to the exstent of a major redrawing of borders in the favour of the Palestinians. But untill that day it is pointless because they are not the bad guys.

And Like charlie chaplin I have never felt the urge or need to deny that I am jewish.

The Israelis are not the bad guys, eh?/

They have stolen a peoples land, murdered and ethnically cleansed the original population, subjugated and harassed the entire Palestinian population for 60 years or more,confined them to two miserable sections of their lands, either massacred or colluded in the massacre of any number of Palestinians, THEN continued to steal even more of those bits of land by building the so called 'peace wall' and illegal settlements in the West Bank, continued to murder and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians and flouted EVERY internatiomal law in the process of all of this, Resolution 242 being the prime example...........and you think ISRAEL ARE NOT THE BAD GUYS????!!!!

So tell me, if Israel are not the bad guys, just why are the Palestinians the bad guys?

Westdene Seagull

aka Cap'n Carl Firecrotch
NSC Patron
Oct 27, 2003
The arse end of Hangleton
Hamas in Florida. What is next? When do we say
"Enough ..?"

And there is the issue - Israel wants to dictate where and how Palestinians and Hamas supporters live. You're showing yourself to be following the racist Israeli line. They've turned Gaza into a prison camp - and if that's offended any Israelis reading as news reports have reported - then TOUGH because you're persecuting a whole race / nation for your own misguided goals.

Man of Harveys

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Brighton, UK
Please Watch

Most computer owners have seen the signs held
by Arab sympathizers in London, but did you know
that a similar demonstration was held on Dec. 30,
2008 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida? Yes, it happened.

Take a moment to watch and listen to this video of
the anti-Israeli demonstration held in downtown
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida a few days ago:
YouTube - Pro-Hamas Demonstration - Fort Lauderdale FL

Hamas in Florida. What is next? When do we say
"Enough ..?"

BTW: At 7:45 min. into the 9 minute video you can
hear the views of the man who made the video. He
said it well. "We have a lot of work to do in 2009."

If it weren't for the United States military,
there'd be NO United States of America.

Erm, isn't this fella just BUBA, or another Buba-like individual, despatched from the same place to infest this place with his tedious propaganda, defending the utterly indefensible?

Rumbled son. Now JOG ON.

brighton bluenose

Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Nicollet & 66th
Please Watch

Most computer owners have seen the signs held
by Arab sympathizers in London, but did you know
that a similar demonstration was held on Dec. 30,
2008 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida? Yes, it happened.

Take a moment to watch and listen to this video of
the anti-Israeli demonstration held in downtown
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida a few days ago:
YouTube - Pro-Hamas Demonstration - Fort Lauderdale FL

Hamas in Florida. What is next? When do we say
"Enough ..?"

BTW: At 7:45 min. into the 9 minute video you can
hear the views of the man who made the video. He
said it well. "We have a lot of work to do in 2009."

If it weren't for the United States military,
there'd be NO United States of America.

The 'Land of the free'??

Obviously that odious little twat Tom Trento seems to think not!

He seems to think a pro-Israel demo is OK but not a pro-Palestinian one!!!

And as for labelling it a 'pro-Hamas' demonstration, well Hamas was not mentioned once and all in all it appeared fairly good-natured! OK tempers got a little frayed towards the end...........a bit like they would do if you had to endure a few hours debating with Fozzie here......!!!

In a final settlement I beleive Israel would have to be lent on bigtime to make big consessions even to the exstent of a major redrawing of borders in the favour of the Palestinians. But untill that day it is pointless because they are not the bad guys.

And Like charlie chaplin I have never felt the urge or need to deny that I am jewish.

My point proven. Thanks, but you have rendered all your time-consuming posts basically just supportive of the "Israel is always right regardless of how they act" nutjob zealot.
Wait, isn't that what you are always accusing Israel's enemies of being?

Yeah, right, whatever. :rolleyes:


Jul 7, 2003
The Israelis are not the bad guys, eh?/

They have stolen a peoples land, murdered and ethnically cleansed the original population, subjugated and harassed the entire Palestinian population for 60 years or more,confined them to two miserable sections of their lands, either massacred or colluded in the massacre of any number of Palestinians, THEN continued to steal even more of those bits of land by building the so called 'peace wall' and illegal settlements in the West Bank, continued to murder and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians and flouted EVERY internatiomal law in the process of all of this, Resolution 242 being the prime example...........and you think ISRAEL ARE NOT THE BAD GUYS????!!!!

So tell me, if Israel are not the bad guys, just why are the Palestinians the bad guys?

They are not the bad guys. Hamas are the Bad guys, so are Hizbollah. Both have Genocide written into their constitutions.

Stolen peoples land? Well yes in reference to settlements on the west bank, as for digging further back it gets hazzy, a bit like Ulster cyprus and Pakistan. Partition because you have 2 peoples who will not live peacablly with one another.

As I said I would be happy to see Israel carved up in a final settlement and a palastinian state created. You on the otherhand seem to be backing groups that advocate a final solution 40's style.


New member
Dec 21, 2008
on a snowman plough
They are not the bad guys. Hamas are the Bad guys, so are Hizbollah. Both have Genocide written into their constitutions.

Stolen peoples land? Well yes in reference to settlements on the west bank, as for digging further back it gets hazzy, a bit like Ulster cyprus and Pakistan. Partition because you have 2 peoples who will not live peacablly with one another.

As I said I would be happy to see Israel carved up in a final settlement and a palastinian state created. You on the otherhand seem to be backing groups that advocate a final solution 40's style.

or the illegall immigrants could refrain from settling and go back to their homelands in europe and beyond and stop laying claim to a land that does not belong to them,using a fairy story in a book as a deed of entitlement to someone elses country.

THERE IS NO GOD,jewish christian or muslim and jews have no right to use a book written 2000 years ago as an excuse for land theft

Lyndhurst 14

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2008
clearly have never been to Israel & have little comprehension about the facts.

I did work in Israel and it gave me something of an insight into the modern Israeli psyche. I can also assure you that the reality of living in Israel was nothing like I had expected. Most working people are familiar with the concepts of co-operation, negotiation and compromise. These seemed completely alien to the Israelis I worked with and was combined with a general arrogance and lack of any common courtesy. This in itself would not matter if it applied to a country not at war with its neighbours - it matters greatly when you realise that the people responsible for ruling the country have these same characteristics.

Visiting the Wailing Wall was an interesting experience. There you could see the Ultra Orthodox Jews - the wonderful end product of generations of in-breeding, indoctrination and intolerance spouting all sorts of mystical gibberish. This spectacle itself was enough to convert any wavering agnostic into a fully fledged atheist. But, what was so scary about these brain-dead morons was when you found out how dangerous they are because of the political power they wield.

Most people do not care about all this religious fanaticism but they do care about land being illegally occupied, innocent people being killed and a situation which is spiraling out of control all of which has been caused because of a belief in some historic myths .

Many Israelis themselves are trying to bring about a secular coalition in government so the country can move forward and try to move away from the notion of “the chosen people” which has caused so much pain.

Raphael Meade

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Please Watch

Most computer owners have seen the signs held
by Arab sympathizers in London, but did you know
that a similar demonstration was held on Dec. 30,
2008 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida? Yes, it happened.

Take a moment to watch and listen to this video of
the anti-Israeli demonstration held in downtown
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida a few days ago:
YouTube - Pro-Hamas Demonstration - Fort Lauderdale FL

Hamas in Florida. What is next? When do we say
"Enough ..?"

are there israelis in florida?
what's the difference.

enough indeed.

edit: and what the f*** is 'arab sympathizers' meant to mean??!!

go f*** yourself buba, please :)


Jul 7, 2003
or the illegall immigrants could refrain from settling and go back to their homelands in europe and beyond and stop laying claim to a land that does not belong to them,using a fairy story in a book as a deed of entitlement to someone elses country.

THERE IS NO GOD,jewish christian or muslim and jews have no right to use a book written 2000 years ago as an excuse for land theft

Would you apply the saME LOGIC TO IMMIGRANTS TO bRITAIN?

The hand has always been populated by ethnic and religous jews, it is the Palastinians who are the continual historic interlopers.

Your knowledge of Middle Eastern History is badly lacking.

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