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Nigel Farage MEP v Russell Brand - Question Time BBC1 22:35 *** Official Match Thread ***

Hastings gull

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2013
Originally Posted by Mellor 3 Ward 4 View Post

I won't be voting UKIP, but I have to agree with that.

On last night's programme, the Labour MP admitted that in Government they had make huge mistakes regarding immigration, and the numbers of Eastern Europeans that they anticipated coming to the UK

Milliband and Cameron have both said it's not wrong to be concerned about immigration.

Yet when Farage says he wants controlled immigration, he gets called a racist.

They all claim to want 'controlled' immigration, however without leaving Europe that's impossible. (Something I personally don't want to happen)

As I say, I won't be voting UKIP, as there are far too many of their policies that I don't agree with, however I think it's wrong to brand their supporters racists. The working class person has seen downward pressure on wages, more competition for jobs, together with an increase in pressure on local services/housing etc., and to say that none of that is caused by mass immigration is IMO wrong.

Goodness me - a post that smacks of common sense. Get it banned, quickly!

Hastings gull

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2013
You should check the spectator link. It actually is in line with what you have said (EU vs Non EU migration).

As for their policy on non EU immigration. No they have not set out their policy.

They simply state

"UKIP recognises the benefits of limited, controlled immigration"

Which we already have for non EU applicants. The level at which it is enforced/monitored etc could be questioned.

Ok many thanks I will check. What they say is surely in line with other parties, and, I would estimate, what most people feel.

Hastings gull

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2013
Thank goodness that real British values of tolerance, open-ness, fairness and compassion still exist in this Country and that true British people like Russell Brand still stand up for those values.

Its also a real shame that so many here have lost the true British values for which my grandfather and father fought world wars for.

Wasn't he the one who had to be told to be quiet and not shout down the two women last night. Wasn't he the one pontificating about the trivia of politics and personalised attacks at the start and then starts calling his adversary names? With the greatest respect to the two gentlemen, I really wonder, looking at Mr Brand, whether they would have thought it was all worth it, if he is the face of British tolerance.


Active member
Sep 12, 2012
Wasn't he the one who had to be told to be quiet and not shout down the two women last night. Wasn't he the one pontificating about the trivia of politics and personalised attacks at the start and then starts calling his adversary names? With the greatest respect to the two gentlemen, I really wonder, looking at Mr Brand, whether they would have thought it was all worth it, if he is the face of British tolerance.

I'm sure they would have done... neither had any time for Enoch Powell and the like. They both supported the British values of tolerance, fairness, compassion and openness. They fought against facism.
Sadly many on here have fallen for the far right wing UKIP values of discrimination and segregation.


Active member
Sep 12, 2012
racist never think they are racist..
homophobes rarely realise they are homophobic..
sexist men rarely understand they are sexist..


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2010
Waitrose. Veg aisles
Not in my book. To me British values are about tolerence, openness and freedom.
UKIP in my mind are not representing British values, they are closet racists.

Those would be the same British values that you are spectacularly failing to demonstrate yourself? Pretty tragic that the irony doesn't seem to register with the more vociferous of UKIP's critics.


Active member
Sep 12, 2012
Those would be the same British values that you are spectacularly failing to demonstrate yourself? Pretty tragic that the irony doesn't seem to register with the more vociferous of UKIP's critics.

you think being British is to be tolerant of intolerant people? er no... thats why we fought a war! Compassionate to racists? Open to facists? Get a grip... Being British means not only upholding those values but being willing to fight for them when we see oppression. Fool.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
Exactly. Some can not handle the fact that Ukip have many black and asian candidates and members, which is why you have to spell it out to certain people that keep asking and banging on about it by stating "asian".

..says the man, who when having a hissy fit over the potential UKIP candidate for the UKIP target seat of Basildon, Natasha Bolter's, alleged affair with the UKIP Gen Sec Bird and rocking the UKIP boat reaction is?

'Just look back at my previous posts, the quotes re text messages sent to Roger Bird from the ex Labour formerly Miss Ahmed'

Not entirely sure why I needed to know her previous political affiliation or that she didnt have an 'English' name, I didnt think it was important, but looks as though I was misled.
I was assured that ex labour and asians joining was a good thing?.... Just top show...thats all


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Yatton, North Somerset
The working class person has seen downward pressure on wages.............................
...... and this is exactly why there is concern amongst many sections of our working communities,..... a 'casual' worker from 'the East' can and will sustain themselves on minimum wage whilst living 3,4,5 or more to a house sharing bills, sending money home, and living here simply to save money they could only dream of in their home country. Those in this country with homes, families and geographical ties, cant support themselves at that level, and they cant up-sticks easily to move where they may get more per hour..... its a sellers market so to speak.


Jul 29, 2014
What made me laugh so much is when Nigel Farage turned to Russel (Don't know his surname) and said his voters are in to night meaning that woman from South Thanet who kept shouting, Racist etc. I couldn't stop laughing when Russel felt insulted and knew what his followers are like :lol:


New member
Oct 22, 2012
..says the man, who when having a hissy fit over the potential UKIP candidate for the UKIP target seat of Basildon, Natasha Bolter's, alleged affair with the UKIP Gen Sec Bird and rocking the UKIP boat reaction is?

'Just look back at my previous posts, the quotes re text messages sent to Roger Bird from the ex Labour formerly Miss Ahmed'

Not entirely sure why I needed to know her previous political affiliation or that she didnt have an 'English' name, I didnt think it was important, but looks as though I was misled.
I was assured that ex labour and asians joining was a good thing?.... Just top show...thats all

I think i have explained this the last two times you have posted the same text. If you want me to copy and paste the same reply, as you seem to constantly do...then i can, but it would just be boring and copying you.
By the way, you stated in a previous post that i had in the past insulted your gf, please supply the posts, because i believe you will not find any....just desperate posting and lies.
Is that your new phrase when people challenge your posts "hissy fit" pathetic.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2010
Waitrose. Veg aisles
you think being British is to be tolerant of intolerant people? er no... thats why we fought a war! Compassionate to racists? Open to facists? Get a grip... Being British means not only upholding those values but being willing to fight for them when we see oppression. Fool.

I think the word tolerant obviously doesn't mean what you think it means. Not surprising given your record on this thread.

Since you enjoy quotes, I will give you one, taken straight from Oxford's English disctionary:

1 [mass noun] The ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with: ‘the tolerance of corruption’ ‘an advocate of religious tolerance’

You're quite right to point it out as a modern British trait. However, selective tolerance is not tolerance at all as it conflicts entirely with the definition. There are things that won't be tolerated; opinions and the voicing of them are most definitely not intolerable. If you view the opposite, then another of the left's favourite words comes into play, ironically to describe people like you; Bigot.

As full of fervour and belief as your slightly incomprehensible rants are, they are ultimately meaningless because fortunately for reasonable people like me, who do not resort to insults as our first reposte, you are not in and will never hold any position of power.

I am now done and look forward to seeing what interesting quote or sharp cutting remark your limited modus operandi will allow you in reponse. I suspect a small barrage of even smaller posts; afterall, quantity, not quality appears to be the choice of the left.

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
Required viewing and high hopes of quality car-crash television (assuming UKIP leader is not delayed en route to the studio by traffic congestion and high levels of immigration)

hand picked audience by the bbc as per usual.. saying that it wouldn't be the same without one.
fair play to the disabled bloke but hope the vile foul mouthed bitch behind him (purple hair) drops dead.
farage was on a hiding for nothing but remained cool under the circumstances, if anything he needed a bit more aimed venom towards that hypocrite Russell brand..


New member
Oct 22, 2012
I'd suggest even less people care about what you think :

> Someone who is so patriotic he moves from Britian
> Someone who doesn't even manage to complete the service agreement he signed with the RAF
> Someone who doesn't even manage to complete the service agreement he signed with the Navy
> Someone who arranges a fight but doesn't turn up
> Someone who is a proven liar

Spot on, might add he could send a glass eye to sleep. Probably not many people to argue with in CZ, as they do not live here and probably worry/debate about what is happening where they reside.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
hand picked audience by the bbc as per usual

The audience has to be hand-picked for Question Time: the BBC is scrupulous about it being balanced. If they just let people apply randomly, then it could be too heavily left or right leaning

There's a bit about audience selection here

I know someone who was in the audience once and he was rigorously quizzed on his affiliations

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