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Lou Reed, Peter Hitchens and the ridiculous Daily Mail.

The Spanish

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
It's amazing that all the Daily Mail haters who post on here say the paper is a rag and yet they quote their left wing views on it because it's the 'thing to do'.. (I'm in the left wing standing up for the working man club).so you do read it then,when you get over this the Left is for the working man attitude and wake up to the real world maybe you would put the country before you say 'what's in it for me'...but I don't count on you changing your views nor would I want le difference...cue left wing backlash...

a) perfect day is not about heroin
b) stating you are a daily mail hater is about the dullest most boring thing ever - ooh did you know they supported the nazis ooh middle england house prices and asylum seekers what spazos read that paper - you only hate it because your mums read it and they are square. groovy.

The Spanish

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
The thing that depresses me the most about the Mail is that there are people who actually buy it and, worse still, actually believe the sputum it puts out.

i have just been out and bought 10 copies on the back of that post.

Seagull on the wing

New member
Sep 22, 2010
a) perfect day is not about heroin
b) stating you are a daily mail hater is about the dullest most boring thing ever - ooh did you know they supported the nazis ooh middle england house prices and asylum seekers what spazos read that paper - you only hate it because your mums read it and they are square. groovy.
You missed the ball my friend.... The part in brackets about the working man club is what I'm quoted from those of a left wing disposition...I'm not a Daily Mail hater at all,I buy the Daily Mail and one and the local paper every day.
My mother and Father were raised on the dogma of Labour is for the working class,after the war finished they voted Labour at the first election. I made my own mind up on politics when I reached 18 in 1947.
Having to get a job as welder/fitter I had to join a Union...when I saw their practices and vote rigging it pushed my views to the right of centre.
As I stated in an earlier post it has the second highest daily circulation of the Daily newspapers,(sometimes the highest) but it's a left cult thing to attack anything they do not agree with,they are entitled to their views but they have to insult their target first by name calling instead of discussing their ideas.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
You missed the ball my friend.... The part in brackets about the working man club is what I'm quoted from those of a left wing disposition...I'm not a Daily Mail hater at all,I buy the Daily Mail and one and the local paper every day.
My mother and Father were raised on the dogma of Labour is for the working class,after the war finished they voted Labour at the first election. I made my own mind up on politics when I reached 18 in 1947.
Having to get a job as welder/fitter I had to join a Union...when I saw their practices and vote rigging it pushed my views to the right of centre.
As I stated in an earlier post it has the second highest daily circulation of the Daily newspapers,(sometimes the highest) but it's a left cult thing to attack anything they do not agree with,they are entitled to their views but they have to insult their target first by name calling instead of discussing their ideas.

My views are left of center and I would suggest that it is foolish to think that either side of politics represent the working man. The Daily Mail is a rag full of hate, bias and down right lies. Unless it has changed an awful lot since my grandma used to read it all the time. It doesn't matter which side of politics you sit on the least you can demand is some journalistic standards.

It is funny that you have decided (as a Daily Mail reader) to attack those that criticise it instead of defending it's journalism and standards (I would like to point out that your last sentence is ironic in this respect).

Perhaps you could share with us some of the positives of the Daily Mail, what is has done for journalism and why you buy it?

Seagull on the wing

New member
Sep 22, 2010
My views are left of center and I would suggest that it is foolish to think that either side of politics represent the working man. The Daily Mail is a rag full of hate, bias and down right lies. Unless it has changed an awful lot since my grandma used to read it all the time. It doesn't matter which side of politics you sit on the least you can demand is some journalistic standards.

It is funny that you have decided (as a Daily Mail reader) to attack those that criticise it instead of defending it's journalism and standards (I would like to point out that your last sentence is ironic in this respect).

Perhaps you could share with us some of the positives of the Daily Mail, what is has done for journalism and why you buy it?
No problem at all,although I have already done so on another thread.
As far as I know it is the only paper that has a correction and apology colunm inside.
Anybody who has been written about is given representation of a right to reply as in the case of Ed Milliband,they gave him a full page to his reply about his father.Milliband himself said that his father was a marxist and his father himself, wrote in his diaries that he hated everything that Britain stood for,so basically they reported the truth but the left immediately call that a slur,double standards seeing how they reacted over Maggies death,nobody had street parties or rejoiced in the streets when Ralph Milliband died.
The inside page is often given to politicians,authors,professors,guest writers from other papers...i.e Guardian,Telegraph many of them known for their left wing views for their voice on the world,does that happen with other papers?
Cannot imagine the Daily Mirror giving David Cameron a chance for a full page reply.
The letter page is open for anyone to give their views doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum your on.
There are pages on different days given to a particular subjects,yesterday was medical matters,doctors advice.
Thursdays are usually Money matters and advice from financial experts.
I'm not a horse racing fan so that part of the sports doesn't interest me. The football reports are reasonable,not the best by any means,like most papers the PL takes most of the colunm inches,so I buy the Football League paper at weekends.
No way do I attack those who criticise the paper,I do defend the paper,but when people attack the paper they do as you have done and said "Hate"...really,where? Just because it does not agree with your view...So here is a hater of the Mail accusing the Mail of hate? Who really is the hater then?
Bias,well it is more to the right than the left but then so are the other papers with their bias,is it right for them to have a bias and not the Mail,you're not being even there.
Lies,OK here you have accused the paper of lying,can you give me one instance of a lie they have printed,like all the journals they embellish a story whilst still the story has underlying truth about it,it's up to you to put your take on the story by cross reference with TV and radio broadcast.
I buy the paper because I like it,now I have explained myself I offer you and any other Daily mail 'hater' the same chance to explain your paper choice (seeing your address I wouldn't know what the papers are like down there now,haven't been there since 1959)
People have come on here and spurted out all sorts of insults at the Mail without first explaining why they think it is wrong and why they buy a different paper and what is it about the their paper they like.
Can you also explain why the Daily Mail has one of the largest circulations.
Whatever side of the political spectrum we are on and we would never probably agree on politics, we do agree with our support for the Albion.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
I know two people that buy the Mail. One is a person that witters on one minute about how great his Polish friends are and the next is using derogatory language about immigrants and actually has joined Ukip. The second is a virtual recluse who is paranoid about the world outside and thinks all people under the age of 25 are knife wielding thugs out for blood. And also uses derogatory names for anyone that is a shade darker than them.

Of course, The Mail doesn't make them think this way initially but it does a good job of reinforcing these thought patterns.

On the odd occasion I have looked through the Mail it seems to contain a mix of questionable immigration stories, usually taken out of context, double page spreads about Downton Abbey and various features about what Gloria Hunniford or Alan Titchmarsh keep in their front rooms (usually a photograph the person that gave them their big break, a music box given to them by LuLu, some kind of award statuette from OK magazine and a much loved pet).

Politics aside, I find it a tedious cross between transparent propaganda and tittle-tattle that I have no desire to buy into.
The reason it has so many readers is because unfortunately there are millions who love this inane flumpf.
And for balance I only buy the Guardian on a Friday now for the music and film review section. The rest of the week I am just bored with politics from any source and the weekend seems filled with expensive houses for sale, restaurant reviews and people telling us how kooky/trendy/successful they are and what they get up to of a weekend, they usually own their own "vintage clothing" shop or are a DJ.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
No problem at all,although I have already done so on another thread.
As far as I know it is the only paper that has a correction and apology colunm inside.
Anybody who has been written about is given representation of a right to reply as in the case of Ed Milliband,they gave him a full page to his reply about his father.Milliband himself said that his father was a marxist and his father himself, wrote in his diaries that he hated everything that Britain stood for,so basically they reported the truth but the left immediately call that a slur,double standards seeing how they reacted over Maggies death,nobody had street parties or rejoiced in the streets when Ralph Milliband died.
The inside page is often given to politicians,authors,professors,guest writers from other papers...i.e Guardian,Telegraph many of them known for their left wing views for their voice on the world,does that happen with other papers?
Cannot imagine the Daily Mirror giving David Cameron a chance for a full page reply.
The letter page is open for anyone to give their views doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum your on.
There are pages on different days given to a particular subjects,yesterday was medical matters,doctors advice.
Thursdays are usually Money matters and advice from financial experts.
I'm not a horse racing fan so that part of the sports doesn't interest me. The football reports are reasonable,not the best by any means,like most papers the PL takes most of the colunm inches,so I buy the Football League paper at weekends.
No way do I attack those who criticise the paper,I do defend the paper,but when people attack the paper they do as you have done and said "Hate"...really,where? Just because it does not agree with your view...So here is a hater of the Mail accusing the Mail of hate? Who really is the hater then?
Bias,well it is more to the right than the left but then so are the other papers with their bias,is it right for them to have a bias and not the Mail,you're not being even there.
Lies,OK here you have accused the paper of lying,can you give me one instance of a lie they have printed,like all the journals they embellish a story whilst still the story has underlying truth about it,it's up to you to put your take on the story by cross reference with TV and radio broadcast.
I buy the paper because I like it,now I have explained myself I offer you and any other Daily mail 'hater' the same chance to explain your paper choice (seeing your address I wouldn't know what the papers are like down there now,haven't been there since 1959)
People have come on here and spurted out all sorts of insults at the Mail without first explaining why they think it is wrong and why they buy a different paper and what is it about the their paper they like.
Can you also explain why the Daily Mail has one of the largest circulations.
Whatever side of the political spectrum we are on and we would never probably agree on politics, we do agree with our support for the Albion.

Fair play to you and I respect you standing up for your choice of newspaper.

Like I say it is a long time since I read the paper, although i di pick up a copy at the airport when I was over in January and it doesn't seem to have changed much. Most of it appeared to having a go at someone (usually a minority group), scaremongering and misinformation. To be honest I put it down and read a book (Stephen Fry if you are interested). This means I am not the best person to comment on the day to day content of the paper and am really basing my opinions on what i remember and what i read online which is usually somebody else being critical of the content of the paper. Maybe it is misrepresented and they have many positive and balanced stories which spread joy and love to the world. I doubt it though.

I am off to bed now but you will find many examples of the despicable journalism of the Daily Mail on NSC.. the thread you are on for one... and on many other websites

Like I said before this is not about right v left this is about poor journalism and a desire to spread fear and hate, a deeply unpleasant agenda. You have called be a Daily Mail hater (again with the name calling), I would not describe myself as such because it is a newspaper and as such doesn't stir such deep emotions.
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Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Fair play to you and I respect you standing up for your choice of newspaper.

Like I say it is a long time since I read the paper, although i di pick up a copy at the airport when I was over in January and it doesn't seem to have changed much. Most of it appeared to having a go at someone (usually a minority group), scaremongering and misinformation. To be honest I put it down and read a book (Stephen Fry if you are interested).

I am off to bed now but you will find many examples of the despicable journalism of the Daily Mail on NSC.. the thread you are on for one... and on many other websites

Like I said before this is not about right v left this is about poor journalism and a desire to spread fear and hate, a deeply unpleasant agenda. You have called be a Daily Mail hater (again with the name calling), I would not describe myself as such because it is a newspaper and as such doesn't stir such deep emotions.

Oh and as for my readership, I usually read the Hearald Sun (Right Wing Murdoch publication) at work and The Age (Fairfax left wing) I also read from various sources on reddit and enjoy a look at The conversation every so often. Although I do flatter myself that I have a level of media literacy that allows me to get a reasonably balanced view.

HH Brighton

Well-known member
Jul 25, 2003
Dispicable man and a dispicable newspaper. I love the way people try to justify reading it by saying its the second biggest selling newspaper, the best selling is The Sun for ****s sake. Anyone trying to justify reading it is just thick or ignorant and probably both.

spring hall convert

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2009
I know two people that buy the Mail. One is a person that witters on one minute about how great his Polish friends are and the next is using derogatory language about immigrants and actually has joined Ukip. The second is a virtual recluse who is paranoid about the world outside and thinks all people under the age of 25 are knife wielding thugs out for blood. And also uses derogatory names for anyone that is a shade darker than them.

Of course, The Mail doesn't make them think this way initially but it does a good job of reinforcing these thought patterns.

On the odd occasion I have looked through the Mail it seems to contain a mix of questionable immigration stories, usually taken out of context, double page spreads about Downton Abbey and various features about what Gloria Hunniford or Alan Titchmarsh keep in their front rooms (usually a photograph the person that gave them their big break, a music box given to them by LuLu, some kind of award statuette from OK magazine and a much loved pet).

Politics aside, I find it a tedious cross between transparent propaganda and tittle-tattle that I have no desire to buy into.
The reason it has so many readers is because unfortunately there are millions who love this inane flumpf.
And for balance I only buy the Guardian on a Friday now for the music and film review section. The rest of the week I am just bored with politics from any source and the weekend seems filled with expensive houses for sale, restaurant reviews and people telling us how kooky/trendy/successful they are and what they get up to of a weekend, they usually own their own "vintage clothing" shop or are a DJ.

If you aren't already you sound like a Private Eye man to me. There's a really good page in this edition about the "war" between The Guardian & Mail that I think might well appeal to your sense of humour. Only £1.50 a fortnight satyrical , mind expanding & funny, with a distinct lack of fluff. Can't ask for much more really.

brighton bluenose

Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Nicollet & 66th
Despite the Daily Mails 'obituary' concentrating largely on the alleged negative aspects of Reeds life they can't help themselves but by filling it with over 30 photos spanning his career - his star will live on and be remembered for years to come whilst a no-mark 'journalist' like Tom Leonard will be forgotten in a nano-second!

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
The Mail is aimed at female readers, has some well known columnists, and pays the best money in Fleet Street.

Mike's Small

New member
Apr 11, 2012
No problem at all,although I have already done so on another thread.
As far as I know it is the only paper that has a correction and apology colunm inside.
Anybody who has been written about is given representation of a right to reply as in the case of Ed Milliband,they gave him a full page to his reply about his father.Milliband himself said that his father was a marxist and his father himself, wrote in his diaries that he hated everything that Britain stood for,so basically they reported the truth but the left immediately call that a slur,double standards seeing how they reacted over Maggies death,nobody had street parties or rejoiced in the streets when Ralph Milliband died.
The inside page is often given to politicians,authors,professors,guest writers from other papers...i.e Guardian,Telegraph many of them known for their left wing views for their voice on the world,does that happen with other papers?
Cannot imagine the Daily Mirror giving David Cameron a chance for a full page reply.
The letter page is open for anyone to give their views doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum your on.
There are pages on different days given to a particular subjects,yesterday was medical matters,doctors advice.
Thursdays are usually Money matters and advice from financial experts.
I'm not a horse racing fan so that part of the sports doesn't interest me. The football reports are reasonable,not the best by any means,like most papers the PL takes most of the colunm inches,so I buy the Football League paper at weekends.
No way do I attack those who criticise the paper,I do defend the paper,but when people attack the paper they do as you have done and said "Hate"...really,where? Just because it does not agree with your view...So here is a hater of the Mail accusing the Mail of hate? Who really is the hater then?
Bias,well it is more to the right than the left but then so are the other papers with their bias,is it right for them to have a bias and not the Mail,you're not being even there.
Lies,OK here you have accused the paper of lying,can you give me one instance of a lie they have printed,like all the journals they embellish a story whilst still the story has underlying truth about it,it's up to you to put your take on the story by cross reference with TV and radio broadcast.
I buy the paper because I like it,now I have explained myself I offer you and any other Daily mail 'hater' the same chance to explain your paper choice (seeing your address I wouldn't know what the papers are like down there now,haven't been there since 1959)
People have come on here and spurted out all sorts of insults at the Mail without first explaining why they think it is wrong and why they buy a different paper and what is it about the their paper they like.
Can you also explain why the Daily Mail has one of the largest circulations.
Whatever side of the political spectrum we are on and we would never probably agree on politics, we do agree with our support for the Albion.

Why do you think it needs a correction/apology section so close to the front of the rag? Must be a lot of corrections and/or apologies to make!

Seagull on the wing

New member
Sep 22, 2010
Why do you think it needs a correction/apology section so close to the front of the rag? Must be a lot of corrections and/or apologies to make!
It's a pity that more newspapers did'nt have apology and correction colunms in them. As it was there was none in there today.Are you honestly saying that other papers do not make printing errors and mistakes ? Again you attack the Mail but still have not come up with a reply about your reading choice...easy to attack a target in sight...please allow me the same privilege to pull your choice of reading matter...or is putting your head up over the trenches too much of a risk...?

Seagull on the wing

New member
Sep 22, 2010
Dispicable man and a dispicable newspaper. I love the way people try to justify reading it by saying its the second biggest selling newspaper, the best selling is The Sun for ****s sake. Anyone trying to justify reading it is just thick or ignorant and probably both.
There you go...first I said it was the SECOND best selling newspaper,noboby mentioned the Sun,only you and you cannot post without being abusive and according to you who knows nothing about me or thousands of other mail readers we are thick or ignorant,are you saying your views are correct and everybody who does not agree with you is wrong.You are completely entitled to your views but it seems to be a left wing thing to to be abusive. Can you not hold a discussion and put your opinion over without name calling,there is such a thing as decorum and manners,you might still be looking for them I don't know,but I would happily discuss the Daily Mail with you if you can resort to sensible open discussion without swear words or calling people thick or ignorant.
For your information I hold a Diploma on Military History and Art I also have a pass at Motor Mechanics and Welding,I do not know everything and nobody on earth does.
Again I have laid out my views and opinions without being abusive,now please do me the favour of laying out your CV,let the world see your intelligence and why everyone else is 'thick' and 'ignorant' or will as usual will it go 'quiet on the Western Front?

Seagull on the wing

New member
Sep 22, 2010
I know two people that buy the Mail. One is a person that witters on one minute about how great his Polish friends are and the next is using derogatory language about immigrants and actually has joined Ukip. The second is a virtual recluse who is paranoid about the world outside and thinks all people under the age of 25 are knife wielding thugs out for blood. And also uses derogatory names for anyone that is a shade darker than them.

Of course, The Mail doesn't make them think this way initially but it does a good job of reinforcing these thought patterns.

On the odd occasion I have looked through the Mail it seems to contain a mix of questionable immigration stories, usually taken out of context, double page spreads about Downton Abbey and various features about what Gloria Hunniford or Alan Titchmarsh keep in their front rooms (usually a photograph the person that gave them their big break, a music box given to them by LuLu, some kind of award statuette from OK magazine and a much loved pet).

Politics aside, I find it a tedious cross between transparent propaganda and tittle-tattle that I have no desire to buy into.
The reason it has so many readers is because unfortunately there are millions who love this inane flumpf.
And for balance I only buy the Guardian on a Friday now for the music and film review section. The rest of the week I am just bored with politics from any source and the weekend seems filled with expensive houses for sale, restaurant reviews and people telling us how kooky/trendy/successful they are and what they get up to of a weekend, they usually own their own "vintage clothing" shop or are a DJ.
So you know two people,who out of thousands buy the Daily Mail and their political views are different from yours...I know quite a few that buy the Sun,Mirror,their views are different from mine. Fair play to you by saying that the Mail does not make them feel this way but you had to put in that Mail reinforces these thought patterns.
Nobody has asked you to buy it,like,it's on the shelf,buy it if you want.
I don't buy the Sunday Mail,(different company) although regarded as a sister paper, so there is no way I can comment what's in the OK magazine,as previously stated my weekend read is the Football League paper.
BTW,there is nothing crimminal about owning a vintage clothes shop or being a DJ.

Seagull on the wing

New member
Sep 22, 2010
Fair play to you and I respect you standing up for your choice of newspaper.

Like I say it is a long time since I read the paper, although i di pick up a copy at the airport when I was over in January and it doesn't seem to have changed much. Most of it appeared to having a go at someone (usually a minority group), scaremongering and misinformation. To be honest I put it down and read a book (Stephen Fry if you are interested). This means I am not the best person to comment on the day to day content of the paper and am really basing my opinions on what i remember and what i read online which is usually somebody else being critical of the content of the paper. Maybe it is misrepresented and they have many positive and balanced stories which spread joy and love to the world. I doubt it though.

I am off to bed now but you will find many examples of the despicable journalism of the Daily Mail on NSC.. the thread you are on for one... and on many other websites

Like I said before this is not about right v left this is about poor journalism and a desire to spread fear and hate, a deeply unpleasant agenda. You have called be a Daily Mail hater (again with the name calling), I would not describe myself as such because it is a newspaper and as such doesn't stir such deep emotions.
Nothing wrong with Stephen Frys books,I have one on audio tape and it is fascinating listening.
Please..I put you down as a Daily Mail hater because of your own words of calling the Mail full of hate,bias,and downright lies,not exactly a love in is it! To be honest it does seem to stir emotions as proved by the post on here.
Agree there are a lot of threads on here about the Mail,again stirring emotions,but not one of them has come up with constructive criticism without being able to be abusive.
As regards to giving the lefts view in a balance,I don't know if you can get it online but I refer you to page 7 in todays edition 30th of October...a left wing feminist has a full page.
Wish you goodnight,are you affected by the fires,I don't know how far they've reached.

life on mars 73

New member
Oct 19, 2010
You have to admit, the Daily Mail's pullout puzzle section is pretty good !

These days, I seldom buy papers to get the news, in fact that's the last place I'd go. It's more about comment and opinion, and the Mail has a number of excellent columnists. You may not like them much (I don't) but writers like Jan Moir and Richard Littlejohn produce very readable, provocative copy. That's what sells papers these days.

Seagull on the wing

New member
Sep 22, 2010
You have to admit, the Daily Mail's pullout puzzle section is pretty good !

These days, I seldom buy papers to get the news, in fact that's the last place I'd go. It's more about comment and opinion, and the Mail has a number of excellent columnists. You may not like them much (I don't) but writers like Jan Moir and Richard Littlejohn produce very readable, provocative copy. That's what sells papers these days.
Well a decent answer without abuse,a very guarded compliment to the paper. You say you think it has excellent columnist but then say you don't like them much...bit confusing...don't be afraid of standing up for your beliefs and the backlash but things are looking up.
Have you noticed that since I have put my defence of the paper on here and made offers to all 'haters' to put their thoughts and lay out their reasons and CVs why we are thick and ignorant it has all gone quiet,maybe they have no answers.Especially young HH, come on let's have all the proof of your accusations.

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