Meade's_Ball said:I had a small nightmare yesterday. Out running, i was. 8.30am. Winter had the sun's hat on and was taunting him with some V-signs and that one where you're thrusting an imaginary willy into your mouth so that it pokes the inside of your cheek. The streets were strewn with conkers. Some excellent-looking cheese-cutters. I'd run for about 25 minutes when i suddenly had a desperate urge to have a big wee AND a dangerously-wet poo. I soldiered on for a while, refusing to fart, until i found a park. My girlfriend had bought me some new Seagulls pants, so there was no way i could have the poo in a bush, use my pants as a wiper and then just throw them up a tree. So, i let out the piss and crept back home with bumcheeks clenched. 20 minutes and no seepage. Epic struggle. Man defeats wet poo. You can imagine the headlines now.
This morning, i did a simple 3-inch twiglet.
Hiney said:Your bowel movements haven't been kind to you recently, have they?
May I suggest an investment in some Tena Lady disposable PANTS. After overcoming initial embarrasment and no small degree of discomfort, these time-saving and discreet garments could save you hours, not to mention helping you to avoid those difficult situations when you are too far from the nearest Convenience.
dwayne said:do shits get worse. As u get older?I seem to go more these days
Thanks in advance
Meade's_Ball said:Man defeats wet poo. You can imagine the headlines now.
El Presidente said:Well, three sinkers and two floaters for me
Are you meant to be a uni lecturer or somthing?El Presidente said:Well, three sinkers and two floaters for me
chicken run said:Are you meant to be a uni lecturer or somthing?
between 6-7am the first ciggie of the day often brings on the contractionsBrightonian74 said:Is there a particular time you have your daily pooh? I usually am like clockwork between 6pm - 7pm.