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How thick are students...


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
Oh God. Someone I know went on the roof. Seems pleased with herself though.

Give her a punch in the twat and tell her to get on with her f***ing course work. This is what happens when you let children take part in adult protests. Stupid fuckers.


Native Creative
Jul 8, 2003
Why don't we look at the employment trends of degrees over the last 15 years. See how many students have actually made decent use of their degrees. We could then weed out the pointless qualifications, or make business sponsor people to take them - if business want these degrees then they will pay. All the students who really should not be a Uni but are there because it's the next logical step in education (and therefore not working) would then be forced to actually face up to the fact that perhaps a degree in lighting and stage management is only going to be valid for a small handful of people and if they want to spend a few years farting about in theatres to get a qualification no-one wants, then they pay for the fucker.

I suggest you go and have a look at this, and watch all of it, and do so with an open mind.

Having a degree isn't soley about making money...

These generalisations of students I find really quite sad. Straight out of the comments section of the Daily Hate Mail.


May 28, 2009
Like pretty much all MP's, I got a free education. In return for that, I expected to pay for the enxt generation to get theirs free, through taxation. I am still happy to.

In the meantime at least the students are getting off their backsides and doing something instead of sitting there and moaning like so many others. The only thing they did wrong was not heading to Labour HQ afterwards.


Jul 7, 2003
In a pile of football shirts
I suggest you go and have a look at this, and watch all of it, and do so with an open mind.

Having a degree isn't soley about making money...

Very, very good, he is pretty much spot on, so long as the peson is adding value to society. I am not sure it needed somone with a degree to go on stage with a balloon in Wandsworth and drag it around making funny noises, I could do that.

Paxton Dazo

Up The Spurs.
Mar 11, 2007
If you want to be educated then you should pay for it!


Best post ever.

I just started to think about EMA, but my blood started boiling, so I best go out..


May 28, 2009
Where has this opinion that people in the past used to get free education come from?

well as i didnt pay for it directly, it seemed pretty free to me. I suppose you could argue we paid for it through taxation, but the same argument would apply to teh NHS and we see that as free.

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
One does wonder whether the University system is working in the long run. There are more students per lecturer than there were in the 80s and the graduate market seems to be flooded.

Should the state pay for excessive levels of undergraduates when the jobs are not there?

I think it is pretty fair that people receive 'free education' for a period of 12+ years as it is.

What is the breakdown of the proposed fees? Are the poorest being priced out or is there assistance to those that need it.

I know my Uni was reliant on mature and foreign students who pay more as it is.

I've not heard a single coherent argument from students as to how their eduction should be funded.

All I hear is 'dummy out the pram' comments about how it used to be free years ago.

Well things have changed.

Firstly the country is nearly bankrupt. Secondly, in the 'good old days' only about 5% of people went to University and it was viewed as a privilege not a right. Today that figure is about 20%. From what I can see not too many of them go short of money for drink.

Are any of us in a position to offer a logical solution to cuts/increases in fees? The general public are not in a position with the facts/figures in front of us.
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New member
Jul 7, 2003
People should pay to go to Uni. Why should the tax payer have to foot the bill? most students spend their money on drink and drugs anyway. If female students need extra money they can become strippers or prostitutes to raise the extra cash.

Think you've slightly overstepped the mark there, does it mean that if your taxi breaks down you'll sell your arse to make ends meet ?


Native Creative
Jul 8, 2003
If you want to be educated then you should pay for it!


Best post ever.

I just started to think about EMA, but my blood started boiling, so I best go out..

Not sure anyone would disagree, it's a question of how your should pay and how much. That is what we are disgussing here, not that it should be totally state funded, but by all means miss the point...


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
I suggest you go and have a look at this, and watch all of it, and do so with an open mind.

Having a degree isn't soley about making money...

These generalisations of students I find really quite sad. Straight out of the comments section of the Daily Hate Mail.

So we can't have comedians without them going to Further/Higher Education? Jesus, what happened to going to College or Uni to get something which actually helps you pay the bills, gets a trade. If you are funny, you do not need the Uni to make your career - in fact, if you are making your name as a comedian, then chances are you are not making the most of the degree you are supposed to be studying for! You do not need a qualification to be of value to society. For some reason, people have got it into their heads that they have a right to study at Uni - they don't. If they have a skill that should be developed in an area which is of value, then fair enough. Other than that - get a job and develop your skills in relation to that.

"Ancient Norse Literature has no intrinsic value" - no f***ing shit. A whole Uni course based on a skill which only applies to 5 people - and 4 of them live in Norway! If it's got value, then employers pay for it. Making a tenuous link to "Lord of the Rings" is a pathetic argument. That's like saying we need a degree in speaking languages that occur in Star Trek so we can make it authentic.

And dragging a balloon around stage and making "funny" noises has intrinsic value - bollocks. Complete and utter bollocks. If it had any value at all then entire classes of 5 year olds would be qualifying for Uni based on their ability to walk in circles and occasionally fart.

Wake up, wash once in a while, act your ages and realise that the world does not owe you an education in something that will not get you a job.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
So we can't have comedians without them going to Further/Higher Education? Jesus, what happened to going to College or Uni to get something which actually helps you pay the bills, gets a trade. If you are funny, you do not need the Uni to make your career - in fact, if you are making your name as a comedian, then chances are you are not making the most of the degree you are supposed to be studying for! You do not need a qualification to be of value to society. For some reason, people have got it into their heads that they have a right to study at Uni - they don't. If they have a skill that should be developed in an area which is of value, then fair enough. Other than that - get a job and develop your skills in relation to that.

"Ancient Norse Literature has no intrinsic value" - no f***ing shit. A whole Uni course based on a skill which only applies to 5 people - and 4 of them live in Norway! If it's got value, then employers pay for it. Making a tenuous link to "Lord of the Rings" is a pathetic argument. That's like saying we need a degree in speaking languages that occur in Star Trek so we can make it authentic.

And dragging a balloon around stage and making "funny" noises has intrinsic value - bollocks. Complete and utter bollocks. If it had any value at all then entire classes of 5 year olds would be qualifying for Uni based on their ability to walk in circles and occasionally fart.

Wake up, wash once in a while, act your ages and realise that the world does not owe you an education in something that will not get you a job.

Can't argue with that :thumbsup:

Paxton Dazo

Up The Spurs.
Mar 11, 2007
Not sure anyone would disagree, it's a question of how your should pay and how much. That is what we are disgussing here, not that it should be totally state funded, but by all means miss the point...

I shall let you off then.

Carry on.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2009
OKAY. I've just got back. I was outside the Millbank. Not even then was everyone violent there. My friend got knocked out and was held inside the Millbank foyer with the police so we pushed our way in to get to her (There was a grand total of 3 students from my 200 strong college :down:).

A large amount of those who were outside being violent were sixthform students with help from uni students. Its not fair that Uni fee's will rise for those who don't have a choice who they'd vote for. We're angry and we're not taking an older generations mistakes on our sholders. Those making Uni more expencive didn't pay to go. Its an absolute f***ing joke. I'm proud to say i pushed my way inside the tory HQ, intimidated tory party workers, and was there. For one thing you can't call us apatheitc.

We care and we are frustrated and we're showing if you push us, sooner or later we'll push back, and boy did we push back.

Yes, the violence will undermine some of the actions and statements we made today. The Millbank siege started out peacefully. we stood outside chanting anit-tory messages. The police were SO OVERLY heavy handed at times. I'm standing with my friend who got knocked out, its me, a very small 16 year old girl and our friend, trying to get out and some riot police officer decides to grab me by the neck and drag us away and punched my friend (not the knocked out one) in the arm. We even said "we're leaving, we're leaving" and he still pushed and punched. Twat. :waitstobetolditwasneededsmilie:

like i say i'm proud for doing something for once instead of moaning and griping without moving.


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
When was that ever suggested by anyone on the planet, ever? Although I might point out that many of the most revered comedians are very highly educated indeed.

I stopped reading here I'm afraid.

He says it at the start of the clip you told me to watch! f***ing hell, no attention span there then...first 20 seconds...try again, cock-splat.


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
OKAY. I've just got back. I was outside the Millbank. Not even then was everyone violent there. My friend got knocked out and was held inside the Millbank foyer with the police so we pushed our way in to get to her (There was a grand total of 3 students from my 200 strong college :down:).

A large amount of those who were outside being violent were sixthform students with help from uni students. Its not fair that Uni fee's will rise for those who don't have a choice who they'd vote for. We're angry and we're not taking an older generations mistakes on our sholders. Those making Uni more expencive didn't pay to go. Its an absolute f***ing joke. I'm proud to say i pushed my way inside the tory HQ, intimidated tory party workers, and was there. For one thing you can't call us apatheitc.

We care and we are frustrated and we're showing if you push us, sooner or later we'll push back, and boy did we push back.

Yes, the violence will undermine some of the actions and statements we made today. The Millbank siege started out peacefully. we stood outside chanting anit-tory messages. The police were SO OVERLY heavy handed at times. I'm standing with my friend who got knocked out, its me, a very small 16 year old girl and our friend, trying to get out and some riot police officer decides to grab me by the neck and drag us away and punched my friend (not the knocked out one) in the arm. We even said "we're leaving, we're leaving" and he still pushed and punched. Twat. :waitstobetolditwasneededsmilie:

like i say i'm proud for doing something for once instead of moaning and griping without moving.

You are proud you intimidated people, yet you moan about the police intimidating you? f***ing idiot. Go and get a job for f***'s sake and learn how to take part in society instead of being a worthy student protester. The "siege" started peacefully did it? Anti-tory messages - I am surprised you can string a sentence together let alone chant a message - especially at those you are so proud to have intimidated. I hope your mate gets f***ing brain damage - that's what happens when you want to intimidate others and whine like a bitch when it comes back to bite you.

And sort your f***ing spelling out, you unemployable twat.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
The bottom line is that the country is heavily in debt and everybody will have to tighten their proverbial belts but these 'students' don't seem to understand this poor little darlings.

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