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Good news and bad news.

DJ Leon

New member
Aug 30, 2003
London Irish said:
Splendid - enjoy reliving your little fantasies of a lost time when the pink hue of the British Empire coloured half the globe ;)

Come on LI, explain how you can enthusiastically suggest that just because a group of British Citizen's are in a minority that their citizenship can be torn away from them.

I just want to know how this treatment of minorities fits into your politics.

DJ Leon said:
Come on LI, explain how you can enthusiastically suggest that just because a group of British Citizen's are in a minority that their citizenship can be torn away from them.

I just want to know how this treatment of minorities fits into your politics.

We could have saved the lives of 1,500 dead serviceman.

We could have airlifted every single one of these "British citizens" to remote barren farms in Scotland and Wales (if that's the lifestyle and citizenship they wanted). We could have given them all a million pounds each to sweeten the deal.

And we would still have spent less as British taxpayers on this monumental exercise in post-imperial folly.

This entire thing is an embarrassment to our modern history and the rest of the world has been laughing at us for the past 25 years :wave:

DJ Leon

New member
Aug 30, 2003
I'll ask again:

I want to know how this treatment of minorities fits into your politics.

All you've done here is suggest they could have kept their citizenship if we'd have ripped them away from their home. Nice.

I was under the impression that you would believe that people's rights don't have a price. Seems I was wrong.

seagullion said:
i really dont know where to start on this one.....the argies AND us both had leaders of a failing economy. they invaded to gain popularity amongst their people, and, although we new it was going to happen did nothing to re-inforce the guard down there to stop it. thatcher let it happen so she could re-claim the islands and boost HER popularity. in short, a lot of people died for political gain. i was then and still am now anti thatcher...............and before anyone jumps on my back i was down there (along with a few others from this board it would appear) i came very close to losing my life on 2 occasions and unfortunately left 3 of my closest friends down there that id joined the royal marines with 6 years previously

A question often asked by a civillian such as me. If you know the cause is do you risk your life for such a cause?


DJ Leon said:
I'll ask again:

I want to know how this treatment of minorities fits into your politics.

All you've done here is suggest they could have kept their citizenship if we'd have ripped them away from their home. Nice.

I was under the impression that you would believe that people's rights don't have a price. Seems I was wrong.

People do get moved away from their homes - in fact all of the time, nearly every major infrastucture project in an urban area in the Uk has and will result in homes being destroyed for the "greater good"

The M11 through Leyton forced a whole street 100 households plus to move, I am presently working on moving 300 businesses out of the Olympic Zone, 300 people are also going plus several families of travellers.
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DJ Leon said:
I'll ask again:

I want to know how this treatment of minorities fits into your politics.

All you've done here is suggest they could have kept their citizenship if we'd have ripped them away from their home. Nice.

I was under the impression that you would believe that people's rights don't have a price. Seems I was wrong.

Well, and I'll ask you again, what price to you put on the lives of 1,500 dead serviceman? No value, it seems. You debate contested national rights but are seemingly indifferent to very real suffering and bereavement that occurs in war.

I've already answered your question many times. The rights of the islanders depend on the resolution of the territorial dispute between Britain and Argentina. If Britain's claim to the Falklands is not justified, and I don't believe it is either geographically, strategically, historically or any measure you care to use, then this tiny settlement of people has no rights to demand that we, the British taxpayer, spend billions of pounds subsidising their anachronistic existence in a glorified military base.

It's ironic that this thread has also discussed the fate of many thousands upon thousands of British miners thrown into misery by the same Tory government at the conclusion of this pathetic imperial adventure. How much of that revenues spent on that ridiculous war would have kept Britain's mining communities alive?

Ah, but of course there would have been no xenophobia and jingosim stirred up in the British public by protecting those far larger communities in the real Britain - and no way for Thatcher to save her rotten political career, which is of course what the entire thing was really all about.
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Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
Imo the worst Tory Leader we have had is Ted Heath, far worse than Maggie Thatcher (just to throw another perception into the ring)

I really felt sorry for Jim Callaghan (someone I admired) when the unions just refused to work with him.


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
London Irish said:
We could have saved the lives of 1,500 dead serviceman.

We could have airlifted every single one of these "British citizens" to remote barren farms in Scotland and Wales (if that's the lifestyle and citizenship they wanted). We could have given them all a million pounds each to sweeten the deal.

And we would still have spent less as British taxpayers on this monumental exercise in post-imperial folly.

This entire thing is an embarrassment to our modern history and the rest of the world has been laughing at us for the past 25 years :wave:

I know what you mean. Why should we commit people, resources and finances in protecting a minority who believe that they have a God-given right to something? Massive loss of life in a situation which could have been resolved by handing over the rights and the sovereignty, a little bit of enforced relocation. If we had not misappropriated this pointless little island many years ago, and promised to afford them our protection, we could have negotiated with an entirely reasonable and rational ruling body who have a reputation for making their own people disappear.

Ah - the Falklands. I thought we were talking about Ireland.

So, who should we have relocated - the Catholics or the Protestants? One of them shouldn't be in there, and it's all been a bit pointless considering that the current moving target in No 10 has just written off all THEIR crimes, but not our alleged ones! There is no loyalty to this government from any part of the current Armed Forces, and the politicians forget this. We swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch, not her jumped up representatives, and given the choice of walking across a bridge or across floating, drowning politicians, I would take great pleasure in seeing how long people like Prescott, Hoon et al could float whilst I jumped on them.


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
London Calling said:
A question often asked by a civillian such as me. If you know the cause is do you risk your life for such a cause?



Money and medals. Highest bidder gets me. Plus we sign a contract which is a little bit difficult to argue with without committing loads of offences and doing jail time.

I used to do National Pride, Honour, etc, then I realised that the politicians I am expected to answer to have less honour than the people that they send us after. I used to respect politicians who had done Service time, but we have very few of those left, and none of them sit on the bench behind Bliar. I would quite happily follow the cabinet into war - from a distance of about 2 miles behind them. Any closer and it would be too tempting to empty a magazine into their yellow backs.


Legal Alien
Jul 7, 2003
In my computer
I can't wish death on anyone - MT is a part of the history of this country - like it or lump it, if you don't care about her then why bother posting this crap, all it does is show your inhumanity....


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Vlad the Impala said:
Good news - Maggie Thatcher taken to hospital.

Bad news - she is likely to be released tomorrow.

I reckon the tests are to see if she has a heart.

"LONDON, England (CNN) -- Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has been hospitalized after falling ill Wednesday afternoon, her political party said.

She would be hospitalized overnight at London's Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, where tests were being carried out, Conservative Party sources told CNN. The sources said she was expected to go home Thursday.

Thatcher, now 80, retired from public life in 2002 after suffering a stroke. She has suffered a number of minor strokes since then and has appeared frail in occasional public appearances.

Dubbed the "Iron Lady," she came to power in 1979 and led Britain until 1990, when the Conservatives dumped her as their leader in favor of John Major.

She was Britain's first female prime minister and the only British leader to win three terms in the 20th century.

She was named Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven after leaving office."

and I'll bet the bitch didn't get left on a hospital trolley in the corridor with her arse hanging out the back of a hospital gown while other (richer) people got priority

That woman and her policies ruined the NHS and the infrastructure of this once-great country........

.......and relax!
:flameboun :flameboun :salute: :flameboun :flameboun


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
Re: Re: Good news and bad news.

FamilyGuy said:
and I'll bet the bitch didn't get left on a hospital trolley in the corridor with her arse hanging out the back of a hospital gown while other (richer) people got priority

That woman and her policies ruined the NHS and the infrastructure of this once-great country........

.......and relax!
:flameboun :flameboun :salute: :flameboun :flameboun

And you imagine that Bliar and his lot wait in the A&E with the rest of us do you?

Are you going to be rejoicing when Bliar is taken into hospital on his last legs, will you be quoting the biggest ever expenditure into the NHS for least return, the leading of the country into resource-fuelled wars, and the creation of a state where people need to contribute nothing to gain everything?

Of course not. Most of these anti-Thatcher ranters don't even know why they are ranting, they just see that bandwagon passing and jump onboard. If so many people couldn't stand her, how did she manage to stay in power for so long?

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
Personally, I think thatcher's legacy will be the selling off of council houses to enable people to get rich quick ( at the time) and to deprive genuine people in hardship the luxury of the state providing cheap housing.

In the 70's, councils were obliged to provide housing for people who couldnt afford mortgages etc etc. Thatch came along and forced council's to sell this stock to people who then made an absolute killing on them when the housing market took off fuelled by greedy estate agents and self self self people...which of course is what Thatcher stood for!

Now we have a situation, where the only way the poorest people in our society live is in bed and breakfast, on the streets, or in housing association premises.

Highfields Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Bullock Smithy
dave the gaffer said:
Personally, I think thatcher's legacy will be the selling off of council houses to enable people to get rich quick ( at the time) and to deprive genuine people in hardship the luxury of the state providing cheap housing.

In the 70's, councils were obliged to provide housing for people who couldnt afford mortgages etc etc. Thatch came along and forced council's to sell this stock to people who then made an absolute killing on them when the housing market took off fuelled by greedy estate agents and self self self people...which of course is what Thatcher stood for!

Now we have a situation, where the only way the poorest people in our society live is in bed and breakfast, on the streets, or in housing association premises.

:clap2: Indeed, and typical Thatcherism - selling off the nation's (our) assets on the cheap to make some people rich (the bitch!)


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
Highfields Seagull said:
:clap2: Indeed, and typical Thatcherism - selling off the nation's (our) assets on the cheap to make some people rich (the bitch!)

Yeah - all those bastard council tenants who took the right to buy and made huge profits on their houses. How dare people seize the initiative and get rich at the expense of others - that's almost capitalism! We all know that an equal share of resources works best, as the socialist states have proved. Or not.

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
HampshireSeagulls said:
How dare people seize the initiative and get rich at the expense of others -

maybe because it was not theirs to sieze?

maybe they took the shilling at the expense of others less fortunate than themselves?

But that was Thatcherism wasn't it.......

loads of moneeeeeyyyyy

Beach Hut

Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 5, 2003
Living In a Box
Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of dosh - loads of money

Highfields Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Bullock Smithy
It wasn't seizing the initiative. It was a government saying "here's a piss easy way to make a mint without doing anything, and look, as a bonus it'll f*** over those less fortunate than you who can't afford to do it".

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