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George Galloway - utter shit

shingle said:
Galloway is a bit of a twat, he'll never be forgiven for his sycophantic ' I salute your courage and indefatigability ( i think thats the spelling ) speech to Saddam whilst Saddam was murdering his people in droves, and then pathetically trying to justify it afterwards by saying it was all directed at the the Iraqi people.


And of course you'll easy forgive the Americans and British for politically allying themselves with Saddam and providing him with the weaponary to actually kill the Iraqi people, including the chemical gas. Because you're a HYPOCRITE.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2004
London Irish said:
Dead right - the Arab world should rise up against the occupation of Palestinians.

and do what exactly LI. Continue a cycle of violence by murdering Israelis. Thank f*** you weren't anywhere near Oslo when they were trying to thrash out a peace agreement


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2004
London Irish said:
And of course you'll easy forgive the Americans and British for politically allying themselves with Saddam and providing him with the weaponary to actually kill the Iraqi people, including the chemical gas. Because you're a HYPOCRITE.

I am well aware of the hypocrisy of the west LI, and dont need a holier than thou lecture from you. But the issue is Galloway. Two wrongs dont make a right

Vlad the Impala

New member
Jul 16, 2004
eastlondonseagull said:
What say we deport Twatford?

Where could be worse when he already chooses to frequent Watford and Leyton?

shingle said:
London Irish said:
Dead right - the Arab world should rise up against the occupation of Palestinians.

and do what exactly LI. Continue a cycle of violence by murdering Israelis. Thank f*** you weren't anywhere near Oslo when they were trying to thrash out a peace agreement

More of your utter hypocrisy - Palestinians are THE victims of an appalling genocidal war prosecuted by a billion-dollar Israeli war machine that thinks nothing of shooting stone-throwing Palestinian kids. Trust you to side with the war machine against a desperate, dispossessed people. I'm willing to bet you would one of the loudmouthed rightwing twats bollocking on in the 1980s how Nelson Mandela and the ANC terrorists were murdering the poor, peace-loving Afrikaaner.

shingle said:
I am well aware of the hypocrisy of the west LI, and dont need a holier than thou lecture from you. But the issue is Galloway. Two wrongs dont make a right

You need plenty of education, ignoramus.

Galloway was in Baghdad to use his MP's credentials to help a children's charity at the height of the UN sanctions campaign, which combined with brutal negligence of Saddam, was killing thousands of Iraqi children.

Donald Rumsfeld and numerous minor functionaries of Thatcher regularly cosied up to Saddam in Baghdad to encourage him to pursue a horrific war against Iran because it suited western geopolitical interests. Oh, and too bad it would cost the lives of more than half a million souls. Smiling, cheery Rumsfeld was also there to help sell him the military might that he would use to brutally supress his own people, including the notorious gassing of the Kurds.

So let me run this through with you again.

Galloway - charity for starving kids
Rumsfeld/Thatcher - supporter of a mass murdering war and chemical gas enablers.

Now, for anyone to EVEN HINT that there is ANY MORAL EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN THOSE TWO ACTIONS, you would have to be an utter CRETIN.

But you know what Shingle, I think that's exactly what you are.


Jul 6, 2003
London Irish is a fool. He uses his holier than thou attitude to force his views on everyone. If they dont agree they are obviously

a, a racist
b, colonial
c, a racist
d, Isreali

LI can eat shit.

Icy Gull

Back on the rollercoaster
Jul 5, 2003
London Irish said:
You need plenty of education, ignoramus.

Galloway was in Baghdad to use his MP's credentials to help a children's charity at the height of the UN sanctions campaign, which combined with brutal negligence of Saddam, was killing thousands of Iraqi children.

Donald Rumsfeld and numerous minor functionaries of Thatcher regularly cosied up to Saddam in Baghdad to encourage him to pursue a horrific war against Iran because it suited western geopolitical interests. Oh, and too bad it would cost the lives of more than half a million souls. Smiling, cheery Rumsfeld was also there to help sell him the military might that he would use to brutally supress his own people, including the notorious gassing of the Kurds.

So let me run this through with you again.

Galloway - charity for starving kids
Rumsfeld/Thatcher - supporter of a mass murdering war and chemical gas enablers.

Now, for anyone to EVEN HINT that there is ANY MORAL EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN THOSE TWO ACTIONS, you would have to be an utter CRETIN.

But you know what Shingle, I think that's exactly what you are.

Feel sorry for any kid you may have if his/her opinion differs to yours :ohmy: The above is unnecessarily ott abuse imo
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New member
Jul 7, 2003
This is the problem with any sort of political post on here, it just disolves into personal abuse, I'm as bad as any I admit.
:nono: :nono:

Albion Dan said:
Again LC prove it, where is the transcript?

And I for one totally agree with what he says about Jerusalem, if he said it?

Less agression young man. Its a direct quote from the man himself and also recorded by the BBC. Sorry for the delay but I went to bed.



English & European
I still think Galloway is a grade A twat and his comments after 7th July just made me angry. Saying 'If it wasn't for our troops in Iraq it wouldn't of happened' - Like f*** it wouldn't, if it haddn't of been for Iraq it would have been for Afganistan or something else.

This is one of the BBC references to that despicable man. Personally I don't like him. I do think its fine for Parliamentarians to meet people like Saddam, Ted Heath did a great job doing that! It is important that they just don't lick a*se whilst they are there.

Saddam was a murderer and a traitor to his people. He orchestrated attacks on other Muslim people and of course my mates the Kurds. If Galloway was doing his job, this clear message should have been clear and direct.

Personally, I can’t work out his relationship with Saddam, its like he has found the worst and evil man he could and then called him his mate.

Whilst the Iraqi people were a deserving cause Galloway could have used his energy to help the Kurds, Muslim women (to follow another NSC discussion) or to protect one of his other beloved princesses – Jerasulem.

Galloway defends 'martyrs' remark

Mr Galloway was a vocal opponent of the Iraq war
MP George Galloway has defended comments referring to insurgents in Iraq as "martyrs", insisting he has not put British troops at risk.
During a tour of the Middle East, Mr Galloway spoke of "poor Iraqis" using the most basic weapons to write the names of their towns "in the stars".

The Respect MP accused the UK and America of "raping" Baghdad and said the US was losing the war.

Labour's Eric Joyce said the comments endangered UK troops "in a small way".

But claimed Mr Galloway held little influence.


In a speech in the Middle East, Mr Galloway said: "These poor Iraqis - ragged people, with their sandals, with their Kalashnikovs, with the lightest and most basic of weapons - are writing the names of their cities and towns in the stars, with 145 military operations every day, which has made the country ungovernable.

"We don't know who they are, we don't know their names, we never saw their faces, they don't put up photographs of their martyrs, we don't know the names of their leaders."

But he told BBC News he had not called insurgents or the Iraqi resistance martyrs.

If it is a question of quantum, there is far more blood on the hands of George Bush and Tony Blair than there is on the hands of the murderers who killed those people in London

George Galloway

The problem was they were killing people and he wanted to stop the bloodshed by withdrawing US and UK troops.

The former Labour maverick said the only people putting troops at risk were in Mr Blair's government.

"I said countries occupied by UK and US troops are being raped by them," he said. "Jerusalem and Baghdad are in the hands of foreigners who are doing their will.

"The people stirring up hatred for our troops are those who put them in Iraq, not the likes of us who want to bring them home to their families.

"The people who put our troops at risk are the people who put them abroad."


The Bethnal Green and Bow MP said he condemned bombings, whether they were in London or Iraq.

The al-Qaeda phenomenon arose out of the first Iraq war, the occupation of Jerusalem and western support for "corrupt" leaders, he argued.

Mr Galloway said he wanted to "dry up the swamp" used by al-Qaeda and reach those who had not yet joined Bin Laden.

He added: "If it is a question of quantum, there is far more blood on the hands of George Bush and Tony Blair than there is on the hands of the murderers who killed those people in London."

Conservative shadow foreign secretary Liam Fox said Mr Galloway had a right to express his views but many people would find them offensive.

"George Galloway is a sad and twisted but ultimately irrelevant politician," said Dr Fox.

Troop dangers?

Mr Galloway was expelled from the Labour Party over his outspoken remarks about the Iraq war.

Falkirk MP Mr Joyce said Mr Galloway was trying to maximise his infamy in the UK with his latest comments, which would not impress people in the Middle East.

"It clearly puts British troops at greater risk in a small way and that is a pity," he said.

Mr Joyce said the words would at least be seen as encouraging resistance in Iraq and would upset troops' families in the UK.

But he said Mr Galloway was now a "marginal" figure who had limited influence.

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw this week said the UK was part of the security problem in Iraq and things are "not good" in the country.

He said an agreement on the new Iraqi constitution would be a step to reducing UK troops in Iraq.
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Curious Orange

Punxsatawney Phil
Jul 5, 2003
On NSC for over two decades...
The trouble with Galloway is that he has a flowery way with words that is extremely open to misinterpretation. Saying something along the lines of the sooner the insurgency stops the sooner the troops can leave Iraq is far too easy for him.

London Irish is a fool. He uses his holier than thou attitude to force his views on everyone.

LI has made his point clearly and intelligently, backed up by facts. If that makes him a fool, what does it make you?


Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
London Irish said:
More of your utter hypocrisy - Palestinians are THE victims of an appalling genocidal war prosecuted by a billion-dollar Israeli war machine that thinks nothing of shooting stone-throwing Palestinian kids. Trust you to side with the war machine against a desperate, dispossessed people. I'm willing to bet you would one of the loudmouthed rightwing twats bollocking on in the 1980s how Nelson Mandela and the ANC terrorists were murdering the poor, peace-loving Afrikaaner.

Ah - the perennial question about "terrorist or freedom fighter". The "stone throwing Palestinian kids" is a bit of a smoke screen here - they are equally as guilty of suicide bombing, rocket launching, etc, but can you qualify their actions as freedom fighters? The Israelis have an appalling attitude, and don't exactly encourage a peaceful solution, but do they equally deserve to be nail-bombed any more than the Palestinians deserve to have their houses bulldozed? And what about the opponets of Mugabe - do they deserve to be made homeless because they suppport an opposition party? Wasn't Mugabe himself a "freedom fighter" at one point?

At the time, Mandela and the ANC were terrorists. Ignore the fact that he was imprisoned by a right-wing, apartheid government, and look also at the other crimes committed by the ANC - and Winnie, his wife. The story is NEVER as black and white as it can sometimes be portrayed on here.

We are taking a Western view of things - if you rebel against us, you are a terrorist, if we support you, then you are a freedom fighter? It's not that simple, and innocence and guilt exists on both sides.

Galloway comes across as a ranting fool who chooses his words without care, but his argument cannot be ignored because of poor delivery. Before we can criticise, we have to properly analyse what he is saying. And because he visited an oppressive country on behalf of a children's charity does not make him a saint - he would have been aware of the Kurdish massacres, etc, that were taking place at the time - and the precise reasons that the sanctions were in place. How can he not have noticed the palaces, cars, and presidential opulence, and reconciled that with the lack of funds provided for medical reasons? The Iraqi powers that be were corrupt, that can't be denied.

Thatcher visited Children's Wards on a regular basis - so LIs argument is invalid - as I suspect he knows!

Thatcher - visiting Children's Wards
Hussein - gassing villages of Kurds...

I would disagree with Hampshire on one point and to follow thru Curious pont. Galloway is a great orator, considered to be one of the very best in Parliament. He is one of those speakers, like Benn, Powell etc you may not politically agree with them but they make great listening.

He would chose his words carefully. He is now targeting, the poor disenfranchised of the middle -east, but their unelected leaders cannot disagree with him, And whilst our media do attack him, he can state that his words mean something else!

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2004
London Irish said:
More of your utter hypocrisy - Palestinians are THE victims of an appalling genocidal war prosecuted by a billion-dollar Israeli war machine that thinks nothing of shooting stone-throwing Palestinian kids. Trust you to side with the war machine against a desperate, dispossessed people. I'm willing to bet you would one of the loudmouthed rightwing twats bollocking on in the 1980s how Nelson Mandela and the ANC terrorists were murdering the poor, peace-loving Afrikaaner.

You really have lost the plot haven't you LI. Descending into personal abuse to further emphasise your one sided myopic view of the world. Youre very child like, in that you see the world in black and white, good and bad, with nothing in between.

Ive been to Israel many times as a photographer. and for what its worth my sympathies are with the Palestinians, But I also realise that the Israelis are never going to leave, and therefore there has to be a peace deal of some kind

You need to get out from behind that desk LI, and live a little


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2004
London Irish said:
You need plenty of education, ignoramus.

Galloway was in Baghdad to use his MP's credentials to help a children's charity at the height of the UN sanctions campaign, which combined with brutal negligence of Saddam, was killing thousands of Iraqi children.

Donald Rumsfeld and numerous minor functionaries of Thatcher regularly cosied up to Saddam in Baghdad to encourage him to pursue a horrific war against Iran because it suited western geopolitical interests. Oh, and too bad it would cost the lives of more than half a million souls. Smiling, cheery Rumsfeld was also there to help sell him the military might that he would use to brutally supress his own people, including the notorious gassing of the Kurds.

So let me run this through with you again.

Galloway - charity for starving kids
Rumsfeld/Thatcher - supporter of a mass murdering war and chemical gas enablers.

Now, for anyone to EVEN HINT that there is ANY MORAL EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN THOSE TWO ACTIONS, you would have to be an utter CRETIN.

But you know what Shingle, I think that's exactly what you are.

There he goes again, a little boy at heart who sees the world in black and white

I've got your number LI :D

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