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FAO the cops on here


Oct 13, 2003
A272 at 85 mph
jonogulls said:
Why do you put so much resources into policing football with little chance of trouble, and do f*** all about policing the streets then?

because most of the plod at football are UNPAID specials,the more they deploy the bigger the earner.the force charges a fortune for every copper(regardless of status).only the odd sergent and one inspector is a full time(paid)copper so most work for sod all.

the surplus goes on general police expenses(nice fast cars) and the chief inspectors bar bill down the masonic lodge.


Monkey in a seagull suit.
Apr 24, 2004
Way out west
My brother and his missus got pulled over by some female PC in Worthing a few years ago and she started giving them shit for god knows what reason, apart from maybe the fact that my now sister-in-law is Asian. When it got to the stage of the show me your driving licence bit, my now sister-in-law opened her wallet, to display a Law Society card (she is a solicitor). Suddenly the attitude of the PC changed completely, she opologised for having stopped them and wasting their time and sent them on their way.

Read what you like into that story, I wasn't there and only have the word of two people who were, incidentally they are probably the two people who I trust more than anyone else in the World. There is undoubtedly good and bad in any Police force as they are only really representative of the society that they serve and from whom they recruit. Most of the cops I have met have been a generally decent bunch, it is just sad that there are a few bad apples who spoil it for the rest.

Collar Feeler

No longer feeling collars
Jul 26, 2003
Do I post or don't I??? Oh bugger it go on then.

A couple of points, firstly almost every time I've ever worked the footy in the last 4 years It's been a cancelled rest day so the myth that we are coining it in on double bubble or even time and a third is bollocks quite frankly. It isn't costing the taxpayer stuff all to cancel my rest days and make me miss the game stood like a lemon watching pissed up nobbers at the Station act like wankers.

Secondly, not every game is heavily policed some at the Albion are even police free. And if it all kicked off and you got assaulted and there were no police guess who would get it in the neck?

Every force does things their own way. I must admit many don't do things how I would like but Sussex on the whole are not too bad.

Unfortunately for most people it only takes one bad experience with the police to taint their whole perception, usually for ever. Fortunately there are enough of us out there who care and are passionate about the job we do who actively try and give the people we deal with a positive impression of the Police. Every person who I deal with that can go away with a better feeling for the Old Bill is a success in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect, sometimes I f*** up, sometimes after working a 14 hour shift i'm tired and irritable, sometimes I'm rude to people or don't deal with them quite how they would like, sometimes I ignore people and sometimes I don't get to investigate an assault for 4 days because a 3 year old kid has gone missing or I'm busy trying to update the 20 other ongoing investigations that have been allocated to me. But hey thats my job and I get on with it and take all the shit and criticism with a smile and thick skin. And guess what? Some of us even have a brain bigger than a pea and come complete with O levels, A Levels and degrees!! we can even say big words with more than 2 syllables!

As for being a hypocritical spineless wanker, I would happily meet any person who really believes that of all police officers and see it as a challenge to change their mind on both counts. One thing coppers I work with can never be accused of is being spineless.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion though and if that is your viewpoint then fine i can live with that and get it much worse from people face to face every day.

Jam The Man

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
South East North Lancing
XooX said:
Do I post or don't I??? Oh bugger it go on then.

A couple of points, firstly almost every time I've ever worked the footy in the last 4 years It's been a cancelled rest day so the myth that we are coining it in on double bubble or even time and a third is bollocks quite frankly. It isn't costing the taxpayer stuff all to cancel my rest days and make me miss the game stood like a lemon watching pissed up nobbers at the Station act like wankers.

Secondly, not every game is heavily policed some at the Albion are even police free. And if it all kicked off and you got assaulted and there were no police guess who would get it in the neck?

Every force does things their own way. I must admit many don't do things how I would like but Sussex on the whole are not too bad.

Unfortunately for most people it only takes one bad experience with the police to taint their whole perception, usually for ever. Fortunately there are enough of us out there who care and are passionate about the job we do who actively try and give the people we deal with a positive impression of the Police. Every person who I deal with that can go away with a better feeling for the Old Bill is a success in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect, sometimes I f*** up, sometimes after working a 14 hour shift i'm tired and irritable, sometimes I'm rude to people or don't deal with them quite how they would like, sometimes I ignore people and sometimes I don't get to investigate an assault for 4 days because a 3 year old kid has gone missing or I'm busy trying to update the 20 other ongoing investigations that have been allocated to me. But hey thats my job and I get on with it and take all the shit and criticism with a smile and thick skin. And guess what? Some of us even have a brain bigger than a pea and come complete with O levels, A Levels and degrees!! we can even say big words with more than 2 syllables!

As for being a hypocritical spineless wanker, I would happily meet any person who really believes that of all police officers and see it as a challenge to change their mind on both counts. One thing coppers I work with can never be accused of is being spineless.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion though and if that is your viewpoint then fine i can live with that and get it much worse from people face to face every day.

Well said dear colleague

Bry Nylon

Test your smoke alarm
Helpful Moderator
Jul 21, 2003
Playing snooker
I attend many incidents with the police. Often it is when the kind of people who come on here slagging them off have lost everything they own in fires, or loved ones in RTAs. It isn't until you REALLY need them that you realise the British police force are the most professional and compassionate police force in the world. Bar none.

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Robbie G

New member
Jul 26, 2004
I have utmost respect for the police

It is a job that i couldn't personally see me ever do, and it is for that reason why i respect them



New member
Aug 2, 2004
This thread isn't supposed to turn into a OB love-in :censored: :angry: :censored: :angry: :censored: :censored:

Fair play for replying XooX, you may be the second policeman I have come across who seems half decent. Can I just ask why the police spend an improportinate amount of time and money on football day-outs (last game I got to was Crewe - I counted 25 cops IN THE GROUND, like there's any trouble between our clubs!) and then do f*** all on the real yobs out there? Why are we paying for 50 cops to 'spot' in the World Cup (ie watch the games) when you get beat up for walking down the street? Why do police wade in at MANY grounds I have been to across the country to actually kick people out for standing up etc? It's because (as I have been told by my local force), they get time and a third on a matchday and can just stand around doing f*** all, watching the game and perhaps wading in with their batons to beat the shit out of people whenever they can be bothered.

At the end of the day, compared to 10/20 years ago, you lot have lost a massive amount of respect because the police have become more interested in traffic offences, political correctness (and I don't read the Daily Mail) and kicking people out of football grounds for minor offences. And then, most of you get pissed up at night and drive home half leathered without any consequences (again this is something I have seen with my own eyes).

Though I do like you. :clap2:

Bry Nylon

Test your smoke alarm
Helpful Moderator
Jul 21, 2003
Playing snooker
jonogulls said:
...most of you get pissed up at night and drive home half leathered without any consequences (again this is something I have seen with my own eyes).

I'm sorry you got assaulted.
And I'm sorry that you are still waiting for a police response.

But the above is utter bollocks, surely? And I'm not OB either.


New member
Aug 2, 2004
Bry Nylon said:
I'm sorry you got assaulted.
And I'm sorry that you are still waiting for a police response.

But the above is utter bollocks, surely? And I'm not OB either.

Can't you see? I saw one person do that about 5 years ago; ergo, they all do it. :D

Collar Feeler

No longer feeling collars
Jul 26, 2003
jonogulls said:
This thread isn't supposed to turn into a OB love-in :censored: :angry: :censored: :angry: :censored: :censored:

Fair play for replying XooX, you may be the second policeman I have come across who seems half decent. Can I just ask why the police spend an improportinate amount of time and money on football day-outs (last game I got to was Crewe - I counted 25 cops IN THE GROUND, like there's any trouble between our clubs!) and then do f*** all on the real yobs out there? Why are we paying for 50 cops to 'spot' in the World Cup (ie watch the games) when you get beat up for walking down the street? Why do police wade in at MANY grounds I have been to across the country to actually kick people out for standing up etc? It's because (as I have been told by my local force), they get time and a third on a matchday and can just stand around doing f*** all, watching the game and perhaps wading in with their batons to beat the shit out of people whenever they can be bothered.

At the end of the day, compared to 10/20 years ago, you lot have lost a massive amount of respect because the police have become more interested in traffic offences, political correctness (and I don't read the Daily Mail) and kicking people out of football grounds for minor offences. And then, most of you get pissed up at night and drive home half leathered without any consequences (again this is something I have seen with my own eyes).

Though I do like you. :clap2:

I haven't got all the answers mate but much of your dissaffection with the Old Bill is political at both local and national level from what I can see. I have no idea or interest for that matter who approves and authorises how many of us there are at any given match, all I know is that each match is individually risk assessed and then given a category A, B or C depending on the level of risk. The police turnout is reflected in the category allocated for that match.

The 50 cops (more like 100 actually, lucky buggers) going to Germany are all existing Football Intelligence Officers or related roles from across the country and are already being paid to do that job so it isn't like they are being taken from other roles to go to Germany. I don't know who is funding it but wouldn;t be surprised if the Germans may be making a contribution to get them over there. Also as our domestic season is over I think it is good that they are being used for the job they actually do rather than spend the close season taking all their annual leave which is what most of them usually do since they cannot take it during the season.

What are we doing about the real yobs out there? As much as we can I assure you. Unfortunately we really are a thin blue line and there are thousands more yobs out there than police I'm afraid. I'm sure there are coppers out there that like a good ruck and to get stuck in with the baton any chance they get, in fact I know they are out there. I'm not going to be an apologist for the Police or anything we do, people need to get realistic and stop taking the moral high ground all the time, we are (contrary to popular belief) only human and as such have the same range of emotional and behavioral problems that you do. I know we should be above most of the bad practice and behaviour and far more than most people we generally are. Guess what though? Now and again like anybody else in any other job we take the piss out of people, occasionally we deliberately annoy people because we can, some people might get an extra dig in the ribs for being a cock and every now and again we might even get to arrest some crooks!!

With regards to respect, I don't think the police have lost any respect in the last 20 years, I believe society has lost respect in general for anybody in authority or in a position to tell them what to do. You only have to look at the Yob binge drinking culture we as nation have developed and the chavs and vicky pollards lining our streets, those streets that are awash with heroin, crack and coke. We haven't lost respect, people have lost the ability to understand what respect actually is. They are so far up their own arses thinking the world owes them a living and that they are entitled to do what the f*** they want and when the f*** they want to that they are blind to the fact that they are the root cause of the problems in the first place.

Classic examples of this are people that say we should be out catching murderers, rapists. burglars and paedos not targetting poor innocent motorists just going about their business. that'll be the innocent motorists causing accidents whilst gassing on their mobiles or jumping red lights. I mean if I was stopped in front of you at the traffic lights in my police car and somebody jumps the red light in front of us what do you expect me to do? To be honest, like most neighbourhood coppers I try to avoid traffic offences like the plague, most people just get a warning and let on their way, it's too much paperwork and bollocks to be worthwhile. It's the traffic coppers that issue the most tickets and stick people on for motoring offences, and guess what? They are traffic cops, it's their job!

I am ranting away aren't I? Oh well lastly, murderers, rapists. burglars and paedos generally don't just wander down the street carrying f*** off big signs around their necks saying, "NICK ME I JUST KILLED SOMEBODY", that's why we have CID depts. And for the record, in the last 3 years I have caught 0 murderers, 0 rapists, 3 burglars (in the act) and 1 Paedo.

And I love you too you big hunk :love: (That'll be me embracing diversity!)
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New member
Aug 2, 2004
XooX said:
I haven't got all the answers mate but much of your dissaffection with the Old Bill is political at both local and national level from what I can see. I have no idea or interest for that matter who approves and authorises how many of us there are at any given match, all I know is that each match is individually risk assessed and then given a category A, B or C depending on the level of risk. The police turnout is reflected in the category allocated for that match.

The 50 cops (more like 100 actually, lucky buggers) going to Germany are all existing Football Intelligence Officers or related roles from across the country and are already being paid to do that job so it isn't like they are being taken from other roles to go to Germany. I don't know who is funding it but wouldn;t be surprised if the Germans may be making a contribution to get them over there. Also as our domestic season is over I think it is good that they are being used for the job they actually do rather than spend the close season taking all their annual leave which is what most of them usually do since they cannot take it during the season.

What are we doing about the real yobs out there? As much as we can I assure you. Unfortunately we really are a thin blue line and there are thousands more yobs out there than police I'm afraid. I'm sure there are coppers out there that like a good ruck and to get stuck in with the baton any chance they get, in fact I know they are out there. I'm not going to be an apologist for the Police or anything we do, people need to get realistic and stop taking the moral high ground all the time, we are (contrary to popular belief) only human and as such have the same range of emotional and behavioral problems that you do. I know we should be above most of the bad practice and behaviour and far more than most people we generally are. Guess what though? Now and again like anybody else in any other job we take the piss out of people, occasionally we deliberately annoy people because we can, some people might get an extra dig in the ribs for being a cock and every now and again we might even get to arrest some crooks!!

With regards to respect, I don't think the police have lost any respect in the last 20 years, I believe society has lost respect in general for anybody in authority or in a position to tell them what to do. You only have to look at the Yob binge drinking culture we as nation have developed and the chavs and vicky pollards lining our streets, those streets that are awash with heroin, crack and coke. We haven't lost respect, people have lost the ability to understand what respect actually is. They are so far up their own arses thinking the world owes them a living and that they are entitled to do what the f*** they want and when the f*** they want to that they are blind to the fact that they are the root cause of the problems in the first place.

Classic examples of this are people that say we should be out catching murderers, rapists. burglars and paedos not targetting poor innocent motorists just going about their business. that'll be the innocent motorists causing accidents whilst gassing on their mobiles or jumping red lights. I mean if I was stopped in front of you at the traffic lights in my police car and somebody jumps the red light in front of us what do you expect me to do? To be honest, like most neighbourhood coppers I try to avoid traffic offences like the plague, most people just get a warning and let on their way, it's too much paperwork and bollocks to be worthwhile. It's the traffic coppers that issue the most tickets and stick people on for motoring offences, and guess what? They are traffic cops, it's their job!

I am ranting away aren't I? Oh well lastly, murderers, rapists. burglars and paedos generally don't just wander down the street carrying f*** off big signs around their necks saying, "NICK ME I JUST KILLED SOMEBODY", that's why we have CID depts. And for the record, in the last 3 years I have caught 0 murderers, 0 rapists, 3 burglars (in the act) and 1 Paedo.

And I love you too you big hunk :love: (That'll be me embracing diversity!)

Eloquent? Intelligent? Articulate?

You definetly a cop?

Collar Feeler

No longer feeling collars
Jul 26, 2003
jonogulls said:
Eloquent? Intelligent? Articulate?

You definetly a cop?

Yep, just a bog standard front line PC :) And die-hard Albion fan too so at least we have something in common!

Most of us are OK mate, just a few nobbers that make us look like mugs. And the CPS obviously!!
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New member
Aug 2, 2004
XooX said:
Yep, just a bog standard front line PC :) And die-hard Albion fan too so at least we have something in common!

Most of us are OK mate, just a few nobbers that make us look like mugs. And the CPS obviously!!

No, f*** off, I was angry before you started being all reasonable :censored: :angry: :censored:

Now I'm starting to think you're not all bad :angry: :censored: :angry: :censored:

Collar Feeler

No longer feeling collars
Jul 26, 2003
jonogulls said:
No, f*** off, I was angry before you started being all reasonable :censored: :angry: :censored:

Now I'm starting to think you're not all bad :angry: :censored: :angry: :censored:

:lolol: You see, it's working! You'll have your application in to join Sussex Plod by the end of the night.

My biggest laugh on match days?? Sending dozy away fans to Kemp town when they innocently say, "Is there any place in this town to drink without getting queered up?" or, "Are you really all gay in Brighton?" Always a winner when you see them tromping off to the Charles Street bar and then legging it out about 1 minute later!


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Personally, having sampled the Police in 'the World's Greatest Democracy' I can forgive the British Police for pretty much anything.

They may not be perfect but in the main be thankful for what we have, most countries envy us.


Real Northern Monkey
Jul 16, 2003
At Home
Eleven years ago I was involved in a fatal RTA. I was riding a motorcycle he was a pedestrian.The police man who informed me that the pedestrian was dead did so in a rather brusque manner. Then went on to take my crash helmet for phorensics and a breath test.

The investigating officer who later interviewed me was courteous and friendly. Having already taken other witness statements he read them to me (informally) at the end of the interview to reasure me that in his view I was completely without blame for said RTA. Having taken my statement he then verified with the forces motorcycling instructor thyat my reasons for my reponses and actions in the incident were correct. His evidence to the coroner's court was then produced to show that I was not at fault. At the end of the hearing his words to me were that I was completely exonerated.

When I went to the station to reclaim my crash helmet the constable on reception was curt ofhand and rude. He then made me wait half an hour before making the call to the store for my helmet and returned it to me with a smartarsed comment about not driving like a hooligan in future. I then asked to see the duty officer immediately and explained the full cicumstances to hsaid officer. I left the station having recieved a verbal appology from the constable and a letter to work explaining my late arrival.

Now it seems to me that I could generalise and say that the OB tend to stereotype people at first glance, but I think that on the whole the majority are really trying to do their best in difficult and often harrowing situations.
Of course you get the odd one or two who are bad apples but the most are trying to SERVE their communities.

Lady Whistledown

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
XooX said:
:lolol: You see, it's working! You'll have your application in to join Sussex Plod by the end of the night.

My biggest laugh on match days?? Sending dozy away fans to Kemp town when they innocently say, "Is there any place in this town to drink without getting queered up?" or, "Are you really all gay in Brighton?" Always a winner when you see them tromping off to the Charles Street bar and then legging it out about 1 minute later!

spot on

I remember seeing a large group of very lairy Sheffield Wednesday fans down here a few years ago. They were escorted by police all the way from the station down to the seafront, and then into Doctor Brightons. Now not being the most intelligent of groups, they didn't immediately notice the general clientele of the pub, and carried on being mouthy and misogynistic. When one of them dropped his pint on the floor, he said loudly to the others "Watch out lads, this is Brighton, don't bend over to pick it up".

Cue a tumbleweed silence across the bar, the immediate dawning of the truth on said group of fans, and a hasty exit before the 50 or so people in the rest of the bar sorted them out.

Sheffield Wednesday fans running away from a gay bar :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol:

Man of Harveys

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Brighton, UK
I had a WPC come into my flat and drink tea during the Labour party conference - and she was BABE-raham Lincoln. Are all WPCs fitties?

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