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Falmer - good news

DTES said:
So, in plain English (for those of us who don't speak publishing), when is a realistic time to expect the first brick to be laid, assuming we get a yes from Prescott?
Order of events is likely to be:-

1. Prescott gives planning permission.
2. Finance package is finalised.
3. Contractors are appointed.
4. Brighton University starts putting up its buildings on the campus.
5. Football Club starts building access road to Sussex University campus.
6. Brighton University demolishes its existing buildings on the Stadium site.
7. Football Club starts building the stadium and transport interchange.
8. Construction is completed.
9. Tickets for first game go on sale.
10. Club shop and Dick Knight are blamed - "the whole thing is a complete fiasco".
11. Kerry Mayo leads out the team against Doncaster Rovers.

This is the Report that was considered by the City Council:-


Address: University of Brighton, Falmer Campus

Proposal: Demolition of 6 buildings in the north-east corner of the site at Turnpike Piece. Construction of Phase 4/5 - Academic accommodation, Phase 6 - Replacement Gymnasium, Phase 7 - Replacement Sports Pavilion, Phase 8 - Relocated Floodlight Netball & Tennis Courts, Phase 9 - All Weather Floodlight Sports Pitch replacing existing football pitch. Provision and relocation of Car Parking. Associated earthworks, landscaping and access roads.

Officer: David Vickers , tel: 292175 Received Date: 18 February 2003

Con Area: Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Expiry Date: 10 June 2003

Agent: Harding Neill and Watson, 11 West Pallant, Chichester
Applicant: University of Brighton, Department of Estates & Facilities Management, Mithras House, Lewes Road, Brighton


The application is in outline and sets out the final phases of the Falmer campus redevelopment comprising academic and sports related facilities. It is supported by an Environmental Statement which demonstrates that the proposals in terms of their landscape and traffic impact will not be harmful and therefore comply with relevant planning policies.


Grant outline planning permission with conditions:

1. 00.04 Standard outline.

2. 00.05 Reserved matters (design, external appearance, landscaping, Nature Conservation Report and management plan, campus Travel Plan)

3. The method of site construction and operation for the development in order to prevent pollution of underlying groundwater shall be carried out in accordance with a scheme to be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any development (including demolition) commencing.

Reason: This is a very sensitive location with respect to groundwater and in order to protect the quality of drinking water supplies the working methods need to be considered in accordance with policy SU3 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft.

4. The method of demolition and construction for the development shall be carried out in accordance with a scheme to be approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority prior to any development (including demolition) commencing.

Reason: This is a very sensitive location with respect to groundwater and in order to protect the quality of drinking water supplies the working methods need to be considered in accordance with policy SU3 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft.

5. No development approved by this permission shall commence until a scheme for provision of surface water drainage works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The drainage works approved shall be completed in accordance with the details and timetable agreed.

Reason: To prevent the risk of pollution by ensuring satisfactory means of surface water disposal in accordance with policy SU5 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft.

6. Any facilities above ground for the storage of oils, fuels or chemicals shall be sited on an impervious base surrounded by impervious walls. The volume of the bunded compound should be at least equivalent to the capacity of the tank plus 10%. All filling points, vents, gauges and sight glasses must be located within the bund. The drainage system of the bund shall be sealed with no discharge to any watercourse, land or underground strata. Associated pipework should be located above ground and protected from accidental damage. All filling points and tank overflow pipe outlets should be detailed to discharge into the bund. Such facilities shall be constructed and completed in accordance with plans approved by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment in accordance with policy SU3 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft.

7. No material shall be deposited at the site other than clean, uncontaminated naturally occurring excavated material, brick and concrete rubble only.

Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment in accordance with policy SU3 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft.

8. 03.02 Soundproofing of building.

Reason: add ‘in accordance with policy QD27 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft

9. 03.10 Soundproofing of plant / machinery.

Reason: add ‘in accordance with policy QD27 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft

10. Control of amplified music / entertainment.

Reason: add ‘in accordance with policy QD27 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft

11. The proposed artificial pitch should be at least third generation type and capable of being used for lower grade matches as well as for training purposes.

Reason: To provide enhanced sports facilities in accordance with policy EM17 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft.

12. The proposed new sports hall and artificial turf pitch should be provided and be ready for use at the same time as the proposed resited netball courts in order to ensure that there is an overall benefit to sports development.

Reason: To provide enhanced sports facilities in accordance with policy EM17 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft.

13. Details of a Sports Development Plan should be submitted to the Council and be approved in consultation with Sport England prior to works commencing on site.

Reason: To provide enhanced sports facilities in accordance with policy EM17 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft.

14. All new facilities provided should be designed in accordance with current Sport England Guidance Notes.

Reason: To provide enhanced sports facilities in accordance with policy EM17 in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft.


This decision is based on Harding Neill & Watson drawings numbered 01005A:10_21B, 24D, 26A received 16th December 2003.


The University of Brighton Falmer campus lies at the north eastern fringe of the City within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). However the campus, in common with Sussex University, is not within the proposed National Park.

It comprises a cluster of buildings, some of which date from the original campus and others such as the new library and medical school are much more recent. These comprise initial phases of a long term redevelopment by the University.

The campus is semi-rural in character typical of the era when new universities tended to be sited on the edge of towns with all faculties on one site.


BH2003/00204/FP Demolition of Great Wilkins and erection of student accommodation. Granted 3.4.02.
BH2002/00121/FP Demolition of Patcham House and erection of medical school, teaching and office facilities. Granted 28.02.02
BH1999/00846/RM Erection of new library. Granted 7.9.99.


This provides for the final phases of the campus regeneration and proposes demolition of the remaining CLASP buildings dating from the 1960’s. (Friston, Dallington, Coldean, Bevendean, Alfriston and Telscombe Houses, the gymnasium and 1 – 3 Turnpike Piece). These are rapidly approaching the end of their useful life; provide poor standard of accommodation and are expensive to maintain and run. The application proposes their demolition and replacement and continues the gradual regeneration of the campus that started with Phases 1 academic accommodation (Westlain House) then phase 2 (Falmer Library) and which has reached Phase 3 with the recently completed Medical School building (Mayfield House). Proposed phases 4 / 5 comprises almost 9000 square metres of academic accommodation and the University’s intention is to follow this with a further 4 phases of sports related buildings and facilities such as (floodlit) pitches, gymnasia and changing facilities / pavilion. The net result in overall floorspace of buildings will be a decrease of some 450 square metres.

The University state this process of regeneration is essential for sustaining its ability to compete in an increasingly competitive market.

The University also acknowledge the proposed community stadium has influenced the timing and phasing of the proposals as the siting of the stadium is dependent on the release of land by the University. In turn the University cannot release land until replacements for buildings currently on that land are provided elsewhere on campus. However the University emphasises that the facilities set out in the Masterplan are required in their own right irrespective of the stadium and have been formulated in order that they can be progressed regardless of the success or otherwise of the Albion’s community stadium.

The rearrangement of facilities means a redistribution of parking facilities currently at Turnpike Piece. Some will be added to the existing car park near to the main campus entrance and others at the other end of the campus at the car park near to the Health Club. The University stress that there will be no additional parking spaces to the existing 455 spaces on campus however existing parking at Paddock Field student residences reserved for students will become available for shared use with University staff.

The Masterplan includes relocation of tennis / netball courts at Turnpike Piece to an area adjacent to Paddock Field (Phase 8) together with a new all weather sports pitch (Phase 9). Both facilities would be floodlit. A new sports pavilion (Phase 7) is also proposed in this area to replace existing portacabins.

The application is also supported by an Environmental Statement determined to be required by the Local Planning Authority under the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations due to the scale of the proposals in their own right bearing in mind the siting within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty as well as the cumulative impact associated with the community stadium.



983 circular letters of support:

University is an important institution in the city and urgently needs up-to-date facilities. The proposed development will be imaginative, modern and will complete the campus redevelopment. Support the application and urge approval.

7 circular letters of support:

Fully support proposal. University is important local, national and international institution which needs to be able to attract students, proposal will enable campus redevelopment to be completed replacing outdated and poorly designed buildings, Brighton needs its universities as centres of education and employment and as contributors to the local economy.

Whitewood Cottage, Swife Lane, Heathfield; 17 Nightingale Close, Fakenham, Norfolk; Merton Court School, 38 Knoll Road, Sidcup; 56 St. George’s Road, Broadstairs; 41 Hollingdean Terrace; 10 Pine Court, Doune, Perthshire; 50 Pankhurst Avenue, 12 Alms Hill Road, Sheffield; 39a Leighton Grove, London; 33 Oakwood, Partridge Green (2 letters); 6 Longfield Gardens, Tring:

Support proposal which will enable redevelopment of outdated and poorly designed buildings, future of the Albion rests on this application, it is an important institution that needs to attract students from all over the world and also makes a massive contribution to the economic and educational welfare of the city, redevelopment will reinforce University’s position as an institution of more than local importance.

Brighton & Hove Albion Supporters’ Club:

Support application which will allow improved facilities to be offered enabling the university to become increasingly competitive in the education marketplace. Campus regeneration is a key strategic priority of the Council.

Sussex Police:

Site located in a medium risk crime area. No major concerns from a crime prevention point of view at this early stage.

Southern Water:

Point and details of proposed connection to public foul sewer will require formal approval. No surface water should be discharged to public foul sewer as this could cause flooding to downstream properties. Water supply can be provided.

Society of Sussex Downsmen:

Site within designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is widely visible, concerned about ‘hotch-potch’ of development over the years and the way the campus has evolved with little respect for the important status of the site. Trust that policies NC6 & NC7 will be rigorously applied and development uses traditional local finishes with every effort being made to blend into the surrounding landscape resulting in restoration of an important landscape on the fringe of the city next to Downland.

Environment Agency:

No objection in principle, suggest conditions to prevent risk to groundwater.

Sussex Downs Conservation Board:

No objection in principle however concerned about apparent proposed bulk of Phase 4 /5 building and impact of extended car park on adjacent woodland. Also concerned about proposed floodlighting. Do not wish to exercise right to be heard under the Development Control Scheme. Following further meeting with applicant fears have been allayed subject to detailed consideration and consultation of any reserved matters.

Sport England:

Have assessed the proposal against Sport England policies for sport. Whilst supporting the community stadium and recognising the ‘knock-on’ effect on the university raises objection as does not consider the university have adequately satisfied their relevant policies.

Following further information supplied by the University withdraw objection and recommend conditional approval.

English Nature:

Appears that proposed car park extension encroaches upon an area of Westlain Plantation included in the provisional Inventory of Ancient Woodland for East Sussex. Compensatory planting is however proposed. Semi-natural woods are irreplaceable and if negative impacts are to be avoided there should be no encroachment. (see comments of Council Ecologist)
Proposed development lies within consultation area for Castle Hill but do not consider proposal is likely to have significant effect on features of interest.

Traffic Manager:

Application largely consists of replacement of existing academic and sporting facilities. The only substantial new facility is a sports pavilion which will not generate new trips as it is not associated with new activities.

The University has promoted a number of sustainable transport initiatives on campus and it now seems appropriate this is formalised in a campus Travel Plan.

Economic Development:

No adverse comments

Environmental Health:

Given that proposal largely replaces old with new buildings anticipates main source of noise impact from demolition and construction. However recent experiences with phase 3 suggest that future construction will be well managed. Operational noise concerns can be controlled by appropriate conditions.


Proposed car park extension shaves a corner off an SNCI however this part is already degraded. Suggest submission of nature conservation report with reserved matters.


Brighton Borough Local Plan:
ENV.54 – Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
PSP.5 – encourages expansion of teaching and related accommodation at Falmer campus subject to environmental constraints of Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty location.

Brighton and Hove Local Plan Second Deposit Draft:
SR25 – community stadium
NC6 – development in the countryside / downland
NC7 – Sussex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
EM17 – University of Brighton
TR1 – development and the demand for travel
TR (new policy) – Travel Plans


The main issues turn firstly on the environmental impact of the proposals upon the surrounding landscape and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and secondly the traffic impact. This should be considered against a background of the established university campus and relevant policies in both the adopted and emerging local plans which generally encourage redevelopment and expansion of the campus subject to its sensitive siting currently within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

1. The Masterplan proposals are best considered separately in terms of the academic facilities and the sporting and related facilities. Phase 4/5 is the next part of the campus redevelopment and proposes a building providing academic facilities up to four storeys high. This is intended to accommodate in a single building the facilities currently housed in a variety of CLASP type buildings in the northern part of the campus. Demolition of these will release land for the community stadium. Phase 4/5 is to be sited at the foot of the south eastern slope where Friston House currently rests. At the top of this recent new buildings such as the library and Medical School have been constructed. At four storeys it would be the highest (by a storey) on campus however the impact of this is minimised to a great extent by the siting on the lower levels of the campus. Supporting drawings show the overall height to be no greater than the second floor of the three storey Medical School recently completed and crucially therefore it will not break the tree line formed by Westlain Plantation which forms an important landscape backdrop to the campus in views from the north and west including Stanmer Park. (The campus is not generally visible from the south and east due to the high ground on which the Plantation rests). For this reason the four storey Phase 4/5 is considered acceptable in the proposed location.

The remainder of buildings proposed are sport related and comprise a new pavilion ( Phase 7 to replace portacabins) and replacement gymnasium (Phase 6). The latter is again proposed on the lower contours of the campus just to the south of a significant stand of trees encircling the rim of a chalk pit in the midst of the playing fields. Just to the west is the private health & racquets club against which the proposed gym would be seen and against which it will appear relatively insignificant. The proposed sports pavilion replaces temporary facilities currently housed in portacabins at the end of the campus spine road. The new pavilion is to be sited (as is to be expected) nearer to the pitches it will serve. These include some resited from Turnpike Piece such as netball and tennis courts (Phase 8) together with a new all weather pitch (Phase 9). These will also be floodlit. This area of campus is again on the lower contours and is also well screened from public view by higher ground behind and substantial trees between the sports pitch area, the A27 and Stanmer Park beyond. Overall it is not considered that the proposed buildings will result in harm to the landscape. Furthermore they are on an existing campus where expansion is anticipated by the Local Plan. Floodlighting could be an area of concern however the University have in the recent past responded to criticism of the wider impact of lighting the campus on the night sky. They have implemented a Lighting Strategy which seeks to acknowledge the sensitive location of the campus adjacent to open countryside and balance this with the need to maintain security and personal safety. Modern floodlighting is relatively sophisticated insofar as it can be precisely directed to safely light the target pitch without much spill over particularly of the night sky. It will be expected that such equipment would be used in this location.

2. Turning to the impact of the proposals on traffic the application is supported by a Transport Assessment. In essence this concludes that since the overall floorspace existing and proposed is slightly decreased and the mix of types of floorspace is also similar the impact of the proposals contained in the Masterplan will not place any greater demands on the local network or on parking facilities on campus. This conclusion is acknowledged and confirmed by the Traffic Manager who does however recommend that work already in train in respect of encouraging staff and students to use alternative modes of transport to the private car be put on a more formal footing within a Travel Plan. The release of land for the community stadium is the most significant influence here since it requires relocation of 48 spaces mainly into an expanded car park area next to the main campus entrance. As will be seen from the consultations the area for expansion is with Westlain Plantation but which is in fact an area of scrub and not trees. The Council Ecologist considers this area to have relatively low ecological value however recommends a Nature Conservation Plan for the whole campus which would include compensation for the loss of this area. Approval of such a Plan is a recommended reserved matter.


The university needs to replace some outdated buildings on campus and needs to consolidate its position within the education sector. It has been carrying out a redevelopment programme for the last five years or so and this Masterplan sets out future development to completion within a phased context. The reality is that the Masterplan sets out a vision for updated facilities rather than any significant expansion in floorspace. The sports pavilion is the only ‘new’ facility.

The impact of the proposed buildings and facilities is considered to be acceptable bearing in mind the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designation (at present) and the traffic impact is also considered acceptable. For these reasons the outline application is recommended for approval.


None at this outline stage.
Last edited:


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Border country.East Preston.
Good thread everyone.

Just to recap, any conclusions?:lolol:


Stupid IDIOT
Nov 8, 2003
I believe once the new seats are in place at Withdean then we'll be set for our permanent home and one day a covered South Stand.
As for Falmer there is no chance whatsoever of it being built and there are 48 million reasons why.
Knight and his defunct mouthpiece have already moved the goalposts re funding of Falmer from the finances are in place and waiting for planning approval to the pre season forum statement of when we get planning approval then we will find the finance.
There is no way on this Planet Earth that this pair of clowns already so far out of their depth in running a football club will ever secure funding for Falmer. The only way it will ever be built is if the Council fund and build it and rent it back to us.

Westdene Seagull

aka Cap'n Carl Firecrotch
NSC Patron
Oct 27, 2003
The arse end of Hangleton
The Large One said:
Oops. Well, it was 1996 that I left publishing in the building trade.:jester:

Thanks for putting us straight, LAB.

But surely that's only for government \ council work ?

The club and the Uni can pick whoever they want and as quickly as they want can't they ?



Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Too far from the sun
From what I remember it has to go out to tender (or whatever) because public money is being used to part-finance the project. There are a number of grants and the council (also university?) will be part-owners of the stadium company. I'm sure Lord B will put me straight if I am wrong here.

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Spiros: No public money is being used in building the stadium. The only input from the council is the fact that they are 'giving' the land over to the project.

Westdene: Projects over a certain size need to be tendered. However, I suspect that McAlpine's will do the lion's share. They have the expertise, and don't forget where Martin Perry worked before he became Chief Executive at the Albion.

One construction firm springs to mind re: sub-contracts...:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2003
I heard Adenstar will have the building work contracted to them. No suprise really. With Perrys experience and the owner of Adenstar on the board you'd hope we have a lot of the expertise in place.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Ernest said:
I believe once the new seats are in place at Withdean then we'll be set for our permanent home and one day a covered South Stand.
I've just had a blinding flash, a vision of the future...

I just had this mental image of FG/Ernest sitting alone at Withdean on a cold Saturday afternoon, muttering to himself incoherently about Knights pipe dream, while all the Albion fans are in their seats at Falmer cheering on the stripes to another victory....

Tendering was raised by Dick Knight at the Inquiry. The Club will be inviting tenders. That's one of the reasons why the Business Plan remains confidential. Telling potential contractors how much you are prepared to pay them is usually the most effective way of ensuring that no-one will put in a bid to build the thing at a fair price. Dick is keeping his cards close to his chest. And quite right too.


Stupid IDIOT
Nov 8, 2003
Lord Bracknell said:
Tendering was raised by Dick Knight at the Inquiry. The Club will be inviting tenders. That's one of the reasons why the Business Plan remains confidential. Telling potential contractors how much you are prepared to pay them is usually the most effective way of ensuring that no-one will put in a bid to build the thing at a fair price. Dick is keeping his cards close to his chest. And quite right too.

Dick this and Dick that.....Dick Knight couldn't find the cash to build a wendy house let alone a new ground.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Notice Ernie's getting the "Dick can't afford it" comments in quick and fast now. He clearly knows he's running out of time for them...

Beach Hut

Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 5, 2003
Living In a Box
Ernest said:
You're right as I want to be the first to say 'I told you so' when it all goes tits up and Knight is no more :wave:

What happens when Falmer is built - I take you will protest outside during everygame ?

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