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Club Chaplain???

Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
Way to go, Reverend! No turning the other cheek for you, then! I'm sure your flock would be mightily impressed with that intemperate, un-Christian diatribe. And thanks for that gratuitous concentration camp reference too -- nice touch, Herr Goebbels himself would be proud.

However, the basic points remain unanswered. You talk vaguely of the benefits of chaplains, as in hospitals. Those would be the hospital chaplains funded by British taxpayers, to the tune of £32 million a year, yes? So why are they not funded by the church? If they were, the NHS could then afford to provide another 1300 nurses.

But getting back to footballers, who are not in hospital, except maybe when they're injured. They are perfectly able to go and visit their preferred religious practitioner on their own. Without embarrassment, without their mates knowing.

Your logic would appear to argue for chaplains being available on tap, in every workplace. Now wouldn't that do wonders for a stagnant industry where congregations are dwindling rapidly, and where any new sources of employment for redundant vicars would be most welcome.

Contrary to your presumption, I have no problem with people exploring their imagined "spiritual side", but believers in things supernatural -- whether in gods, goblins or Gaia - cannot automatically demand instant respect from everybody else. Religion belongs in the private sphere, and we'd all be far better off if it stayed there.

You obviously didn't understand a word I said if you think that was a diatribe.

Let's take a look at this thread. You started it and immediately knocked the very idea of having a chaplain and belittled the beliefs that I and many others hold. If that doesn't make you an arrogant bigot, then it sure makes you sound like one. If you think 'turning the other cheek' means not responding to comments such as that, you are even more ignorant than I thought.

You didn't just disagree with our beliefs, you started a thread simply to ridicule them and belittle them. Perhaps you now realize what a prat you were because now you come crawling back saying "I have no problem with people exploring their spiritual side". Maybe not, but you made it perfectly clear what you thought of them. It's a bit late to try the old "I'm not really intolerant" line because you have shown everyone that you are. Next I expect you'll try the "I was only joking" routine.

You think the concentration comment was "gratuitous" but it was not, nor was it flippant. I was quite serious. People wonder how decent human beings like regular German people can turn into such animals. It starts with attitudes such as yours that are completely dismissive of the beliefs of others. You look at what you wrote and you were treating us as stupid and somehow lesser than you. That is where it all starts, with a lack of respect for others. Given the right circumstances it leads to concentration camps, or ghettos, or apartheid.

As for your pathetic comment about chaplains being replaced by 1300 nurses, that argument could be made about ANY non-nursing employees in the NHS. Think how many nurses you could hire if you got rid of the cleaners. Clearly they are all there for a reason - or they wouldn't be there. Does it not occur to you that the problem you have got is your ignorance of what chaplains do? Maybe instead of starting a thread that is a direct insult to people like me, you should use this internet thingy to ask what they do instead.

For many people, a chaplain is a valuable part of their treatment. It is something I do myself from time to time, and I am regarded as a member of staff and the treatment team at two hospitals, although I am not employed or paid by them. I attend people who request it and they will often tell you the chaplain was helpful in their recovery. And of course, it is often the chaplains that are left to help people through grief or tragedy, which it may surprise you to know isn't uncommon in hospitals. Would you fancy that job?

It would be the same at a football club. It would not be imposed on anyone, but would be a service available to those who would like it. I imagine this could be a service that wouldn't even cost the club anything, depending on the arrangement. Yes, they could go outside the club, but you could say that for just about anything the club does for its players. Chaplains also act as sources of information when they know they aren't the right person to handle an issue. For example, if the club had a chaplain who was a Christian, and the player was a Hindu with a spiritual crisis, a modern chaplain would likely have enough knowledge to talk about a basic issue, but if further help were needed, he would know who to contact in the Hindu faith. Given the transitional lifestyle of footballers, they often don't have the chance to gather that kind of knowledge for themselves.

To sum up, you ridicule the idea of a chaplain because a) you don't know what they do, and b) you show tendencies towards bigotry. Both are not that rare these days, but by starting a thread about it, you deserve a response.

BTW, you probably should spend some time researching industrial chaplains as well. You obviously haven't heard of them either.

Oh, and BTW, contrary to your little dig about employment, the situation here is a national SHORTAGE of clergy. Plenty of jobs if you want to endure the 7 or 8 years of training.


Registered ruffian
Aug 9, 2008
Very good post Juan. Top man.:thumbsup:


New member
Sep 15, 2007
However, the basic points remain unanswered. You talk vaguely of the benefits of chaplains, as in hospitals. Those would be the hospital chaplains funded by British taxpayers, to the tune of £32 million a year, yes? So why are they not funded by the church? If they were, the NHS could then afford to provide another 1300 nurses.

Don't really want to weigh in too much, especially as the very Reverend Juan Albion has already done so so well. However, just have to pick up on this. If you can't see the benefit of providing a service for people across the NHS to discuss issues of faith and sprituality, of any religion (I don't know but I bet there are Muslim equivalents within the NHS as well), then you're an idiot. Let's not forget that some of these people are close to death, may be in great pain, may be severely depressed and so on. I'm not sure having an impartial person to talk to is necessarily a bad thing, and I certainly don't buy the flippant number-crunching game of £32m this or 1300 that.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
all for it, as long as it is a Jedi. i nominate Kuipers, i can see him in a dark hooded robe telling all the force is strong with them.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
I venture to suggest that your ignorance and intolerance is exactly the kind of attitude that results in gassings in concentration camps. You wonder how human beings can do something like that to others? They start with the kind of attitude that you displayed in your opening post - a total lack of respect.

To be fair dude I think you've taken that waaaay to personally. I understand that issue's of faith can be a very sensitive subject but essentially accusing someone of making comments that could bring about genocide is a little far fetched to be honest. Whatever you may think the holocaust was not caused by people taking the piss out of religion like this chap here. Whilst it may have been an unnecessary and insensitive post, there is a HUGE difference between someone taking the piss and genocide!! Just chill out and believe that you have the correct viewpoint and the same goes to Gilliver.

Unless you want a :catfight: that is ??? :facepalm: .........

Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
To be fair dude I think you've taken that waaaay to personally. I understand that issue's of faith can be a very sensitive subject but essentially accusing someone of making comments that could bring about genocide is a little far fetched to be honest. Whatever you may think the holocaust was not caused by people taking the piss out of religion like this chap here. Whilst it may have been an unnecessary and insensitive post, there is a HUGE difference between someone taking the piss and genocide!! Just chill out and believe that you have the correct viewpoint and the same goes to Gilliver.

Unless you want a :catfight: that is ??? :facepalm: .........

Taking it personally? Making fun of chaplains, of which I am one? Hmmm. In fact I have also been chaplain to a sports team, although I was useless at it as they forgot to tell me I was it until the end of season banquet. Doh. . . At the moment I am also chaplain to a branch of the Legion. I wonder if that is allowed in Gilliver's world?

As far as genocide goes, do you think it starts from nowhere? You think it is rootless? Not likely, I think. As I said, I believe its root cause lies in a lack of respect and a lack of tolerance for other human beings. I didn't say Gilliver was involved with genocide, but his attitude is not far removed from the underlying cause. What happens is that under the right conditions, people start looking for a scapegoat - and who do they choose? Someone or some group that they have no respect and no tolerance for. In the past that has been Jews, and black people, etc. Now it is increasingly people of faith, when in fact we all know it should be Palarse fans.

BTW, did you notice the lovely way he started a thread all about religion, and then ends up by saying "Religion belongs in the private sphere, and we'd all be far better off if it stayed there." :facepalm: Sounds strangely like he thinks his views can be aired publicly but everything else must be hushed up. Tough.

The Merry Prankster

Pactum serva
Aug 19, 2006
Shoreham Beach
Gulliver's Travels writes [Q

Contrary to your presumption, I have no problem with people exploring their imagined "spiritual side"'[/QUOTE]

Breathtaking arrogance. Because you either don't have or can't find your spiritual side those that have must have imagined it. Does it ever occur that just because you haven't experienced something doesn't mean it doesn't exist or are you the font of ALL knowledge?


In London village.
Have you always been a bigot or is it something new?

What's bigoted about it ?

Mr G is just making the point that the club have a diverse workforce (and for that matter a diverse fanbase) and a Chaplain may be far more a divisive than an unifying element. Seems a perfectly fair point to me.


In London village.
As far as genocide goes, do you think it starts from nowhere? You think it is rootless? Not likely, I think. As I said, I believe its root cause lies in a lack of respect and a lack of tolerance for other human beings. I didn't say Gilliver was involved with genocide, but his attitude is not far removed from the underlying cause. What happens is that under the right conditions, people start looking for a scapegoat - and who do they choose? Someone or some group that they have no respect and no tolerance for. In the past that has been Jews, and black people, etc. Now it is increasingly people of faith, when in fact we all know it should be Palarse fans.


You are, I presume, aware that the murder of 6 million Jews was carried out by Christians in predominately Christian countries and had the cultural support of centuries of Christian anti-semitism ?


One of the Three
Jun 10, 2009
As far as genocide goes, do you think it starts from nowhere? You think it is rootless? Not likely, I think. As I said, I believe its root cause lies in a lack of respect and a lack of tolerance for other human beings. I didn't say Gilliver was involved with genocide, but his attitude is not far removed from the underlying cause. What happens is that under the right conditions, people start looking for a scapegoat - and who do they choose? Someone or some group that they have no respect and no tolerance for. In the past that has been Jews, and black people, etc. Now it is increasingly people of faith, when in fact we all know it should be Palarse fans.

I'm sorry but while i sympathise in a way with your position, you don't half go over the top. Religion isn't persecuted, it's just no longer shown the reverence to whch it's been accustomed and which it believes it deserves.

Anyway can you please explain how you decide which denomination is chosen for the chaplain? Genuinely interested in how you minister to a multifaith audience.

Dick Knights Mumm

Take me Home Falmer Road
Jul 5, 2003
Hither and Thither
Anyway can you please explain how you decide which denomination is chosen for the chaplain? Genuinely interested in how you minister to a multifaith audience.

This is from the ever excellent Doonesbury.


  • doonesbury1.JPG
    45.1 KB · Views: 93


Sep 28, 2004
Izmir, Southern Turkey
Juan and I come at this from two different directions but more or less agree. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a club having a spiritual adviser to administer to those with faith the problem is that it has to be ANY faith. Not only are countries cosmopolitan but football clubs are even more so. Therefore either you have an all-faith spiritual adviser or you have one for each faith represented.

The the problem is , can any one single human being administer to a variety of different faiths? I am not sure I have an answer to that.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
You obviously didn't understand a word I said if you think that was a diatribe.

Let's take a look at this thread...

I've asked you in the past why you complain whenever someone puts up a thread criticising something the church has done or been accused of, that people are quick to mention the negatives but never the positives, but never give those positives yourself.

You answered something about not wanting to spam the board or there being so much that you couldn't cover it all, etc.

That post is pretty much all that is needed. It offers the other side of what is being discussed, listing the positives of the example. Why can't you do that every time instead of complaining that no one else is listing the positives?

Having said that, do you honestly think that the nazi soldiers who gassed the jews did so because they didn't respect judaism? Did the soldiers in Iraq shoot muslim soldiers because they don't respect islam? Or do you think perhaps it is more that they were doing so uinder order either out of fear for what might happen to them if they don't obey, or out of some misguided loyalty that warps their world view?

If it was a lack of respect of anything that led to the holocaust it was a lack of respect for the value of human life, not of any particular religion. That, and the dominance of a mad man.


New member
Oct 2, 2003
Lol. Well done Jaun and TSoF. This is what's wrong with the World; too many people bitching and complaining when they don't have a clue what they're going on about.


Jul 8, 2008
You are, I presume, aware that the murder of 6 million Jews was carried out by Christians in predominately Christian countries and had the cultural support of centuries of Christian anti-semitism ?

The Nazis are Christians now?


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I would have thought that was perfectly obvious. Not everyone is as ignorant of their spiritual side as you plainly are. Frankly it is stupid of you not to realize that some of the players and staff may have spiritual matters they would like help with. The benefit and practice would be just as they are in hospitals these days, or at the scene of major disasters. A well-trained chaplain is knowledgable and respectful of all mainstream faiths. I can't believe you can come out with such a load of junk about something you profess to know nothing about.

I venture to suggest that your ignorance and intolerance is exactly the kind of attitude that results in gassings in concentration camps. You wonder how human beings can do something like that to others? They start with the kind of attitude that you displayed in your opening post - a total lack of respect.

Sitting back viewing this debate, although I don't neccesarily agree with his views I'm struggling to read anything ignorant, intolerant or bigoted about GTs post.

The only intolerance is coming from your side.

Tooting Gull

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Surely the key point here is that loaves and fishes aren't going to do it as a pre-match meal. Not enough slow-release carbs.

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