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closest you've got to death?


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
I nearly drowned when I was 4 years old at Black Rock (before the marina was built)
I was paddling at the water's edge when a huge wave came in and over the groyne at the same time. It knocked me out and swept me out with the undertow.

I can still visualise coming to in the water about 6 inches under the surface and seeing my hair floating all around me before some bloke grabbed me.

I was carried back onto the beach and given the old Holger Neilson (sp) method of first aid and coughing up water.

I also had a bad time giving birth to my son.

On the subject of panic attacks I started getting them when I travelled especially on planes. I managed to control them on trains but still haven't quite managed it on planes. I used to be able to get on a plane without any qualms at all.

I tried for years to manage (kept telling myself it is the safest form of transport and it wasn't logical etc) but now I get prescribed a valium just for the 24 hours leading up to and including the flight)
Even with that I still feel uncomfortable but I won't give into it.


New member
Jul 5, 2003
dwayne said:
f***ing got shot

I heard about that. The bullet entered your head but missed your brain by six feet


In London village.
Coming down the M23 at night in a Gti looked down too long to change a cassette, looked up found myself drifting into the back of another car, dragged the wheel back too violently, span the car into the central reservation a couple a times.

Cost me about £1500 and a strange feeling of not being connected to what was happening at the same time that it was happening.:dunce:

JJ McClure

Go Jags
Jul 7, 2003
I stubbed my toe once, but that's about it.


New member
Jul 5, 2003
Yorkie said:

On the subject of panic attacks I started getting them when I travelled especially on planes. I managed to control them on trains but still haven't quite managed it on planes. I used to be able to get on a plane without any qualms at all.

I tried for years to manage (kept telling myself it is the safest form of transport and it wasn't logical etc) but now I get prescribed a valium just for the 24 hours leading up to and including the flight)
Even with that I still feel uncomfortable but I won't give into it.

ah i'm having a time of it, on the subject of planes, last night i had a dream i was on one and it crashed:(
its not my week i think


Don't Push me
NSC Patron
Jul 8, 2003
Gwylan said:
I came near when I was about 18 months old. I was given penicillin (which I now know I'm allergic to). I went into a coma and, apparently, my grandmother was told that I wouldn't survive the night.

I had a malignant tumour removed when I was 6.

Was in car crash on the M4, where we just missed a bloody great lorry before wrapping the car around a concrete pillar.

And I got swept out to sea in Thailand (I didn't see the no bathing - treacherous current signs). Had to be rescued by an Aussie.

Reckon, I've used up a few lives by now.

And you survived a sauna with Bjork!

I had a really bad car accident when I fell asleep at the wheel. I crashed into 2 lamposts! The car caught on fire and I just sat in it, in shock. The engine fell out, and 2 guys in a lorry had to get me out of my car.

When you go into shock, anything can happen. I ran back to get my bag and mobile, after the police told me not too!

I was told I was very lucky to survive, but only came out with scratches and bruises. Whiplash and a neck brace.


Don't Push me
NSC Patron
Jul 8, 2003
One Christmas I was laying on the floor in the lounge when I di one of those things where you are sick in your mouth andthen swallow it! - Trouble is it choked me, I couldnt breathe for about 3 minutes, went funny colour and really thought my time was up, very scary, more so than when I was in Nam.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Back in East Sussex
Another sea story for me. I was drunk one night on the Baltic sea, 12 years ago in November, and walking along the rocky shore with some other people. I decided to see how cold the sea was, and tried to reach down the rocks to it. It was all very slippery, and I slipped straight in, and went straight underwater, making no sound.

The people I was with didn't notice, and had walked on. I tried to get out, but the rocks were covered smooth and slippery, and I couldn't get a grip, and kept going underwater. It was very cold. I managed to calm down, and inch my way up the rocks (it took about two minutes, but seemed like ten) bit by bit to get out of the sea. If the rocks hadn't been so smooth it would have been much easier, but I couldn't get a grip, as it were.

The moral is - don't drink and then do stupid things by the sea.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Rambo said:
And you survived a sauna with Bjork!

Well, I survived my girlfriend coming looking for me and wondering why I'd been so long in the sauna :)


Legal Alien
Jul 7, 2003
In my computer
When I was about 7 I got dumped by a wave about 5 feet from the shore - there was a huge rip running, I remember not being able to breath for a while and then everything went very quiet and I could see the sun up through the washy waves..... my Dad was standing only a few feet further inshore - as he used to stand and keep and eye on us...the next thing I knew there was this big hand reaching down and grabbing me by the arm and yanking me out....he tipped me upside down and I threw up sand everywhere..... scared the living daylights out of me......and I didn't want to go back in - but Dad made me and I hung on to him like a koala ! !

also had to drop someone off at A&E once due to a near overdose (vodka/red bull followed by coke, e and whatever else he'd taken) nose bleed, then a huge fit, then stopped breathing..... scared the life out of me and has done ever since.... will not touch the stuff myself.... ever....


New member
Jul 14, 2003
got spiked with Ketamine once when i was already hammered. Not in a good way for about 2 hours.


In London village.
Gwylan said:
Well, I survived my girlfriend coming looking for me and wondering why I'd been so long in the sauna :)

Tell us more !!!


Jul 5, 2003
Meanwhile back in Queens the realness is foundation
If I die I couldn't choose a better location
When the slugs penetrate you feel a burning sensation
Getting closer to God in a tight situation


New member
Jul 6, 2003
Was snowboarding in France going down this tight fast run (no more than 4 metres across), got to a tight U-bend and was going waaaay too fast, managed to traverse round whilst slipping towards the edge....finally got some grip and managed to peer over the cliff edge has I sped round, thought nothing of it until later that evening I looked at a picture of an aerial view of the resort (Les Deux Alpes) in a pub and saw the exact corner I nearly went over, asked the barmaid how big the drop was = 1000ft onto sheer rock!
All that was stopping me from going over was a flimsy rope :ohmy:

Also I was completley hammered once and tried to swim from Southwick beach to France to go snowboarding, thankfully my mate stopped me!
Seems snowboarding will be the death of me eventually :D


New member
Jul 7, 2003
When I was 13 my sister broke my guitar, this caused me to loose my temper and attempt to throttle her! But the silly bitch closed a plate glass door in my way, which I stupidly punched through in an attempt to get at her. I nearly passed out in the ambulance, lost 3 pints of blood, had 25 stitches in my wrist and 6 months of physio. The nurse had big jubblies! :p

I skied a brown run, doing some amazing dancing skills (breakdancing) whilst trying to stop going down a muddy icy run in Saalbach. Fell about 30 feet down the mountain, and went off the end of the run. Managed to get back up though. That's the last time I go down a black run!


New member
Jul 5, 2003
Norman, Oklahoma
I went to Germany when I was 13 and caught "giardisis" (sp?). It's a parisitic worm thing in the intestines from dodgy water in the intestines. It took all the nutrients and water from food I ate so I got none. I lost a stone and a half(only weighing 7 stone before) in the first month before they took me into hospital. Was in there for 2 weeks while they thought I had a brain tumour and had pretty much every test possible. I couldn't eat during this time as it made me sick and I was drinking 8+ litres of water a day. They gave me antibiotics after the 2 weeks and thought it had gone.

Came back the next month though and had another week in hospital. It then kept coming back for another 8 months odd during which time I still had no energy to do anything. I missed pretty much the entire school year just going in for 2 or 3 lessons a week.

If they had taken much longer to diagnose it I would have literally wasted away within a month. My mum had the same thing a few years before and they took longer with her and she came really close with it. When I got it we tried to say how similar the 2 were but it took 2 weeks for them to agree, :angry:

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