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Cameron is playing a blinder

GNF on Tour

Registered Twunt
Jul 7, 2003

I've never voted for the Conservatives, and I lean much more to the centre than most of his party, but I have to say that David Cameron is playing a blinder during the expenses scandal, showing leadership and coming across as frank and open in a way Labour haven't for a long, long time.

Still no idea who I'm going to vote for on June 4th!

Don't vote Tory, just don't. Take it from someone who lived through the last shambles, they are gloss and no substance. Honestly, don't do it mate, Cameron is a clown and no better than the other morons he preceded. A averagly performing Labour Party is still a country mile better than the best the Tories can offer. Don't do it.

Also, voting Tory automatically qulaifies you as an absolute clueless fuckwit with a tiny cock, so thats another reason.

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
Yea I know that now but my point is that it shows that labour would rather increase the income tax rather than look at themselves and their spending. Soon enough it could be reduced to 100k for 50% and so on and so forth, is just concerning for people like me that have 40 or so years of paying taxes to look forward to.

Fair enough but where do you think the economic stimulus should come from? I also note that the Conservatives have not pledged to reverse this tax policy.

Every government in the G20 is committed to expanding public spending as an answer to the global recession. To be fair the Conservatives did say they would not join in, but did not say what they would do to address the problem.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
I can't believe that anybody would be stupid enough to vote Labour again after the God awful way they've f***ed everything up.
Mind you I thought the same about the Yanks in 2004 so . . .

And Labour have done such a wonderful job haven't they ?.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Wolsingham, County Durham
Just to throw in my tuppence worth. Observing from afar, I would like to make the following points:

I cannot see how the UK is going to repay the debt that the currrent government are generating without raising taxes. Mrs T inherited huge problems when she took over and the way she raised some cash was to privatise everything. What assets has the UK got now to sell??

Also, as no-one seems to agree with the governments figures on borrowing (ie a lot of people are saying that it is going to be a lot higher) and observers are saying that the growth forecasts are optimistic to say the least, I don't see how any opposition party can make claims now as to how it can be solved. They need to discover the extent of the problem first, surely?

A lot of expats I speak to here (and yes, some of us still do pay UK tax), are seriously concerned that their kids and grandkids will be paying this debt off for the rest of their lives.

The expenses row needs to be sorted quickly imo. It is detracting from sorting out the UK's finances. If people are that concerned about their local MP's behaviour, then they should become a local member of the party concerned and lobby for that member to be deselected, if the member has not done the decent thing and bogged off themselves.

I have never been involved in politics myself and have usually gone with the flow, but am finding that in order to fight corruption in this country, people have to stand up and voice their concerns (which my local community is doing currently when the local council proposed to increase our rates by over 2000%!!). So, get involved and try to sort it out. Make your voice heard, not by voting for some marginal party or by spoiling your ballot paper, but by choosing candidates that you think will do the best for you, your children and the country as a whole and not milk the system for all it is worth.


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2009
Lets face can anyone do a good job, Labour have screwed this country we need someone with big balls to make the right decisons.

Most of these MPs are two wrapped up in themselves and forget the job they have to do

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Better than Thatcher 1979-1990.

Do you have any idea of the level of debt this government has put us in ?.
£ 13000 for every man. woman and child. It will take us until 2032 to repay the debt and that is with optomistic growth forecasts.

sir danny cullip

New member
Feb 14, 2004
Burgess Hill
Fair enough but where do you think the economic stimulus should come from? I also note that the Conservatives have not pledged to reverse this tax policy.

Every government in the G20 is committed to expanding public spending as an answer to the global recession. To be fair the Conservatives did say they would not join in, but did not say what they would do to address the problem.

I think it's pretty much been shown that the VAT cut was a complete sham and a waste of money, bailing the banks out I actually agreed with because the government's hand was forced on that occasion but it goes back to my point about efficient spending.

The VAT cut was a waste of time and added to the government debt, why didn't they just ride it out for a month which, in the long run, would probably have been much cheaper OR if they really wanted to take action just throw everyone £250 similar to what they did in Australia, now that is real action and to be fair I wouldn't mind paying off that kind of bill in a few years. Just not some numpty VAT rise and the salaries and pensions of thousands of overpaid NHS 'executives' and agency staff.


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
The United Kingdom of Mile Oak
After 3 years of Cameron being in charge, we're still waiting to find out what policies the Tories are going to propose to get us out of this mess and also what they intend to do about education, the NHS and Europe.

The fact is is that Cameron is just a PR man who, along with the Tories, have nothing in their locker.

It's laughable that the Tories are blaming Labour for the boom in the early part of the decade, but I seem to remember that they ran an election campaign on the basis that under the Tories in '97, Britain was 'booming' and therefore proving that they would have done no different to the economy and this country would have been in the same situation as it is now or slightly worse because their level of borrowing would have been more than what this current government's is.

I think the Government should call the Tories bluff and call an election...then we'll see how empty Cameron's policies actually are!


Jul 8, 2008
After 3 years of Cameron being in charge, we're still waiting to find out what policies the Tories are going to propose to get us out of this mess and also what they intend to do about education, the NHS and Europe.

The fact is is that Cameron is just a PR man who, along with the Tories, have nothing in their locker.

It's laughable that the Tories are blaming Labour for the boom in the early part of the decade, but I seem to remember that they ran an election campaign on the basis that under the Tories in '97, Britain was 'booming' and therefore proving that they would have done no different to the economy and this country would have been in the same situation as it is now or slightly worse because their level of borrowing would have been more than what this current government's is.

I think the Government should call the Tories bluff and call an election...then we'll see how empty Cameron's policies actually are!

The job of HM Oposistion is not to bring up policy. Its to hold the Government of the day to account. When Brown call an election you will hear what the Torys policy is. Or alternitavly you can see it here.

The Conservative Party | Policy

Im sure i heard the other day, a Labour backbencher moaning that their was no legeslation going though paliament at the moment. The Government is dead and is unable to do anything.

Billy the Fish

Oct 18, 2005
Haywards Heath
After 3 years of Cameron being in charge, we're still waiting to find out what policies the Tories are going to propose to get us out of this mess and also what they intend to do about education, the NHS and Europe.

The fact is is that Cameron is just a PR man who, along with the Tories, have nothing in their locker.

It's laughable that the Tories are blaming Labour for the boom in the early part of the decade, but I seem to remember that they ran an election campaign on the basis that under the Tories in '97, Britain was 'booming' and therefore proving that they would have done no different to the economy and this country would have been in the same situation as it is now or slightly worse because their level of borrowing would have been more than what this current government's is.

I think the Government should call the Tories bluff and call an election...then we'll see how empty Cameron's policies actually are!

I find it astonishing that people on this site actually believe stuff like this. Do you honestly think that when they get in, and they are going to, that they're just going to sit around in parliament going "shit, we're in now, we'd better think of something to do". You (and all the others with red tinted glasses on ) probably think that cabinet meetings will consist of the tory bigwigs talking about who's got the biggest house and the most servants, and george osbourn and david cameron playing tiddlywinks.

They will announce a manifesto when the election is called, if they do it before Labour just nick the best ideas.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
After 3 years of Cameron being in charge, we're still waiting to find out what policies the Tories are going to propose to get us out of this mess and also what they intend to do about education, the NHS and Europe.

The fact is is that Cameron is just a PR man who, along with the Tories, have nothing in their locker.

It's laughable that the Tories are blaming Labour for the boom in the early part of the decade, but I seem to remember that they ran an election campaign on the basis that under the Tories in '97, Britain was 'booming' and therefore proving that they would have done no different to the economy and this country would have been in the same situation as it is now or slightly worse because their level of borrowing would have been more than what this current government's is.

I think the Government should call the Tories bluff and call an election...then we'll see how empty Cameron's policies actually are!

I suppose if you say it enough times some people will believe you. Infact it appears to me the ONLY policy Labour have is " The Tories have no policies ". Fortunately there are enough independent minded people who will not swallow this bullshit wholesale and vote accordingly.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
After 3 years of Cameron being in charge, we're still waiting to find out what policies the Tories are going to propose to get us out of this mess and also what they intend to do about education, the NHS and Europe.

The fact is is that Cameron is just a PR man who, along with the Tories, have nothing in their locker.

It's laughable that the Tories are blaming Labour for the boom in the early part of the decade, but I seem to remember that they ran an election campaign on the basis that under the Tories in '97, Britain was 'booming' and therefore proving that they would have done no different to the economy and this country would have been in the same situation as it is now or slightly worse because their level of borrowing would have been more than what this current government's is.

I think the Government should call the Tories bluff and call an election...then we'll see how empty Cameron's policies actually are!

Labour inherited the strongest economy in 1997 since World war two and the Conservatives will inherit the worst economy in 2010 since World war two.

Goldstone Rapper

Rediffusion PlayerofYear
Jan 19, 2009
Don't vote Tory, just don't. Take it from someone who lived through the last shambles, they are gloss and no substance. Honestly, don't do it mate, Cameron is a clown and no better than the other morons he preceded. A averagly performing Labour Party is still a country mile better than the best the Tories can offer. Don't do it.

Also, voting Tory automatically qulaifies you as an absolute clueless fuckwit with a tiny cock, so thats another reason.

Having lived through the last period of Conservative rule, I remember 3 million being unemployed, the Poll Tax, the endless rows over Europe, the ERM debacle, Cash For Questions, ministers attacking single mothers, failed privatisation policies, and general arrogance and greed. I was jubilant when Major's rudderless, embarrassing government was defeated. However, I don't see the point of trying to refight the 1997 election in 2010. My post was in no way an endorsement of Conservative policy or philosophy, or even of David Cameron's beliefs. It was to comment on how effectively he had operated in the light of a crisis that engulfs his party as well as Labour and the Lib Dems.
Last edited:

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
If people actually LISTEN to what Cameron has to say without prejudice and pre judged ideas they will find the bloke has a lot of good ideas and comes across as a decent bloke imo. Of course WHEN he wins the general election next year it may be a crock of shit but for now he is the one Man I would put my tick against.

Comments like " I hate everything he stands " for is BULLSHIT and comes from a 15 year old Boy who probably just said it to gain favour with all the NSC lefties without having ANY knowledge behind the sweeping statement he made.

Do you remember all the budgets Brown did banging on about " prudence " and " no more boom and bust " PAH. Total shit. He spunked away TRILLIONS of pounds on bureaucrats , civil servants and paperwork for EVERYONE trying to do a job from NHS Doctors to Police officers who could not do their jobs properly as they had to file a report first.

He also plundered literally tens of millions of pounds from people's pensions and sold our Gold reserve's at firesale prices.

And still people want to vote for him :wozza:

Jesus H Christ. I have no wish to comment on the expenses scandal but reading this crap...

You really have a problem with people having differing points of view to you don't you?


Oct 18, 2008
What is someone's wealth to do with the expenses they claimed ?. The system is there. Some abused it Cameron DID NOT and those in his party who did have been held to account and either caned out of the party, told to step down or to be left to the electorate where they work to decide for them.

What the FREEKING HELL more do you want.

It doesnt matter how many corrupt MPs he chucks out, theres still plenty of morons hanging around behind the scenes that wont do this country any good, unless cameron literally rebuilt the party from the ground up, which isnt going to happen

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Jesus H Christ. I have no wish to comment on the expenses scandal but reading this crap...

You really have a problem with people having differing points of view to you don't you?

Pot Kettle Black


Jul 8, 2008
It doesnt matter how many corrupt MPs he chucks out, theres still plenty of morons hanging around behind the scenes that wont do this country any good, unless cameron literally rebuilt the party from the ground up, which isnt going to happen

What Camoron is actualy doing is getting rid of his 'old gaurd'. The people of the party that are too far to the right, but are still concidered as Tory. They are being chucked out of the party and will most probably end up at UKIP.

What ever you think about the Tories, you have to admit that Dave is a very astute politician. IMO or course.

sir danny cullip

New member
Feb 14, 2004
Burgess Hill
It doesnt matter how many corrupt MPs he chucks out, theres still plenty of morons hanging around behind the scenes that wont do this country any good, unless cameron literally rebuilt the party from the ground up, which isnt going to happen

The figures quoted on the news last night suggest that there will be a huge clearout of MP's on all sides of the house due to the expenses scandal, sackings and resignations .

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