It's near the Olympic site, apparently...
It's quite funny listening to the chinese whispers reporting on sky news. Some bloke just phoned in and said it was 'like an atomic bomb'
I want to get on the roof of our building to have a look, don't think i'm allowed though
Waterden Road in Stratford on an industrial estate
If that is the case, I know the road very well. I have worked on it for the last five years regenerating it then supporting the move of the businesses out of the Olympic area. Waterden Road. Is in the northern part of the zone, adjacent to the BMX site etc.
And where the1 m sq ft Media Centre will go.
Lots of clearence is going on there at the mo? A controlled explosion perhaps. This area was bombed heavily in the war, it was in the midst of the Docks and the Enfield armanents factories.
At the old bus station apparently? Or the new Olympic Park. Police and Scotland Yard saying its only a fire