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Am I a firework killjoy...


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Just been out and had a moan at some very posh chaps and ladies having a firework party er... in the street.

Not some street urchins, more rah, rah, rah, glass of champers, little black dress and a sparkler.

"Well we are trying our best to make sure they fly upwards..."

Should mention that I live in a typical high density South London Victorian Road and personally I don't think allowing fireworks to hit the sides of houses and fall on peoples cars is a particularly sensible thing to do...

Couple of years ago someone directly opposite in the same street managed to get some hold of some very big, professional fireworks (not your newsgent type) and was letting them in their back yard...

The bloody things were hitting our roof !

Jul 5, 2003
Youre not a killjoy, I know what you mean.

I really think that firework use should be restricted to liscenced firework displays. When in soton during 5/11 last year, kids were throwing fireworks at eachother - it was a disaster waiting to happen.


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
I agree BAG. Firework displays are much better as you see really good fireworks which are handled safely and don't cost a fortune to watch.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Stupid thing is we have one of the biggest displays in the country on the common.

Why didn't these posh w*nkers get their kicks out of their system trecking in the Andes on their year out ?


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I agree BAG. Firework displays are much better as you see really good fireworks which are handled safely and don't cost a fortune to watch.

I saw some really good fireworks for nothing in the road last year :rant:

DC Rules

Could It Be Forever?
Sep 19, 2006
I agree, each year they seem to get louder, and although the law was changed to restrict sales to a shorter period of time, they have been going off round here (worthing) for about 3 weeks now...and my dog is terrified of the bangs...I wouldn't mind it so much if it was just tonight and tomorrow, just 2 days of him shaking, and hiding behind the sofa all evening rather than weeks of it


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Hopefully the really nasty kids from the estate will come round and frighten them off.

On the pet issue, I've already seen the signs go up for missing cats. Happens every year round here.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2005
2nd runway at Gatwick
I think that the answer may be to allow shops to sell fireworks for only a couple of days before 5/11 and to limit the amount that any one person can buy unless it's for a proper organised display. The bloody things have been going off here for a couple of weeks now and it'll be all the way down to New Years Eve now. They should be banned except for November 5th and people should be prosecuted for setting them off at any other time. My dog is terrified and it really is all very selfish of these idiots to do it. Not only that they cost an absolute fortune and, for all the lasting enjoyment that anyone gets out of it, you may just as well set fire to a bundle of £20 notes

ali jenkins

Thanks to Guinness Dave
Feb 9, 2006
I agree, each year they seem to get louder, and although the law was changed to restrict sales to a shorter period of time, they have been going off round here (worthing) for about 3 weeks now...and my dog is terrified of the bangs...I wouldn't mind it so much if it was just tonight and tomorrow, just 2 days of him shaking, and hiding behind the sofa all evening rather than weeks of it

It'll be like this untill the new year is over!

Theres always someones birthday or xmas or new year which HAS to have fireworks!

Jul 5, 2003
I think that the answer may be to allow shops to sell fireworks for only a couple of days before 5/11 and to limit the amount that any one person can buy unless it's for a proper organised display. The bloody things have been going off here for a couple of weeks now and it'll be all the way down to New Years Eve now. They should be banned except for November 5th and people should be prosecuted for setting them off at any other time. My dog is terrified and it really is all very selfish of these idiots to do it. Not only that they cost an absolute fortune and, for all the lasting enjoyment that anyone gets out of it, you may just as well set fire to a bundle of £20 notes

Officially there is a limit for when you are allowed to set off fireworks ( i think its until 11) on specific days, but its absolutely unenforceable (is that a word?!) The limit is a goods idea in theory, but wouldnt work in practice, as you can buy from different shops.

Something definitely needs to be done, but whether it will happen is another thing!!

Guy Fawkes

The voice of treason
Sep 29, 2007
What a bunch of killjoys you are!

Just because a few people decide to break the current regs about the use of fireworks, you want everyone to be banned! most people are sensible and hold garden displays etc at sensible times, so what have they done wrong to deserve to be banned?

There are restrictions on fireworks which include age limits to buy them, and times they can't be let off after - 11pm except the 5th and New years which are 1pm and anyone breaking this is usually current fines, I believe by fixed penalty notice and not taken to court.

The bonfire season is relatively short so why complain so much, do you have the same attitute towards everyone who makes noise at night after 11pm, I expect not, (I often hear drunken revellers on their way home making far more noise than fireworks make and usually much later at night and all year round as well as causing far more damage than fireworks do) + retailers are limited to what times of year that they can sell them, so I do not see what the problem is.

The rules on what fireworks members of the public can have have changed recently, and normal members of the public can not buy fireworks which are category 4 or above (maybe 3 or above - i'm not sure now). Only professionals who are licensed can buy or use the more powerful fireworks, like the ones used in the Lewes displays on the 5th.

Why can't people having a celebration let off a few fireworks for friends / relatives to watch, most of which do not make a very big bang, but mainly produce a colourful display?


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
What a bunch of killjoys you are!
Just because a few people decide to break the current regs about the use of fireworks, you want everyone to be banned! most people are sensible and hold garden displays etc at sensible times, so what have they done wrong to deserve to be banned?

Being let off on the street, falling on peoples roofs and cars ?

There are restrictions on fireworks which include age limits to buy them, and times they can't be let off after - 11pm except the 5th and New years which are 1pm and anyone breaking this is usually current fines, I believe by fixed penalty notice and not taken to court.

Obviously isn't enforced.

The bonfire season is relatively short so why complain so much, do you have the same attitute towards everyone who makes noise at night after 11pm, I expect not, (I often hear drunken revellers on their way home making far more noise than fireworks make and usually much later at night and all year round as well as causing far more damage than fireworks do) + retailers are limited to what times of year that they can sell them, so I do not see what the problem is.

I can't see the difference between two people having a fight in street and throwing fireworks at each other to be honest. The kids round here will still be letting them off for weeks.

The rules on what fireworks members of the public can have have changed recently, and normal members of the public can not buy fireworks which are category 4 or above (maybe 3 or above - i'm not sure now). Only professionals who are licensed can buy or use the more powerful fireworks, like the ones used in the Lewes displays on the 5th.

I've seen those type of fireworks being let off in peoples back yards !

Why can't people having a celebration let off a few fireworks for friends / relatives to watch, most of which do not make a very big bang, but mainly produce a colourful display?

Fine, I do the same sort of things with my friends down in Sussex. These are being let off in the street, often by someone holding one and just down the road is a fantastic and huge organised firework display.

Unfortunately I'm not one of those people who can just ignore kids playing around with fireworks in the street and not say something. Last year I just got a torrent of abuse after trying to explain to them they'll end up losing a finger (if they were lucky).

Guy Fawkes

The voice of treason
Sep 29, 2007
Can I ask what damage is being done by the paper wrapped, cardboard tubes or wooden sticks that are the remains of these fireworks actually doing to the roofs or to the cars? - None I bet, the same as bits falling from trees etc...

Fireworks are made so that they do not have much explosive force and are mainly made in a way that either means that it would burn to produce a colour - like a flare (which you see many people holding at foreign football matches no problem) or to produce a bang, they have no real destructive force because of the way they are mixed and packed), Shop brought fireworks are explosively very weak, and provided the instructions are followed, (distance from fireworks going off, not returning if fails to go off etc..) no injury or damage will occur. If you feel that they are being let off in a dangerous way, or are illegal, have you actually reported it or just ignored it and grumbling to yopurself?

Also, if you banned private individuals from having fireworks, could you imagine how many would turn up at organised events like Lewes on the 5th, Lewes is a small town, population about 15,000 but the last couple of bonfire nights the crowds of spectators have been about 80,000. By getting rid of private displays etc, you would only further stretch the ability to safely manage such events.
The Carnival and Bonfire season starts on about the first week in September at places like Uckfield, and runs til the end of November, not just the fifth. (Danger due to crushing, not from fireworks (Last year estimated 80,000 people in Lewes for the 5th, only a handful of injuries and arrest for disorder, the injuries were mainly things like blisters on feet, rather than firework related, despite bangers and Gerbs being let of on the Public highway.)

Your arguement seems to me to be that because some people let off fireworks later than they should, or have got hold of some illegal higher category fireworks, everyone should be banned. -- so does this apply to other areas in life, For example, A large number of drivers in this country speed despite laws and attempts at enforcement, most of the speeding incidents that occur do not result in any problems for the driver, any passengers or any other member of the public. But by your arguement, because a few break the rules, should everyone be banned including those who have always obeyed the rules and always driven in a safe manner. - Hardly fair is it.

The real question should be: A) How did the children letting off fireworks get hold of them in the first place, B) does the way that people who break the legislation and get punished need to change. C) does the way the enforcement of these laws need to change & most importantly of all D) Why certain people think it is such a big issue that for a short period in a year, that people are trying to enjoy themselves, surely there are far more important things in the world to worry about!

P.S - Can you name which type of firework cause of most injuries each year?


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Can I ask what damage is being done by the paper wrapped, cardboard tubes or wooden sticks that are the remains of these fireworks actually doing to the roofs or to the cars? - None I bet, the same as bits falling from trees etc...

Fireworks are made so that they do not have much explosive force and are mainly made in a way that either means that it would burn to produce a colour - like a flare (which you see many people holding at foreign football matches no problem) or to produce a bang, they have no real destructive force because of the way they are mixed and packed), Shop brought fireworks are explosively very weak, and provided the instructions are followed, (distance from fireworks going off, not returning if fails to go off etc..) no injury or damage will occur. If you feel that they are being let off in a dangerous way, or are illegal, have you actually reported it or just ignored it and grumbling to yopurself?

Also, if you banned private individuals from having fireworks, could you imagine how many would turn up at organised events like Lewes on the 5th, Lewes is a small town, population about 15,000 but the last couple of bonfire nights the crowds of spectators have been about 80,000. By getting rid of private displays etc, you would only further stretch the ability to safely manage such events.
The Carnival and Bonfire season starts on about the first week in September at places like Uckfield, and runs til the end of November, not just the fifth. (Danger due to crushing, not from fireworks (Last year estimated 80,000 people in Lewes for the 5th, only a handful of injuries and arrest for disorder, the injuries were mainly things like blisters on feet, rather than firework related, despite bangers and Gerbs being let of on the Public highway.)

Your arguement seems to me to be that because some people let off fireworks later than they should, or have got hold of some illegal higher category fireworks, everyone should be banned. -- so does this apply to other areas in life, For example, A large number of drivers in this country speed despite laws and attempts at enforcement, most of the speeding incidents that occur do not result in any problems for the driver, any passengers or any other member of the public. But by your arguement, because a few break the rules, should everyone be banned including those who have always obeyed the rules and always driven in a safe manner. - Hardly fair is it.

The real question should be: A) How did the children letting off fireworks get hold of them in the first place, B) does the way that people who break the legislation and get punished need to change. C) does the way the enforcement of these laws need to change & most importantly of all D) Why certain people think it is such a big issue that for a short period in a year, that people are trying to enjoy themselves, surely there are far more important things in the world to worry about!

P.S - Can you name which type of firework cause of most injuries each year?

I've made mention at all about the time fireworks are let off have I ?

.. and when did I mention a ban ?

What I'm talking about isn't some nice garden party - I'm talking about fireworks being let off by children and adults in the middle of the road. I'm simply talking about a bit of common sense and something I'd hope you'd understand - having a little bit of consideration for others and thinking about your actions.

Obviously not talking about the fantastic tradition of Lewes am I ? Can't you see the difference.

Kids holding them in their hands and lighting the things etc... Firing them into people houses from a close distance, not in a roped off field or even down the bottom of someones garden.

We are obviously talking about completely different things and can't quite see how sparklers have anything to do with it.
Last edited:

Guy Fawkes

The voice of treason
Sep 29, 2007
Just been out and had a moan at some very posh chaps and ladies having a firework party er... in the street.

Not some street urchins, more rah, rah, rah, glass of champers, little black dress and a sparkler.

"Well we are trying our best to make sure they fly upwards..."

Should mention that I live in a typical high density South London Victorian Road and personally I don't think allowing fireworks to hit the sides of houses and fall on peoples cars is a particularly sensible thing to do...

Couple of years ago someone directly opposite in the same street managed to get some hold of some very big, professional fireworks (not your newsgent type) and was letting them in their back yard...

The bloody things were hitting our roof !

The first thing you said on this thread - Just been out an had a moan, and the time for your post was --- 10:46 so still before the 11 o'clock watershed, and to comment that it was "Not some street urchins, more rah, rah, rah, glass of champers, little black dress and a sparkler." does not seem to me to be rowdy yobs causing damage and risking serious injury, maybe more to do with the type of people (would the reaction have been the same if say, it was being held for a 10 year olds' birthday celebration?)

I was also responding to other posts on the thread mentioning things like restricting them to licensed displays or to being available for only a couple of days before the fifth.

The thing about driving was meant to be an example of how the majority of people who are following the rules would be punished for doing nothing wrong
because a few had chosen to bend / break the law by speeding, not everyone should be automatically banned which to me would be like banning private parties or individuals having displays because a few people chose to let some fireworks off in the street or late at night (hope that explains what i mean better)

Barrow Boy

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 2, 2007
Just been out and had a moan at some very posh chaps and ladies having a firework party er... in the street.

Not some street urchins, more rah, rah, rah, glass of champers, little black dress and a sparkler.

"Well we are trying our best to make sure they fly upwards..."

Should mention that I live in a typical high density South London Victorian Road and personally I don't think allowing fireworks to hit the sides of houses and fall on peoples cars is a particularly sensible thing to do...

Couple of years ago someone directly opposite in the same street managed to get some hold of some very big, professional fireworks (not your newsgent type) and was letting them in their back yard...

The bloody things were hitting our roof !

Yuppies acting like chavs, give em a good slap !!

:rant: :rant:

Eagle Slayer

Active member
Jul 15, 2007
Why does this country celebrate the failed gunpowder plot on the Houses of Parliment ? The 2nd plot to blow up buses and tube trains in London was also foiled a couple of years ago but we dont celebrate that by blowing up buses and tube trains every year in july do we :angry:

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