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Alton Towers,Muslim Day,cancelled

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
Lokki 7 said:
Ahh Mr B., Mr B. As you well know my reference to your racist comments was not aimed at this thread at all. Although it was no surprise to me upon opening this thread, that your smiling face was soon peeking back at me from the screen. What do I think of this Alton Towers issue? I think it is a non issue. Are your comments in this thread racist? Casually so maybe ("normal people" :dunce: ), as is your usual style. Do they alone make you a racist? Of course not.
My point was more a yawn to you banging on about how hard done by and picked on you always are in these debates. But as LI says, don't take it personally, take it tongue in cheek because no one can possibly be offended by tongue in cheek comments. Can they?
I dont feel hard done by at all mate. It just pisses me off when people like you, are quick to label people racists, when you offer no views of your own.
You know 'normal people' comment meant 'average/Joe Public/normal' but you try and make a thing out of it, while doing so totally avoiding the topic. f*** me, I even spelt it out higher up in this thread and you still make an issue out of it!
As LI has done you label this a non-issue. So why post here. If you dont have a view let people who do, talk about it.

But to keep butting in, and implying people are racist without giving any views of your own, makes you look stupid.

Vlad the Impala

New member
Jul 16, 2004
looney said:
Of course you wont explain why will you Gloria? Intelligent people scare you dont they?

It's not a question of not wanting to explain, it's a question of not knowing where to start.

Could be: South Downs - North Downs

Or it could be: "It's up to Burns to explain what he means" followed by a load of tripe where you tell us what he means. . . and make your auntie into your uncle. Load of bollocks.

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
looney said:
I'm against all religions they can all burn in hell.

f***ing hell. Looney said something I agree with. Sweet Jesus.

Don't get excited though, you nazi benefit cheat, it won't happen again.


The moaning of life
Jan 8, 2006
In rehab
It's the same old cop out labelling people racists.Normally they have f*** all else to come back with as they are defeated

Vlad the Impala

New member
Jul 16, 2004
looney said:
Intelligent people scare you dont they?

Dunno mate, but you don't.


Jul 7, 2003
hans kraay fan club said:
f***ing hell. Looney said something I agree with. Sweet Jesus.

Don't get excited though, you nazi benefit cheat, it won't happen again.

Does your mother know you wear her cloths while masterbating over your sisters pictures?.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
looney said:
True expecting people to intergrate doesn't mean them abanoning their veiws beleif etc, neither does it mean us abandoning our veiws and beleifs which is the issue burns is on about.

Normal people can often refer to social norms, that would be the majority population in whatever context it is used..
Looney, I think everyone knows what I meant. I think to use the term "the majority" would be slightly better but it all really just means the same thing.

It is interesting though, that this discussion has turned away for the main point and is now about how a particualr comment was phrased. Even though I tried to spell it out Lokki still feels the need to make it the main point of his reply. But whatever word I used, whether normal, British, Public, the majority, thats what their focus would have been on, because if they attack someone and label them with their favourite word, racist, it avoids them giving an opinion of their own.


Jul 7, 2003
Vlad the Impala said:
It's not a question of not wanting to explain, it's a question of not knowing where to start.

Could be: South Downs - North Downs

Or it could be: "It's up to Burns to explain what he means" followed by a load of tripe where you tell us what he means. . . and make your auntie into your uncle. Load of bollocks.

The first part reflects the distinction between similar and opposites.

The second part is valid, burns definition holds I was just showing another way to intepret it goober.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
Vlad the Impala said:

Or it could be: "It's up to Burns to explain what he means" followed by a load of tripe where you tell us what he means. . . and make your auntie into your uncle. Load of bollocks.
Oh look. More put downs.
No views. I see a pattern here................
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m20gull said:
I am answering the point, but without resorting to abuse. Using the phrase normal people in conjunction to distinguish them from Muslims is inherent racism because it implies that Muslims are not normal. And yes it is racism because most Muslims are not ethincally white British.

People who attended the park were not being forced to be Muslims for a day. They were only being asked to respect the religion of a number of British people. For one day only.

Expecting people to integrate in to society is not about making them abandon all of their views and beliefs but accomodating them and encouraging them to respect the views and beliefs of Britain. How does denying people the right to a day's enjoyment of their choosing encourage integration? I suggest it is not.

I do understand and would massively share the disappointment of people like the wedding couple. But why should a commerical organisation not be free to change its admission policy, and the nature of its offering for a day when it chooses and publicises? Have you never turned up at an entertainment venue and been disappointed by what was on offer?

In the end commercial pressure has told. There was no demand from British Muslims for the event and its off.

I wonder when Mr Asian Plague is going to get round to answering this post?

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
m20gull said:
I am answering the point, but without resorting to abuse. Using the phrase normal people in conjunction to distinguish them from Muslims is inherent racism because it implies that Muslims are not normal. And yes it is racism because most Muslims are not ethincally white British.

People who attended the park were not being forced to be Muslims for a day. They were only being asked to respect the religion of a number of British people. For one day only.

Expecting people to integrate in to society is not about making them abandon all of their views and beliefs but accomodating them and encouraging them to respect the views and beliefs of Britain. How does denying people the right to a day's enjoyment of their choosing encourage integration? I suggest it is not.

I do understand and would massively share the disappointment of people like the wedding couple. But why should a commerical organisation not be free to change its admission policy, and the nature of its offering for a day when it chooses and publicises? Have you never turned up at an entertainment venue and been disappointed by what was on offer?

In the end commercial pressure has told. There was no demand from British Muslims for the event and its off.
But the use of the word normal was not meant as a racist view, and it appears as demonstrated in this thread any phrase used will be turned into racist view by some. But I'm not repating all that again.

No one is asking Muslims or anyone else for that matter to abandon their beliefs. But what people are saying is why should we abandon ours, even if only for one day. I personally have no regilous beliefs (as I'm sure you can tell by my sig) but do have a problem with being told to change what I do, just to keep another groups of people happy. You say they were only asking us to respect the religion of a number of British people. For one day only. I disagree, we were being asked to follow that religion for one day. Why should we? I can respect their religion, I don't and won't follow it even for a day to prove it. And that is what they were asking us to do. I have no religion to follow, but that still doesn't mean I'll follow someone elses. I'll respect it. But if it means I have to change the way I behave even for one day, than I refuse to.

If this group wanted to help Muslims integrate in to society than they could have handed out leaflets asking people to see their views, but to change the rules of the park so the day run under Muslim rules, says to me they aren't interested in intergrating, as if they were they would take on some of our rules for the day.

Now before the LI & Co jump on that I am talking about the group who tried to arrange this. I believe 'normal, 'average' whatever word you want to use that isn't racist, I believe normal Muslims can integrate on their own. I fail to see how holding a 'Muslim' day at a theme park would help them. And the fact its been cancelled probably means your 'average' Muslim feels the same way. But I believe the group who tried to arrange this, had no intention of helping Muslims integrate, and done it purley to stir up the type of reaction seen on this board.
Do I like these people, absolutely not, I think their scum, but that doesn't mean I think all Muslims are scum, far from it. But I'm sure the like of LI and co will try and turn that into me being racist.

And m20gull, it makes a nice change for someone who has a different opinion on a topic like this not to resort to name calling. :bowdown: It's also makes a pleasant change to hear the views of someone else, as most people on your side of the fence on here only manage to rubbish others peoples view, without giving any of they're own. What the phrase.... non-event.
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OK, you are genuinely not worth it, but let's take this usual immigrant-baiting shit of yours apart bit by bit.

Mr Burns said:
But you and Lokkis replies as usual just try and put down people who make a vaild point, without offering any real input of your own. If its a 'non-event' why are you discussing it?

The fun day itself is not worth discussing, your attempt to twist the issue and use it as part of your continual racist campaign on NSC of slagging off immigrants is.

Mr Burns said:
I lay a lot of the blame at Alton Towers' door, for allowing them to even think about it.

Alton Towers is private property, not a public park. It is perfectly entitled in a free country to regulate its own rules how it likes and when it likes.

Are you some kind of dunderhead who thinks access to a private theme park is some kind of British birthright? Was Alton Towers rides mentioned in Magna Carta or something?

Mr Burns said:
A Muslim group planned to force everyone who entered the park that day to play by their rules.

No, the Muslim organisers reached an agreement with the Alton Towers management that their religious customs and sensitivies would be respected within the park for just that very limited period of time. It is not a question of whether we agree with those customs and practices ourselves, you don't, I don't, it's about whether you feel Muslims should uniquely be denied to have the right to come to an agreement with someone on their own private property about this.

Tolerant, liberal-minded people will not mind giving a little bit of space to the sensitivies of these strict Muslims, intolerant narrow-minded people like you with well-known anti-immigrant agendas obviously want to makes their lives as difficult as possible in this country.

Mr Burns said:
I'd have the same feeling if any group, whether regilious or otherwise tried to dictate what I can do on a day out to a theme park.

Yeah, sure you would, Mr Asian Plague. Funnily enough though, it's always the Muslims you're having a go at on here though, isn't it? Big f***ing co-incidence that. Do think people on here are so thick they can't see what you're up to?

But OK, here's a test for you.

Every year for the past 20 years, these bunch of religious zealots have hired out the well-known holiday resort of Butlins Skegness.

Now, go to the main Butlins website and try and book a holiday there between the dates of March 31 and April 15. Funnily enough, you'll be able to book all the dates before that. And all the dates after it. But not those two weeks. You know why? Because you have to be part of these bunch of god-botherers to get in.

Now I expect to see more than a dozen posts from you now and tomorrow condemning this terrible exclusion of "normal" members of the British public from one of the most famous holiday resorts in the country. I guess I'll see that about the same time as the Sun does a shock-horror expose of these Christians for their discriminatory practices.

Just to be on the safe side, I won't hold my breath.

Mr Burns said:
Well get your head out of your arse, because it was an issue, hence a discussion was started not just here, but on numerous radio stations, and I'm sure elsewhere around the country.

Yep, this issue flushed the immigrant-haters out of the closet everywhere in the country, on every phone-in, on every footy messageboard. It's exactly the type of issue the BNP leadership directs its membership to take up in order to spread their propaganda. Too bad for you though that there's loads of us out there round the country who will defend the enlightened values of multi-racial and religious tolerance and are articulate enough to put shit-stirring attention-seekers like you back in your box.

Richard Whiteley

New member
Sep 24, 2003
London Irish said:
Was Alton Towers rides mentioned in Magna Carta or something?

:lolol: :lolol:

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
London Irish said:
OK, you are genuinely not worth it, but let's take this usual immigrant-baiting shit of yours apart bit by bit. Well as you well know you are wrong from the start using the phrase immigrant-bashing, but we will come to that later.

The fun day itself is not worth discussing, your attempt to twist the issue and use it as part of your continual racist campaign on NSC of slagging off immigrants is. Funny that, I thought it was the fun day that was being discussed on here. If you dont want to discuss the issue than fine, lets get onto your slagging off.

Alton Towers is private property, not a public park. It is perfectly entitled in a free country to regulate its own rules how it likes and when it likes.

Are you some kind of dunderhead who thinks access to a private theme park is some kind of British birthright? Was Alton Towers rides mentioned in Magna Carta or something? Yes they are. So if they have the right in a free country to do this then let them. Close the park for a day and hire it out. Fine. If people choose to attend the park on that day, let them buy a ticket and enjoy themseleves. But don't keep the park open to the general public and change the rules for the day. Adversite it well in advance so people know it is closed for the day to the general public, but open to anyone who wishes to attend a 'themed day'.

No, the Muslim organisers reached an agreement with the Alton Towers management that their religious customs and sensitivies would be respected within the park for just that very limited period of time. It is not a question of whether we agree with those customs and practices ourselves, you don't, I don't, it's about whether you feel Muslims should uniquely be denied to have the right to come to an agreement with someone on their own private property about this.

Tolerant, liberal-minded people will not mind giving a little bit of space to the sensitivies of these strict Muslims, intolerant narrow-minded people like you with well-known anti-immigrant agendas obviously want to makes their lives as difficult as possible in this country. Well as the event cancelled due to lack of supprt, it seems that they are not many 'tolerant people', as you put it, willing to do this.

Yeah, sure you would, Mr Asian Plague. Funnily enough though, it's always the Muslims you're having a go at on here though, isn't it? Big f***ing co-incidence that. Do think people on here are so thick they can't see what you're up to? Probably because most of these type of threads are about Muslims?

But OK, here's a test for you.

Every year for the past 20 years, these bunch of religious zealots have hired out the well-known holiday resort of Butlins Skegness.

Now, go to the main Butlins website and try and book a holiday there between the dates of March 31 and April 15. Funnily enough, you'll be able to book all the dates before that. And all the dates after it. But not those two weeks. You know why? Because you have to be part of these bunch of god-botherers to get in. Haven't looked at it. Don't care who they are. But if this was the way Alton Towers done it fine. CLOSE THE PARK. DONT ALLOW PEOPLE TO BOOK UNLESS THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE BOOKING. If any group want to hire the park for a day, fine. As you say its private property. Just go about it the right way. See answer above.

Now I expect to see more than a dozen posts from you now and tomorrow condemning this terrible exclusion of "normal" members of the British public from one of the most famous holiday resorts in the country. I guess I'll see that about the same time as the Sun does a shock-horror expose of these Christians for their discriminatory practices.

Just to be on the safe side, I won't hold my breath.

Yep, this issue flushed the immigrant-haters out of the closet everywhere in the country, on every phone-in, on every footy messageboard. It's exactly the type of issue the BNP leadership directs its membership to take up in order to spread their propaganda. Too bad for you though that there's loads of us out there round the country who will defend the enlightened values of multi-racial and religious tolerance and are articulate enough to put shit-stirring attention-seekers like you back in your box. Do you think I'm acting under instruction of the BNP leadership:lolol: :lolol: Now you are losing the plot.

Put my views back into my box? Are you against freedon of speech then? What are you saying, that as you disagree with them, you are trying to silence them? :ohmy: :ohmy:

You keep using the phrase immigrant-hater. But as you seem to remember so much about me, surely you would know I've said time and time again, I am not against immigrantion. Far from it.
I am against 99% of asylum seekers, I will openly admit that. I believe most asylum is bogas. Thats my view and I haven't heard anything to change it. Doesn't mean I racist.
I am all for immigrantion, therefore cannot be a immigrant hater. But you label me a immigrant-hater.

I'd welcome anyone from anywhere in the world to this country if they want to live here. One small condition is I fail to see why we should pay for them, unless we really need them. If someone wants a job here, and can afford to move here and support themselves, then I'd welcome them. If someone had skills we were short of and wanted to move and live here, I'd help them.
But if someone wanted to move here, had no skills we needed, and couldn't support themseleves I'd openly say I wouldn't welcome them. If I was in fear of my live and had to flee my country, I would go to the nearest safe one. I'm sure most seekers would love to live in England, but why should we take them, when there are other opitions for them closer to where they come from.

So in future London Irish, please don't call me a immigrant hater, because I'm bored having to repeat this every few months. If you recall that much about me, you must know full well those are my views. Maybe different to yours, but that does not make them racist.

But I'm sure you will forget them as it easier to label someone racist then to try and discuss something you dont agree with them.
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Richard Whiteley

New member
Sep 24, 2003
This has only been made an issue by the shit stirrers.

Against 99% of Asylum seekers eh? The milk of human kindness really overflows from you.

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