I'm all for it - as someone said, everyone has the option, and its a helluva lifestyle...
Couldnt do it now though - Ive become accustomed to getting along with my bank manager, and not paying for things by cheque.
Not too bad - not as overrun by chavs as you might think! I live in the North part which is a tad nicer, natch. Not a huge amount of pubs, but MILLIONS of restaurants. Chingford Mount isn't quite as nice, but has more pubs... and is closer to Walthamstow Dogs.
I've only ever been past Woolwich...
...and was thinking about taking in a footy match, as you do.
Real Mallorca are playing Sevilla on tne 30/10 so thinking about that. Anyone know what tickets cost, what the area is like, and all that sort of stuff.
Also, I have no idea where anything is in Mallorca. The hotel I am staying at...
Schmeichel (sp?) is not a bad bet. Although reading it I was thinking of Sergi Rebrov - but it can't be him because Spurs are not, have not been and never will be a TOP premier leaue club...
Any chance of Prescott delivering the decision in person whilst wearing a tutu with pink ribbons in his pigtail extensions and licking an oversized seaside lollipop?
And if so, will he have freckles?
At risk of getting carried away, this is possibly the funniest post I have ever read! Good work!
Almost finished Catch 22 for the second time as well (Kid Samson just bought the farm).
Oh yes - SCUM!