Is it the workers fault that rhe boss has taken on 20 people during the busy time to earn money and only needs 2 at quiet times?
I didn't have you down as a communist. Or [MENTION=232]Simster[/MENTION]:
"my solution is for the minimum wage on zero hour contracts to be double the contracted minimum wage. At least that way, employer flexibility is maintained whilst the vulnerable earn a lot more for the work they get."
When an employer has something to sell (employment) it is up to the employer to offer terms.

Of course, it is also the right of employees to get together and form an agreement to act together to get the best deal going. That is called being a 'trade unionist'.
It is an adversarial arrangement, but it worked well in the 50s and 60s. Then the right wing media made out unions were 'destroying' the UK. Then Thatcher came in and ****ed everyone up.
Now we have zero hour contracts.
Actually....m'eh....we get, on average, what we deserve and, on average, it is also what we want.
If you really don't want a zero hour contract, get an education or a trade. FFS.