Not being covered in beer has absolutely nothing to do with class.How very middle-class of you
Not being covered in beer has absolutely nothing to do with class.How very middle-class of you
This. People who throw beer are bellends. It’s bad enough being stuck in the stadium for hours without being sticky because some twat has thrown beer over you.Being showered in beer when we scored wasn’t one of the highlights of my trip.
So it’s a ‘no’ from me.
More to the point it's such a waste of beer which was in short supplyThis. People who throw beer are bellends. It’s bad enough being stuck in the stadium for hours without being sticky because some twat has thrown beer over you.
Very weird setup. During the rugby the shutters were up and it was fully open as you’d usually expectDid anyone take a picture of the booths in the stadium where you bought the beers? I’m sure I’ve seen more attractive WW2 bunker installations in my time.
Ah, I couldn’t see the Coca Cola adverts with the queues in front of the openings. Almost adds an interior design feeling to the overall hospitality ambience.Very weird setup. During the rugby the shutters were up and it was fully open as you’d usually expect
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The riot police near us in the stand were smoking.In France everyone smokes , no one gives a shit
Throwing beer around, people getting up and down every 5 seconds for beer/piss, spilt beer puddles over the floor. Definite no from me. I remember Barber talking about this a year or so ago and said he wasn’t in favour for these very reasons.
At least the French did their pre match research via NSC and got plenty of supplies in early.Very weird setup. During the rugby the shutters were up and it was fully open as you’d usually expect
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I was too pissed to stand.Whilst I agree with you I’m curious about the people getting up and down bit: surely everyone was stood up for the duration of the match?
Some People were seated where I was, but I’m talking in general.Whilst I agree with you I’m curious about the people getting up and down bit: surely everyone was stood up for the duration of the match?
Are you serious?Guy behind me got punched and nose bleeding
What do you mean; there wasn’t any rosé or oysters on the menu.At least the French did their pre match research via NSC and got plenty of supplies in early.
Very different attitude to stewarding in the rest of Europe compared to the UK. Unlike the bullied short man-failed copper types of some English stewards, elsewhere in Europe they don't get involved with anything concerning crowd behaviour whether drunkenness, smoking, pyro, anything luzzed on the pitch or whatever. That kind of thing is above their pay grade. If major crowd disturbance kicks off as is did with Marseille v Eintracht Frankfurt last season, then it's playtime for the riot police. Stewards are basically there for any evacuation emergency or maybe to assist if anyone is taken ill etc.Well. They served booze in the stands watching the game at Marseille and as you could see it was carnagelots of infighting between fans who had been drinking all day and people pushing in queues.
Smoking also allowed (or lots of people smoking and stewards not do anything about it )
Unpopular opinion with the grandad's on here but I prefer this. I like an edge I hate that the epl is so sanitised. If a bit of beer is thrown on me so be it !!!Very different attitude to stewarding in the rest of Europe compared to the UK. Unlike the bullied short man-failed copper types of some English stewards, elsewhere in Europe they don't get involved with anything concerning crowd behaviour whether drunkenness, smoking, pyro, anything luzzed on the pitch or whatever. That kind of thing is above their pay grade. If major crowd disturbance kicks off as is did with Marseille v Eintracht Frankfurt last season, then it's playtime for the riot police. Stewards are basically there for any evacuation emergency or maybe to assist if anyone is taken ill etc.
You must have been in a different part of the ground to us. Our pre booked tasting menu in Le Restaurants de L’Ultras on the upper concourse was formidableWhat do you mean; there wasn’t any rosé or oysters on the menu.