She was, obvs.
Currant affairs not her strong point.
Currant affairs not her strong point.
I think bringing all routes into public ownership and investing the profits back into the network will have long term benefits. I'm not sure what the reason her train was delayed was, but the point isn't wrong because she happened to be on a publically owned franchise.
Maybe I'm a dreamer, but I think you should be able to get from anywhere in the mainland UK to anywhere else in the mainland UK for £50. If we want to drive sustainability then higher train usage should be a priority, which requires more affordable fares. If it were up to me, the British railway would be the envy of the world and the profits generated would be reinvested in track sustainability to improve reliability and keep fares low so there's an actual motivation for people to get out of their cars and onto the train.
Sour grapes.
The photo certainly looks like she's just chewed a few!
I would.
never get the chance ?