Greg Bobkin
Silver Seagull
- May 22, 2012
- 17,062
I didn't like to say... [emoji53][emoji23]Oops. Wrong thread.
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I didn't like to say... [emoji53][emoji23]Oops. Wrong thread.
No. Why is this so difficult for some people to understand? Someone can genuinely hear something different to what was actually said. That is what 'mishearing' is by definition. What is heard and what is said are not always the same. Hearing relies on the brain interpreting sounds and forming them into words. A person can say word A but the brain of someone else interprets it as word B. That MAY have happened in this case, that's all I'm saying. Without evidence to the contrary I don't understand how anyone can not accept that that is a possibility.
"I am always a great believer that the truth always comes out and it has," he told BBC WM. "Now we can move on and I can just carry on working hard for the team." - Rodriguez
Errr...except the truth HASN'T come out though, now has it Jay. The verdict was 'not proven' not 'not guilty'. Nobody knows the truth, except you, and Bong.
Christ, he's as bad as those mingmong WBA fans on Twitter
What did you expect him to say?
What did you expect him to say?
Pretty much that I suppose. Its fairly predictable that he's treating this verdict as though its absolved him of any wrongdoing, when actually its done nothing of the sort. An unsatisfactory conclusion to an unpleasant incident, which was of his own making.
"I am always a great believer that the truth always comes out and it has," he told BBC WM. "Now we can move on and I can just carry on working hard for the team." - Rodriguez
Errr...except the truth HASN'T come out though, now has it Jay. The verdict was 'not proven' not 'not guilty'. Nobody knows the truth, except you, and Bong.
Christ, he's as bad as those mingmong WBA fans on Twitter
As a side note, I wonder if this incident and outcome will change this stupid 'speak behind your hand' behavior in sport. If you've got nothing to hide, i.e. you're not talking tactics, then why do it if it leaves you open to the possibility of a 'not proven' rather than 'not guilty' outcome if you were accused? I doubt it will change it, but you never know, be nice if it did.
Bong has tweeted that Rodriguez has apologised, that is if I am reading twitter correctly, if not I apologise.
I have read that Rodriguez has apologised, but there is also the possibility that Rodriguez's apology was for something different that what Bong assumes it is - i.e. apologising for the whole incident rather than being "racist".
I would like to think they have both put it behind them - that any misunderstandings (whatever they might be) have been dealt with and there is nothing there to fester, particularly for our Gaetan.
**** sake. This whole thing is a sorry saga. Why oh why do people feel the need to take sides on a RACISM accusation because football is involved?
Bong clearly thinks he heard something.
The FA can't prove it.
You now have SOME people on the Brighton side acting as if JR did it and then SOME people on thr WBA side now criticising Bong for "a pack of lies".
People are bellends sometimes. No one should ever feel discouraged from reporting an incident if they truly believe it has happened. Whether GB misheard him or not we will never know. Time to move on. If JR didn't do it then it's just a big misunderstanding. If he did then hopefully he got the scare of his life and won't ever do it again.
Is it a case of when he will get charged again rather than if.judging by his facial attitude in that picture.