Shared from my social media. A view from the artists’ perspective. I am sure many of you do this already.
Spotify is fine for me. I’ve earned my living as a DIY performance poet and musician for 43 years: for me it's a brand new cake with brand new icing, a bonus which enables me to reach new audiences.
It's not fine for the younger generation.
When I was starting out and establishing myself, doing my Peel sessions etc in the 1980s, a substantial part of that living was selling firstly cassettes and vinyl and then the new fangled, easier to transport CDs!That remained the case for more than two decades.
That source is not there for people a third of my age trying to establish themselves on the DIY scene as I did forty years ago. Everyone can listen to their work on streaming services. CDs are over except for my generation. Vinyl (and cassettes, now coming back) are a choice for those who can afford it.
Music is cheap, or free, for those who choose to make it so.
That makes it democratic, which is good. Everyone now has access to the music they like, both as a creator and a listener. Putting stuff up on Spotify etc is easy for the former, enjoying it is for the latter. No more saving up your pocket money for weeks to buy the modern day equivalent of Electric Warrior (my first album) It’s there at the touch of a phone button.
That is great for people who simply can't afford it any other way - and long may it remain so for them. That is the upside.
But in order for there to BE a new generation of DIY music to listen to, the creators have to be able to do what we did and earn their living from it - to have the freedom to develop and grow. And the downside of the new streaming systems is that this is now very difficult.
So, if you can afford to, PLEASE support your favourite artists by buying stuff.
**Today is a good time to start because it's Bandcamp Friday. **
And please support the campaign to force the streaming services to pay young DIY musicians a fair percentage for their work.