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Has Mr Winstanley been round to mow that for you?
he pinched the nets off those goal posts, Barbs been round for all your lids too.Has Mr Winstanley been round to mow that for you?
We've always had bees such as bumblebees in January, feasting on Pulmonaria and Hellebores.Still lots of leafs and stuff around here... even saw a bee the other day. In Sweden... in November.
We have some of that too...I let mine grow wild most of the year with a small area for a table and chairs etc and a patio for barbecues and outdoor masturbation.
I much prefer to see butterflies and birds out there than clean edges, water thirsty lawns and cheap Homebase garden furniture. Leave it to nature, it always makes a better job of things than humans.
Wow. Lovely mate. I’d refer to this as “land” rather than “a garden”. Beautiful mate.
We have daffodil bulbs just starting to appear - it's November! Talk about messed up.
On behalf of others on here, let’s hope that your patio activities are not simultaneous.I let mine grow wild most of the year with a small area for a table and chairs etc and a patio for barbecues and outdoor masturbation.
I much prefer to see butterflies and birds out there than clean edges, water thirsty lawns and cheap Homebase garden furniture. Leave it to nature, it always makes a better job of things than humans.
When you say 'fencing off a bit of field', if you are extending the curtilage of your residential garden into an agricultural field, then you need planning permission. Just saying.Still plenty of colour but not much maintenance to do now. Garlic planted mid Oct is growing like crazy, some autumn onion sets going in today, then starting a project fencing off a bit of field to create a big new pond and a meadow (or just wild) area with some new hedging - Been taking saplings from anyone who would share, have about 100 Hazel, Oak, Alder, Hawthorn and Willow to go in. Have hundreds of Beech, Hazel and Oak seed being prepared in various ways to see if I can grow them! I'm getting a thing for trees
That's it, enjoy it! Let some of it go wild as well, see what grows!