And who could forget the entry from Britain in the classic western genre. 

This was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.
There’s plenty of modern Westerns worth mentioning;
True Grit
3:10 To Yuma
Open Range
Deadwood series and the recent follow up feature
Godless (very underrated Netflix series)
The Assassination of Jess James by the Coward Robert Ford
American Outlaws
Bone Tomahawk
Not sure these would be ‘modern’ any more but Tombstone, City Slickers, Last of the Mohicans and Dances with Wolves are all brilliant. In fact Tombstone is up there with the best films ever made in my book.
Yes it seems a lot of us here have simalar choices which is excellent.ive never heard that quote before from the director,it makes me wonder just how much was acting and how much was John Wayne just being himself at times ,maybe a bit of both.whatever it was i agree it's his best performance and a great film.You Sir, have very similar taste to me!
I'm also very fond of the Shootist, Wayne's final film and it is elegiac as you say. It is a film about time moving on and the finality of Wayne's professional life (as a Gunman in the story but as an Actor in real life). The kick in the Story is that J.B.Books (Wayne's character) is dying of cancer and so was Wayne at the time. Can recommend it even if you don't like Westerns. He got an Oscar in 1969 for True Grit but this is a far better performance. Allegedly Don Siegel, the Director of The Shootist was quoted as saying "The Son of a Bitch has finally learned to Act!"
Best TV Western Show is probably Deadwood?
I get it was quite entertaining, but come on aliens travelling light years to get here with superior weapons beaten by gun toting cowboys. That's just silly.
And who could forget the entry from Britain in the classic western genre.