John Boy
Paul McShane
I'll be there
Looks like you're on the same train as us
Looks like you're on the same train as us
Yes, yes I will be there maintaining my 100% record. But no, no I will not be joining you in the Brandy Alexanders to watch a load of over-paid C-unts ponce about, infact, yes, yes I will be in there, in there abusing any plastic fans.
I'll be there
Looks like you're on the same train as us
No, No, No, No, Northampton Away?(JPT).Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, We are going there in 2 weeks time
See what i did there?
Six of us going.
I'll be the hard looking one
I'll be there
Looks like you're on the same train as us
I'll look out for someone in a Spurs shirt
There shall be about 10-15 of us, i dont own a spurs shirt ( that fits)
3-4 miles I think. Looks like a taxi jobby or a long walk
Pub Crawl?
Might have to. In order to stay hydrated, of course