As a first-time watcher of X Factor this weekend (my daughter insisted) I conclude the following:
Leona: overrated Maria Carey sing-along-a-like (and 1 Maria Carey in the world is already too many). She'll get to the final so that there's a choice of boy or girl.
The Scottish Brothers: Rubbish, couldn't hold a tune up to a mirror and so resorted to a crowd friendly singalong complete with Scottish accents, encouraged crowd singing and clapping to drown out their own inadequacies (sp?). Absolute pants and can't beleive their own luck so far. Come back the White Heather Club.
The Boy Band: The guy on the right was flat and only there 'cos he's a mate, the rest were bland, boring amateurs. The only one trying was the guy with dyed black hair (and he was trying to be Shirley Bassey) But Louis pretty much knew that they weren't going to win 'cos he promised them a contract anyway "without Simon", which (as I understand it) they wouldn't need if they won??
The Guy with the Hair and the Piano: One trick Pony. Ruined the only decent song that Elton John has ever written. He shouts and calls it singing. No talent. He'll probably win 'cos the ladies will fancy him.
Ray: Looked like a young Cliff Richards (intentionally). His first song was very well done (and one of my favourite songs). he held the tune all the way thru (which is more than can be said for any of the others) and looked the part. He was the best on the show but perhaps his youth will mean that he needs to do musicans for a while and then move to recording. He'll come second after which see my comments below.........
Anyway, doesn't history prove that it's better NOT to win X Factor (and it's look-alikes)?? The acts who come 2nd or 3rd seem to have much better success than the "Winners" - ref that big bird that won a year or so ago, that clueless bloke from last year, Gareth Gates (and how did I remember his name??).
They won and dissapeared whereas Girls Aloud, the Gay bloke with the lisp, the Black guy (Limahl??)who came third and is now in the top twenty etc etc all came 2nd or 3rd.
I rest my case.

Leona: overrated Maria Carey sing-along-a-like (and 1 Maria Carey in the world is already too many). She'll get to the final so that there's a choice of boy or girl.
The Scottish Brothers: Rubbish, couldn't hold a tune up to a mirror and so resorted to a crowd friendly singalong complete with Scottish accents, encouraged crowd singing and clapping to drown out their own inadequacies (sp?). Absolute pants and can't beleive their own luck so far. Come back the White Heather Club.
The Boy Band: The guy on the right was flat and only there 'cos he's a mate, the rest were bland, boring amateurs. The only one trying was the guy with dyed black hair (and he was trying to be Shirley Bassey) But Louis pretty much knew that they weren't going to win 'cos he promised them a contract anyway "without Simon", which (as I understand it) they wouldn't need if they won??
The Guy with the Hair and the Piano: One trick Pony. Ruined the only decent song that Elton John has ever written. He shouts and calls it singing. No talent. He'll probably win 'cos the ladies will fancy him.
Ray: Looked like a young Cliff Richards (intentionally). His first song was very well done (and one of my favourite songs). he held the tune all the way thru (which is more than can be said for any of the others) and looked the part. He was the best on the show but perhaps his youth will mean that he needs to do musicans for a while and then move to recording. He'll come second after which see my comments below.........
Anyway, doesn't history prove that it's better NOT to win X Factor (and it's look-alikes)?? The acts who come 2nd or 3rd seem to have much better success than the "Winners" - ref that big bird that won a year or so ago, that clueless bloke from last year, Gareth Gates (and how did I remember his name??).
They won and dissapeared whereas Girls Aloud, the Gay bloke with the lisp, the Black guy (Limahl??)who came third and is now in the top twenty etc etc all came 2nd or 3rd.
I rest my case.