5 millionth post poster
When did it become a competition?
Since the "Wall of noise" was promised 12 months ago maybe
When did it become a competition?
Since the "Wall of noise" was promised 12 months ago maybe
What wall of noise? And promised by whom?
Interesting perspectives on "Noise" in this thread.
I normally sit in Upper West G, so I am nearer the North Stand. I can hear them, and when we sing, we sound loud .
For the Chelsea game, I sat in the Lower West but just past the half-way line nearer the South. All I could hear for the first half was Chelsea and nothing from the North. There was never going to be any singing from the Lower West, even though some Upper West people must have been sat there. One of my friends, who usually sits in the Lower West confirmed it was a normal atmosphere for the Lower West.
After the game, I mentioned the noise difference to a couple of members on our coach who had sat in the North Stand. They replied that it was very noisy in the North and they couldn't hear the Chelsea fans. They are retired cops in ther 60s, so I have no reason to doubt them.
It's all relative. I remember the same problem at Portman Road last season. We couldn't hear their fans and vice versa. It's down to the acoustics of the particular stand.
Tongue in cheek comment really but the were a few posters before last season saying how the WSU will generate this wall of sound
The West holds about five times as many people as the North, so it's no real surprise that it's louder, is it? But it's nothing like five times louder.
No need for another willy waving contest. WSU have their moments but the North makes the noise.
The best thing about cake is you can have it and eat it too.No need for another willy waving contest. WSU have their moments but the North makes the noise.
I'm quite a shy fellow, but if you and your mates buy me enough Harveys I promise I'll sing my heart out. 7 or 8 should do the trick, cheers!Last season four of us were in the West Lower corner right next to the away end.We had a great time almost every match goading the opposition fans (all done in the best possible taste) I loved waving twenty quid notes in the air when Portsmouth started singing play up pompey! The stewards would spend most of the matches staring at us - haha! I will definately miss all the banter this year. In East Upper - near north one row from the front this season - the six of us are very noisey and aim to get a few to lose their inhibitions ('Harvey's' helps) and get fecking singing!
Is hearing not logarithmic though?