spring hall convert
Well-known member
That's a bit like saying Burger King is rubbish because they don't sell Big Macs!
It must have been deliberately ironic. No one is that stupid
That's a bit like saying Burger King is rubbish because they don't sell Big Macs!
It closed down years ago,it used to be a magnet for under aged drinkers.I think it may have been the Tyroler...but I wasn't in the mood for pulling up the orignal poster on their spelling! It was the one in the Guildbourne Centre, last time I was in there must have been the early to mid-90's, so haven't a clue whether it still exists.
No no no no no no no, the Livvy Arms was fantastic and much missed.
Either The Whistlestop in Portslade.
The Whistle has an awful atmosphere and I have never felt safe in there.
Ah ha! I knew the Burrell would get a mention at some point.It's never been up its own arse-what you see is what you get.There's some decent people who i went to school with in there.
It's a pub that relies on a lot of passing trade so strangers aren't given a death stare when they walk in.Always worth a couple of pints if you've just stepped off the train.It does feel like a London boozer though.
never been in The Whistlestop , but one Saturday about 11.30ammorning whilst waiting in my car for the barriers to go up on the level crossing a pisshead fell out through the doors and collapsed in the road in front of my car. It took several other motorists and pedestrians several raises and lowerings of the barriers before the road was clear.
The Compton Arms near the Dials has always been a dump. Like most pubs near there it now has a new name; The Rat and Trumpet. Still looks a dive.
It's better but it a'int great
That's like the 4th nomination for my local. I am gobsmacked.
When was the last time you went?
Either The Whistlestop in Portslade or The Evening Star near Brighton Station.
The Whistle has an awful atmosphere and I have never felt safe in there and The Evening Star has the worst selection of Lager I've ever seen in a pub.
That Rat & Trumpet place is odd. I never entered when it was Compton but I spent an evening in there when it was The Couch. They tried all sorts to change the custom base. Showing films, DJ's etc but it never took off. Whenever I walked past it (a lot , I used to live on Dials for years) It always had about 5 drinkers in there in the afternoon, ducking out to Bookies across road, then to phone box then back to pub. By about 4 you could tell the winners from losers, the saddest sight was seeing the losers coming out of bookies, checking their change and realising they could not afford another pint. The look on their face, you could tell they were figuring out how to tell the waiting missus why little Johnny can't have his new school shoes!
When it was The Springfield - because it is in Springfield Road, obviously - it was a Charrington's pub, run superbly by Jim and Heather (who had two stints there - either side of a long stay they had at The Thatched Inn in Keymer). A basic, well-run local pub that was a genuine centre of its community. It doesn't quite work for me now - because it tries too hard to be a different sort of "Community" pub, one that spells community with a capital C, yet somehow manages to exist in isolation from most of the people who live near it.Certainly not a dive but for the staff alone The Open House by Lnd Rd Station is one of the worst pubs. They never take notice of serving order, the blokes opt to serve the good looking girls first and the girls will serve good looking blokes first (that's me screwed). I have been in there waiting for service, being the only person at the bar and had to wait while the barman finished his mobile phone conversation that clearly had nothing to do with work, didn't even acknowledge my presence.
They just preen themselves behind the bar until deem fit to serve you.
I used to live across the tracks from there,I was in there one sat afternoon, having a pint and reading the paper, ther bar was fairly busy, not rammed but no seating left. I was at a table on my own. I went to toilet and when I came back a girl was sat at my table. It was pretty obvious someone was sat there as my paper was spread out on table, a pint next to it, my bag and coat on the back of the chair. I sat down and she ignored me, I said hello and she looked at me like I was a piece of shit. I said I was sitting here and she got up without a word and joined her boyfriend at the bar. About ten mins later they were leaving and they leant over my table and gave me a mouthful about them not being able to eat now and I should have given up my table. I didn't know what she was talking about as she had siad nothing. I told them to so, no swearing I just looked a bit bemused and they went and got a barman who started saying I was causing trouble and had to leave.
You ever had one of those moments where you can't really find words but yuo just think "what the f*** is going on here?"
A bit of a fuss ensued and I ended up having to go.
Now, like I say that is nothing compared to what happens in the more seedy pubs in Sussex, no real trouble and no-one getting hurt or even aggressive, but it serves to illustrate what a bunch of clueless fuckwits the barstaff are and what a bunch of rude, arrogant fuckers most of the clientele are. Hmmph!
I go for a pint in there on the way back from work a fair bit and to be fair it's pretty friendly. Some right pissheads in there though. It is miles better than when it was the Compton
But it's by no means on my list of "worst boozers in Sussex".
Yep.Hmm. Can I put my two-pennyworth in for the Open House. I really like it but guess it appeals to my poncey metrosexual demographic. Not as good as the Park Crescent or Hartington or Constant Service but still a great place for a big group of mates to go to esp in the Summer.