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***World's Hardest Creature VIII NOMINATIONS***


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Right - let's get this party started:

1. The poison dart frog is found in Central and South America. As well as having brightly coloured and patterned bodies, their backs ooze a slimy neurotoxin that is designed to keep predators away and is toxic enough to kill 10 humans in one go.

2. Australian Box Jellyfish - already nominated. I second

3. Elephants kill on average 500 people a year worldwide. And considering an African elephant weighs in at around 16,000 pounds, you don’t want to stand in one’s way. If it doesn’t stomp on you, it will protect itself with its giant sharp tusks.

4. In Africa, hippos account for more human deaths each year than any other mammal. Most of these deaths occur by people being trampled to death or by their boats capsizing in hippo-infested waters. They won’t eat you once it’s killed you - they'll just kill you for FUN.

5. Each year 50,000 people are killed by snake bites. The majority of these fatal bites come from cobras, specifically the King Cobra.
Widespread throughout forest regions of south east Asia and India, the King Cobra is the world’s most venomous snake.

6. The hardest, most deadly creature on the planet is the mosquito. Despite measuring no more than 0.6 of an inch, the irritable beasts kill on average two million people a year.

I definitely second Poison Dart Frog and Elephant

I'd also like to throw the Japanese Giant Hornet into the ring if it hasn't already.

Oct 25, 2003
just watched an episode of life...a WILD STOAT took on a full sized rabbit TEN TIMES ITS SIZE. killed it and ate it

ten times its size


Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
The vast majority of people would shy away from base jumping.

If you jump from a great height, you'd want to make sure there are the right safety measures provided.

Not these bad boys.

You might say that anyone would do what they have to in order to survive, but to throw yourself of a giant like craggy rock?

I give you the Barnacle Goose.

Base-jumping barnacle goose - Life Story: Episode…:

Ken Livingstone Seagull

Well-known member
Aug 29, 2003
Maui, Hawaii
Nomination from the mid-Pacific:
Hawaiian centipede -- Scolopendra subspinipes. Grow up to 1 foot long, sting hurts like hell, and if you cut it up with scissors the stinger will still try and get you several minutes later.

"This is an aggressive and nervous arthropod which is ready to strike if interfered with and is sensitive to vibrations nearby. It preys primarily on insects or other sizable predatory arthropods (like spiders). Sometimes, mice and small reptiles or amphibians are also on its menu if it is large enough to overpower such vertebrates. THIS MAKES IT HARD.

It will take almost everything that is not longer than itself (=HARD, AND SMART). It attacks its prey with the last prehensorial legs, then curves its head quickly behind to implant its venomous jaws deeply and firmly into the prey. The prey is held by the centipede's other legs until it dies from the fast-acting venom. During a fight, the centipede will use its entire body coiling the prey or enemy with its legs firmly attaching to the body of the opponent. Then, it will quickly penetrate its forcipules into the victim for venom injection.

FORCIPULES fer gawds sake! Honey Badgers and shrimp DO NOT HAVE THESE.
People, this is one HARD, mean arthropod. May I have a second for this piece of Hawaiian MAYHEM??


Je Suis Rhino
Apr 25, 2009
A left field suggestion, the shrew...

Well they are so hard a whole play was written about taming one.

However, I am Team Honey Badger all the way. I second the clever little hard *******s.

Ah, January! The best time of the year on NSC. A wondrous time where fully grown men the world over come together and pretend that they are occupying one enormous bar and are playing out the definitive "drunk question".

Garry Nelson's Left Foot

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003

Here's a quick update of those creatures that are definitely in the competition and tose that have been nominated but need seconding.

Already Qualified

Great White Shark
Cape Buffalo
Australian Box Jelly Fish
Bull Shark
Mantis Shrimp
Salt Water Croc
Poison Dart Frog
Black Mamba

Needs Seconding
Blue Ringed Octopus
Deathstalker Scorpion
Jumping Jack Ant
Bobbit Worm
Grasshopper Mouse
Bombadier Beetle
Brazilian Wandering Spider
Tarantula Hawk Wasp
King Cobra
Bengal Tiger
Tabby Cat
Japanese Giant Hornet
Wild Stoat
Barnacle Goose
Hawaiian Centipede

There's a few there that I'm surprised to see haven't been seconded yet. If I've missed any off, apologies and please let me know so i can update the lists. Rohan Ince, obviously, is not a proper nomination so I've used him as a vote for humans. I've included the tabby cat in the list even though its clearly a 'comedy' nomination. I'll remind everyone that if you nominate or second an animal that goes n to get zero votes in the competition proper your nominating rights will be revoked for next years competition. This is serious business, don't take your responsibility lightly.


Enigmatic Asthmatic
Jan 13, 2013
There's a few there that I'm surprised to see haven't been seconded yet. If I've missed any off, apologies and please let me know so i can update the lists. Rohan Ince, obviously, is not a proper nomination so I've used him as a vote for humans. I've included the tabby cat in the list even though its clearly a 'comedy' nomination. I'll remind everyone that if you nominate or second an animal that goes n to get zero votes in the competition proper your nominating rights will be revoked for next years competition. This is serious business, don't take your responsibility lightly.



I am scandalised. Ince was a serious, calculated and thought out nomination who does not deserve to be lumped in with the rest of humanity. His combination of brute force, skilful nous and tackling you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy makes him a physical machine on the field of play. To claim that he represents the largely soppy b*llocks of mankind is just ludicrous. I implore you to take the rest of man out and allow Rohan to stand alone.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2009

I nominate the naked mole rat. They live in social groups and have a unique lack of sensation in the skin. They are also the only animal that doesn't get cancer. Let's face it if you are that ugly you have got to be hard!

JCL - the new kid in town

Well-known member
Aug 23, 2011
The vast majority of people would shy away from base jumping.

If you jump from a great height, you'd want to make sure there are the right safety measures provided.

Not these bad boys.

You might say that anyone would do what they have to in order to survive, but to throw yourself of a giant like craggy rock?

I give you the Barnacle Goose.

Base-jumping barnacle goose - Life Story: Episode…:

that thing is mental and deserves a go. I'll second that.


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2007
To those suggesting that the Tardigrade lacks aggression and offensive ability...

"Though they may be little, they are fierce! The tardigrade’s mouth is a serious weapon, its dagger-like teeth used to spear algae and even other small animals."

See, I like to think of this competition as a comparison to The Hunger Games. Where the nominations are put into a complete unknown, random environment and fight to the death - last one standing is the winner. The natural condition of any environment would wipe out most of the nominees, not the Tardigrade though.

Ability to survive when others can not, makes you HARD.



Captain Hindsight
Jul 7, 2003
Lansdowne Place, Hove

Needs Seconding
Blue Ringed Octopus
Deathstalker Scorpion
Jumping Jack Ant
Bobbit Worm
Grasshopper Mouse
Bombadier Beetle
Brazilian Wandering Spider
Tarantula Hawk Wasp
King Cobra
Bengal Tiger
Tabby Cat
Japanese Giant Hornet
Wild Stoat
Barnacle Goose
Hawaiian Centipede

I'll second all of those.

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