Active member
Perhaps this would help it register - the faces and stories of the mainly young people who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Its because of such men that people like youirself enjoy the freedoms of our society enabling you to post comments such as these here. Likewise having served myself to protect those rights for myself and others I am also free to make such comments including; Show some respect you cowardly short sighted prick and understand that whilst they chose the army it is politicians that make war and send them off to Afghanistan, they have no choice in that and get on with doing their duty. Suggesting they and their families should accept this and be done with it makes your post a solid gold contender for wanker of the year. Rarely does this board illicit such a response from me but in this case I make an exception.
8 pages
Binfest in the making zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I don't know about Binfest, how about a "Showsomerespectfest". What these guys (and girls) do is real, selfless and would make many people on here shit their pants.