Tee hee hee - nothing Austin Powers related but I'm rather pleased with myself. Woooohoooo - its been hard work and times and easy at others - but I'm there, and I won't be straying far EVER AGAIN!!
Guessing as to what I mean is quite acceptable...happy to buy the first correct guesser a pint!!
Three cheers for me!!
(p.s. not sure why NSC needs to know this but I need congratulations from somewhere - poor Arthur only has 3 words so far, so well done Mummy is a bit out of the question)
Guessing as to what I mean is quite acceptable...happy to buy the first correct guesser a pint!!
Three cheers for me!!
(p.s. not sure why NSC needs to know this but I need congratulations from somewhere - poor Arthur only has 3 words so far, so well done Mummy is a bit out of the question)