Probably! I am not talking about getting on a bus at 17:30, I am talking about at night. looking at your phone or whatever is way to distance yourself hopefully if you don't make any eye contact and you don't pay attenction you will be left alone.
On public transport during normal hours I don't see any difference between men and women looking at their phones, pretty much everyone is on a device of some desription unless they are older people.
The thing I find most odd is not using a device when on your own on public transport, but when your in a restarunt with freinds and family.
The amout of times (pre-covid) I would see families parrents and kids all on devices in a resatraunt as well couples both staring at their phones. Seriously if you don't like each other enough to have a one to one conversion save money, stay at home. It's strange.
Ahh right, I was mainly talking about how people seem to be addicted to looking at their phones rather than actually watch the world around them, which I think is far more inspiring. Also, I don’t think it’s healthy that our society, especially younger people, are becoming more insular.
Just thinking about the amount of times I get on a train and see a group of young people who are, supposedly, friends yet are all on their if that’s more important. Absolutely bizarre.
I find it very rude if any of my mates go on the internet on their phone when they’re out with me. I’m the ‘weird’ one though for not having to be constantly connected to the endless streams of data every hour of the day