A reasonable and well written reply with some fair challenge. A contrast to some of the childish ramblings from one of the giant ego fuelled bell ends on here in particular.
I never said anyone should take the risk on behalf of others I just don’t understand the obsession of having to force every last person to take it. If vaccines protect those that have had it and wanted to why the concern about those that haven’t? The bigger picture is that if things are allowed to continue on this path of control I 100% promise you that you will be forced to take the vaccine boosters for the rest of your life and it will be about big business and control much more than health and vaccines will be the tip of the iceberg.
Looks like I’ve triggered a few that have conveniently ignored the mirror of a society clearly descending into facism. Maybe the truth just hurts. Maybe it’s easier to pretend it’s not happening.
Ok. Much to my disgust Ill actually join in with this. Its been a while since somebody quoted me on here. You do realise that being "Vaxxed" doesnt stop you from getting it, it only makes the symptoms in most cases, less extreme? So, if Im double jabbed, it doesnt stop me from giving you the virus, it just stops me from getting it so badly and possibly you not getting it so badly. However, if you were also vaxxed, then the severity would just decrease on every infection.