Every time I watch BBC news the sport is reported by a woman. Why? All the sport being reported is played 100% by men. What do these ladies know about football, rugger, F1?
The BBC really has gone too far ... again.
Every time I watch BBC news the sport is reported by a woman. Why? All the sport being reported is played 100% by men. What do these ladies know about football, rugger, F1?
The BBC really has gone too far ... again.
Every time I watch BBC news the sport is reported by a woman. Why? All the sport being reported is played 100% by men. What do these ladies know about football, rugger, F1?
The BBC really has gone too far ... again.
Why? All the sport being reported is played 100% by men.
Sometimes when I watch BBC news, the fighting in various civil wars, uprisings and conflicts is reported by a woman. Why? All the fighting is done 100% by men. What do these ladies know about murdering, maiming, bombing?
What about that one they call the White Widow? When they talk about terrorism offences where she's involved, would it be permissible to bring in a special female reporter just to give the Mumsnet perspective? Obviously things can revert back to proper journalists once she's had her say.
Every time I watch BBC news the sport is reported by a woman. Why? All the sport being reported is played 100% by men. What do these ladies know about football, rugger, F1?
The BBC really has gone too far ... again.
Yes the bbc male presenters are doing great...what ever happened to
Stuart Hall
Jimmy Saville
Rolf Harris