I cant be arsed. I rarely listen to phone ins on any kind. talkSH!TE is the worst but even 606 sometimes has me advocating removing certain people from the gene pool. Take your pick from 'referee' 'diving' 'robbed' 'Chelsea will win the league' and you get the picture.
I find Brighton phone ins just as dull. With the internet I can ignore inane postings from those whose opinions I don't value. The problem with the radio is that I have to listen to these idiots and it only take one of those for me to reach for the off button. If we could perhaps ban people from ever phoning again who talk bollocks then perhaps I might listen.
I did. Just after we beat Macclesfield or someone - to share me view that we were really going places under Nobby. It turned out he was going places - the next week.
If I have comment on the Albion to share - here is fine for me.
If I haven't been to the game then I don't phone in as I don't usually have an opinion that I would feel was valid about the game just played.
If I have been to the game then I'm not listening to the phone in because it's normally finished by the time I get anywhere near a radio, so I wont have a clue about the discussions, and wont have heard the number read out!