The Large One
Who's Next?
This little nugget comes from the Elf n Safety Officer of a very local council (personal friend). If you clear the pavement outside your home of snow and ice you CANNOT BE SUED by anyone unless you inform them that the pavement is safe to use, be that verbal or wriiten information. If they choose to use that path without encouragement from you then that is their choice and their responsibility.
It is the lawyers who have created this urban myth and we should shoot all of them.
Ta. Even so, if you tell someone it's safe - does that mean that that person should drop all sense of personal responsibility?
'The man said the pavement was OK, Your Honour. He did, he said so. He told me it was alright. And EVERYTHING. I've got shit for brains, and I'm sueing him for a million dollars...'

I blame the ambulance chasing ads on daytime TV, and we should shoot all of them.
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