Gilliver's Travels
Anyone doubting why FFA is going for the jugular with Lewes LibDems needs to read these two press releases:-
Anger at Victimisation of LDC Leader
Government tramples on local residents stadium concerns [ See totally misleading picture.... ]
Many NSC people are aghast that an otherwise decent party nationally is populated by such slugs locally. You sometimes wonder if they themselves have forgotten why they have committed to pouring even more Lewes DC taxpayers' money down the drain. They have to be confronted, called to account, and forced to halt their hate-based crusade to kill off the Albion.
Anger at Victimisation of LDC Leader
Government tramples on local residents stadium concerns [ See totally misleading picture.... ]
Many NSC people are aghast that an otherwise decent party nationally is populated by such slugs locally. You sometimes wonder if they themselves have forgotten why they have committed to pouring even more Lewes DC taxpayers' money down the drain. They have to be confronted, called to account, and forced to halt their hate-based crusade to kill off the Albion.