Girl's language - real men do NAND and NOR gates
NAND gates - titssssssssssssssss
Girl's language - real men do NAND and NOR gates
Delphi didn't even exist in the 80s, the first release was mid-90s and it's still updated. That said, I do agree that Pascal and its derivatives are fairly horrible (or, at least, I never got on with them).
There was a fairly interesting opinion piece on The Reg a couple of days ago about Computer Science graduate jobs, HERE, which is worth a read.
Pascal rather.
It still surprises a people just how much old code in old languages is running behind the nice new frontage of many large organisations.
So would you discount C# or Java on the basis that (at your level) it's almost identical to C++ and that's been around since the 80s ?
C++ (in my inexperienced knowledge) is more powerful than Pascal and Delphi...