The truth is people like you speak shite, then you get called out on it, then you abuse them.
Worst. Troll. Ever.
Here let me try to help you out here, you dont know how to debate for a few reasons.
Your knowledge base is low but your capacity for malice is high, you argue by formula, you always try to just stay the right side of the rules pushing your luck if you think you can get away with it.All your claims, like above lack examples and amount to the expression of malice that I referred to.
You are a classic example of the Dunning Kruger effect. This is someone who is so incompetent, in this case at debating, you have no success to compare and highlight your failures which you are oblivious to but are obvious to the more erudite and easily pointed out to others lacking the skills.
You ajoin issues which you are lacking basic knowledge about as well as geographic ignorance but which your prejudices are strong, going through liking the posts that add salve to your twisted psychological make up as well as the mono-symblic and repetitive tropes,
"your a troll" or "these racists" just staying clear of libel and board rules. As I said you cant argue, you use predictable formula and its easily called out. Or put in less civil terms, youve been totallyl sussed out.![]()
Thats what people like you hope for, truth is people speak up then you and your ilk abuse them.
For a troll you really are touchy, you know that a big part of winding people up on the internet is not to work yourself into a seething lather of hate. You are way too much of a snowflake to be the 'trollmeister' you consider yourself.
You have nothing to offer a debate so i don't bother debating with you. .
Happily most on this board have sussed this out too..
. Sadly though this means that you continue to search like a child for the attention you crave to sate your narcissistic tendencies. I shouldn't feed it I suppose but it does make me laugh, especially when juxtaposed with the arrogant pseudointellectuall persona you attempt to portray on here.
This is what I call your classic malice driven forumla post. Insult, projection, projection, insult projection. Referencing a profile tag for the dozenth time that you seem to think adds gravitas, it doesn't.
Oh this is a good one, An example free explanation of why you cant debate with me and yet thats exactly what you are pretending to with the exchange of posts, except yours contain nothing, well apart from that comment which is the ultimate in irony.
Ah another formularic combination of 2 tropes, the "I know what you are but what am I?" comeback prefered by 5 year olds and an appeal to the gallery, sad thing is when ever there is a poll it doesn't go your way(Look up, catergories of Trump/Muslims).
Really? I would call it exposing the vapid and empty posting of a malice driven "troll" for want of a better term. Pseudo-intellectuall? lol Again no examples or why just empty hot air blowing across the forum, you are not smart enough to be a troll, I would say you even lack the talent to be a SJW. More a cliche that makes noise in the direction of his political prejudices, assuming you are a reall person and not some kind of noise bot to up the advertising clicks.
Oh and thanks for the compliment. "arrogant", the difference between arrogance and confidence is experience and as you like to point out I like to immerse myself in Trolldom. I understand in your growing anger and desperation you are finding it difficult to tell the difference so you default to your throw words formula.![]()
looney, I had a grudging respect for you when you were clearly just trolling and taking the piss. I got it. I still get it.This is what I call your classic malice driven forumla post. Insult, projection, projection, insult projection. Referencing a profile tag for the dozenth time that you seem to think adds gravitas, it doesn't.
Oh this is a good one, An example free explanation of why you cant debate with me and yet thats exactly what you are pretending to with the exchange of posts, except yours contain nothing, well apart from that comment which is the ultimate in irony.
Ah another formularic combination of 2 tropes, the "I know what you are but what am I?" comeback prefered by 5 year olds and an appeal to the gallery, sad thing is when ever there is a poll it doesn't go your way(Look up, catergories of Trump/Muslims).
Really? I would call it exposing the vapid and empty posting of a malice driven "troll" for want of a better term. Pseudo-intellectuall? lol Again no examples or why just empty hot air blowing across the forum, you are not smart enough to be a troll, I would say you even lack the talent to be a SJW. More a cliche that makes noise in the direction of his political prejudices, assuming you are a reall person and not some kind of noise bot to up the advertising clicks.
Oh and thanks for the compliment. "arrogant", the difference between arrogance and confidence is experience and as you like to point out I like to immerse myself in Trolldom. I understand in your growing anger and desperation you are finding it difficult to tell the difference so you default to your throw words formula.[emoji106]
The Japanese department store whose first ever festive centrepiece was, famously, Father Christmas nailed to the cross.
Ha ha ha ha, I will use one of your 'throw words' for this........ projection. if you had a modicum of self awareness you would be dangerous. Or is this part of the wider trolling genius of the 'trollmeister'?
I hope you are getting what you need out of the conversation because i know i am![]()
looney, I had a grudging respect for you when you were clearly just trolling and taking the piss. I got it. I still get it.
Maybe you've had too much to drink or something but you're just embarrassing yourself now. Intellectual debate ain't your thing mate. You're just talking utter bollocks.
Theres no projection, Im not trying to do anything other than break down your behavior with analysis, something you are incapable of as it appears. Yes yes, you keep throwing the troll label about and pretending you know what it means, like your faux laughter, you lack one orignal detail in all your posts.![]()
Yes the detail free back handed insult, Like thats never been tried before, all youur verbage can be taken down with one word, watch......
"You're just talking utter bollocks."
Why as in reasons.![]()
"Why?" Well that's surely a question for you as it is you who is making a fool of himself spouting said bollocks.
As usual most of the crap you write is just white noise pulled from arguing with teenagers on 4chan and the lower depths of Reddit.
Busted flush darling. ��
As LlcoolJ suggested, I would stick to poor quality trolling. The best you have in a limited skill set.
Have you considered signing up with a new user name and starting over? It seems obvious to all (except you) that your Looney persona has done its dash, been worked out and is currently in its death throes. It is almost sad watching the sad demise of a once adequate troll.
Busted? Riiiiiiight, so you accuse me of posting BS, when challenged your response is the I should defend that allegation. Hmmmmm, you haven't thought this debating thing through properly have you?
LlcoolJ is one of the usual suspects who no doubt saw your posting shtick ripped in the same way as his could be, and has been.
Dont hide behind him, dont even think you can get ne to "change my name" no doubt thats your next move after all the others, pretend blocking, snitching on posts etc failed.
Yes "laugh" "sad", all emotions you are trying to use against a technical argument, it also reflects what drives you, twisted emotions.