24hr queue now, down slightly fom 25hr. Bonkers.
Still trying to get on the honors list then?![]()
BBC reporting 14 hour wait and they have now had to "pause the queue" and that nobody is being allowed to join it for 6 hours.
There's no way that I could or would queue for that long for anything.
I did it yesterday. Joined the back of the queue at 05:30, entered the hall at 16:45. I have got to say that I found it quite a moving experience. The queue itself sounds daunting but it was a lovely atmosphere, you spoke to lots of people you would normally just have passed on the street, it went through some of the nicer bits of London and for me the various injuries (like the back) stood up to it.
For me it was very worthwhile, I appreciate it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I am very glad I did it. Had the queue times been what they are now I would probably have had a lie in instead!
I'm a photographer and was in London yesterday photographing 'the Queue'. It's an an absolutely incredible sight, how many people are in it isn't known but it's four deep in many places, densely packed and stretches for six miles. People were incredibly good natured and happy despite many of them having been in the queue for up to 11 hours.
There were young people, old people, people with obvious disabilities and people of all ethnicities, to me it was Britain at its very best.
I've been in Westminster Hall quite a lot of times, and then into the committee rooms and corridors. I'm interested in how the queue arrives at the back of the hall - do you wind your way through the corridors of the HoP, or is there some sort of quick entrance? Fascinating place to be in.
Yes - if I were nearer London I would have gone to do that myself. Have you posted any online?
The word Queue seems a bit of a waste of 4 vowels
Got a prime spot outside Horse Guards and stood for 7 hours before the gun carriage went past on Wednesday. Swiftly went to the south bank to queue for just over 6 hours before the lying in state. Do not regret one single second in paying my respects to, who I consider, will go down in history as one of our greatest Monarchs. I'm not surprised at the woke generation majority on NSC who appear to be at odds with the patriotic majority of the country.
Got a prime spot outside Horse Guards and stood for 7 hours before the gun carriage went past on Wednesday. Swiftly went to the south bank to queue for just over 6 hours before the lying in state. Do not regret one single second in paying my respects to, who I consider, will go down in history as one of our greatest Monarchs. I'm not surprised at the woke generation majority on NSC who appear to be at odds with the patriotic majority of the country.
I assume in this instance (as in all other instances) woke means anyone who has a different opinion to yours?
What age range do you consider to be the Woke Generation?
I do not consider it to be a specific age group, but an attitude held in these times by a noisy minority.
I do not consider it to be a specific age group, but an attitude held in these times by a noisy minority.
But you think the Woke Boogiemen are a majority on NSC? The forum which, in a recent poll, voted in favour of keeping the monarchy and 25% say they have seen or would like to look at a royal coffin?
Other than expressing a distaste for anachronistic institutions which represent all that is wrong with British society, what else do these woke folks get up to? I'd like to subscribe to their newsletter.