You are both right and wrong IMO. Right because their money is small compared to others but wrong to discount their importance in maintaining a system which is unfair as they are the figurehead for it. People talk about levelling up and a meritocracy but how can that happen when our head of state is made head because of who he is not what he is.
I don't think you need to be a card carrying socialist to realise that the system is grossly unfair and needs to change and some redistribution of that wealth held by the top 1% will greatly reduce the need for food banks.
Well lots of people would vehemently disagree with your last sentence or they haven’t the slightest interest. I don’t, it’s immoral and the gap’s getting wider.

We’ll have to agree to disagree on the UK royals. Sweep them away (metaphorically) and turn the palaces into English Heritage venues, and nothing will change for the new-monied Brit, Russian, Swiss. German, Yank or Frenchman squirrelling away increasing wealth. The Windsor’s really aren’t the fulcrum on which the UK and West’s super rich depend. They’re virtually an irrelevance in 2022. Imho.
I’ve said on this or other threads about the injustice of Oxbridge/Durham and how that could be dealt with one move. The entrance system is a biased farce. Posh TV celebs are just one example, the likes of Monty Don and Rick Stein (plus of course dim Prince Edward) got into Oxbridge despite shite A Level grades. I know people with an array of A*’s who failed to, even when they went to lesser private schools. Important because those degrees and connections open up avenues.